More or less said what you would expect. Says alot of stuff that pisses you off even more.. evidently he was one of the few people that talked to Edge while he was out, and he and Amy would go visit him, see how he was doing, etc. Evidently the locker room is treating them pretty poorly right now and alot of guys think it sucks. Helmes and Y2J ahve come out and said the WWE shouldnt have fired him (Y2J also said he may not resign with the WWE because of travel.. he didnt say anything, but if he is tired of travel TNA could be a perfect fit) He claims Edge was involved in the bloddy mary being poured on the Diva thing. Dont know how much to believe...
he was going to return as a Punisher style charachter that was a good guy, but went to far in handing out justice or something... says he was going to be withdrawn and angry at the world because he lost Lita to Kane. I have a feeling this angle will work even better now :lol
Says he is likely to go to TNA.. he pimped the hell out of Heyman, and sorta hinted around Heyman heading to TNA as the lead writer.. and with the rumors that Dusty Rhodes may be gone as the head booker soon, that could happen... and I would 100% for sure start watching TNA more... Matt says he has gotten calls and offers from a ton of people, TNA, ROH, Japan, Europe.. he says he thinks wrestling needs to move to a more realistic ROH style in general.. says the attitude era is played out and the fans are ready for something new.
He doesnt want to do an extended Hardy Boyz reuinion, but thinks a breif one would be a huge draw.. would like to feud with his brother and Styles.
He also made a comment that makes it sound like he may be suing the WWE for wrongfull termination... but also says he would go back to the WWE if they asked him to.
he was going to return as a Punisher style charachter that was a good guy, but went to far in handing out justice or something... says he was going to be withdrawn and angry at the world because he lost Lita to Kane. I have a feeling this angle will work even better now :lol
Says he is likely to go to TNA.. he pimped the hell out of Heyman, and sorta hinted around Heyman heading to TNA as the lead writer.. and with the rumors that Dusty Rhodes may be gone as the head booker soon, that could happen... and I would 100% for sure start watching TNA more... Matt says he has gotten calls and offers from a ton of people, TNA, ROH, Japan, Europe.. he says he thinks wrestling needs to move to a more realistic ROH style in general.. says the attitude era is played out and the fans are ready for something new.
He doesnt want to do an extended Hardy Boyz reuinion, but thinks a breif one would be a huge draw.. would like to feud with his brother and Styles.
He also made a comment that makes it sound like he may be suing the WWE for wrongfull termination... but also says he would go back to the WWE if they asked him to.