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Mawaru Made in Wario menu translation?


Does anyone know if a translation of the Mawaru Made in Wario menu exists? Sure, i dont _need_ it, but i'd like to know what's what.
In particular, looking for the mode that allows me to play only single levels (as in, i want to play so i get different games as opposed to the same game over and over, without having use story mode).


Top level is:
Zukan (collection)

You want the far left option for what you're doing.
The only other thing you might want translating is Option menu, but I can't remember that off the top of my head. Just don't go in there and you should be safe (there is a button that will clear your save data).


Yeah top level is the first menu.
The cursor default is "Story" mode and there will be one option to the left (Collection) and two to the right (Gatchapon and Options).


I really don't want to be cynical, but have you played it? There are only 4 menus on the top level, and just going in would show you - the left one has the characters then all the sub games below. The second one has the characters then goes into the story (which if you've played you'd know anyway)

Having said that, it took me 15 minutes to work out what the hell to do with that egg game. I was spinning the GBA trying to get the fucker to hatch for ages :D Got it in the end. Stupid as a standalone game, but very hard in the middle of a normal game

I've gotten to the end of the story mode, but how do I unlock the final ???s? Do I need to get all the subgames in each main story mode (which I'm doing anyway), or high scores in the separate events?

I've unlocked the gorilla and the robot guy, but there are still two ?s left in the main game mode.


yep, played for a little. This was actually a request for my friend whom i also bought a copy for. He was asking me over msn and i thought i may as well ask here while i'm at work :D
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