May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?


I'm starting to suspect that Batsie doesn't like Seff too much.

I don't know what it is, but I am thinking the same... ��

I'm going to bitch slap you this afternoon.

I need Alberto to come back so I can hear that theme again ��

So damn violent man

Which is kind of the fucking problem, no? This entire PPV could have stood on its own independent of anything going on in RAW.

I see the small PPV's as just long ass episodes of SD and Raw, so I am fine with that. But Raw needs to step up.

should I even bother reading the recap from last night?

Did you watch it?

The whole match.

Nah, Roman was better at selling and that says it all.
I get jealous 😔

At least my wife likes my stomach. I don't 😢😢
Surprised that people were down on the finish of the Cruiserweight match, I thought it was a good way to keep both guys looking good without a decisive finish. Aries had Neville beat, but Neville does heel shit to keep his belt, simple but effective.
I don't know what it is, but I am thinking the same... ��

So damn violent man

I see the small PPV's as just long ass episodes of SD and Raw, so I am fine with that. But Raw needs to step up.

Did you watch it?

Nah, Roman was better at selling and that says it all.



Yo ass is gonna be grass if you keep fucking around.


I have 'I don't care about you' heat with Seth. Seeing him just feels like a chore now. His matches aren't very good, his promos aren't very good, when he's on screen I just don't care. Do I hate him? No. But I'm not invested in him at all.

I really like him and still I'm having a hard time caring right now. The injuries and change in his style exposed how rough his selling and storytelling abilities are.
Surprised that people were down on the finish of the Cruiserweight match, I thought it was a good way to keep both guys looking good without a decisive finish. Aries had Neville beat, but Neville does heel shit to keep his belt, simple but effective.
I disliked it because I wanted the feud between them to end but this gives it an excuse to keep going.

I really like him and still I'm having a hard time caring right now. The injuries and change in his style exposed how rough his selling and storytelling abilities are.
His injury really seems to have cut off a lot of his old style. I was surprised to see him bust the Phoenix Splash out at Wrestlemania though.


Surprised that people were down on the finish of the Cruiserweight match, I thought it was a good way to keep both guys looking good without a decisive finish. Aries had Neville beat, but Neville does heel shit to keep his belt, simple but effective.
WWE has condition people to hate DQ finishes.


That's the issue 😔

You treat me like I'm your damn child and not your equal.

Why you don't want me man 😢.

Well you are as tall as my oldest kid....

You should join GWF man, it's jokes. The shit that goes on because of the shit AI.
I am done with Bray Wyatt. He's had his chances and he routinely disappoints. I don't know what the hell that was last night - absolutely awful. I'm one of the more positive people in this thread, but I'm done with Bray Wyatt.

I thought the PPV was really solid besides that bullshit. Not a bad match on the rest of the card. Samoa Joe and Rollins fell flat, but it was pretty much what I expected. I've never been a fan of what Joe has done in this company, and Rollins is an unnatural face. Unfortunately we won't be done with this. Everything else pretty much was better than my expectations. Specifically, I thought that was Alexa's best match, possibly ever. The Hardyz and Sheamus & Cesaro was terrific, as was Y2J and KO.

Not sure what the general reaction was last night, but those were my takeaways at least.


This OT title, Blue you were doing so well...

Guess I'm gonna watch Payback this morning. First WWE thing I'll watch in over 2 weeks.
Well you are as tall as my oldest kid....

You should join GWF man, it's jokes. The shit that goes on because of the shit AI.
You fucking son of a bitch.

Aren't you 22? How do you have kids!



If we set aside delightful Paul Bearer, Glacier vs. Mortis was a better cheeseball feud than Kane vs. The Undertaker.


Mortis should've ended The Streak.


Just kinda started Payback, Walls of Jericho used to be better when he put his knee on the back of the head of the dude.


That blood capsule shit by Roman was so bad. I still like how wwe are trying to make people feel sorry for him, but people just thank Braun. 😂


I am done with Bray Wyatt. He's had his chances and he routinely disappoints. I don't know what the hell that was last night - absolutely awful. I'm one of the more positive people in this thread, but I'm done with Bray Wyatt.

I liked the House of Horrors pre-taped stuff. It was new and different, and I liked the creepy atmosphere.

But Bray as a character is just boring. He doesn't win many matches, his writing isn't engaging for me, and I just find him to be a dull character. I zone out whenever they do the taped vignettes of him talking on the titantron. It's boring because he's just not threatening at all. This goes back to him losing most matches. If he was undefeated, and was a clear threat, then it would make sense. But, that ship has sailed. He had a forgettable championship run, and needed Jinder to help him beat Orton.
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