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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.

How many times are they going to play this fucking Big Show clip? My count is at 4 or 5 right now and the show hasn't even been on a fucking hour!
I can't believe this "Big Show making fun of Big Johnny's voice" has gotten ten times the build-up as the Punk/Bryan WWE championship match at a PPV


formerly cjelly
This whole thing is so fucking stupid.

Fuck apologies. Just fucking awful. Literally banging my head against a wall here. Do WWE think their audience consists of dumbasses?


This whole thing is so fucking stupid.

Fuck apologies. Just fucking awful. Literally banging my head against a wall here. Do WWE think their audience consists of dumbasses?

Those comments are amazing.


Chris Nichols
Honestly I believe Triple H's arm is broken but to see everyone on here bash Brock Lesnar for it is absurd. I believe this was a stunt gone wrong. He used the lock on John Cena the night before without breaking it so I believe Triple H's arm was just tweaked the wrong way which caused it to break.
19 Minutes Ago


Sarah Holesworth
Brock Lesnar had no intire rights to use that kind of move on the COO that is very dangerous.Brock Lesnar needs to be fired.I hope he has he butt sued as well and as far as John Laurenitis goes his butt needs to be fired as well cause i can't stand him.
1 Hour Ago

First off Brock Lesnar does not need to be in the WWE! and if you are going to put Brock Lesnar in the WWE Taker should get a match because that would be a REAL good match
2 Hours Ago


Carl Cole
Brock better watch his back Cus u never mes with a king especially the king of kings
8 Hours Ago


Charles Gray Jr
Oh come nothing going happen to him ,come on you fine one mployee 500,000 for hitting a refree and then noting is done to someone that break the arm of one employee.then again when it all being sone for show to to entertain people nothing is going be done.
8 Hours Ago


Mary Martell
OUCH! That looks really painful, and I think Triple H will be out for more than a month, roughly 3 months in my books.
Hurting more than one person real bad in the WWE should be an offence in the rule books. What Brock did to Triple H is just sad and unnecessary!Tina Herbin likes this.
17 Hours Ago


James M Serritt
they should fire Brock he is not a wrestler hes ufc fighter and for hurting triple h he should be fined and jailed and gm of raw and smack down needs fired hes very unprofessional and and too ignorant need teddy long on both shows hes the only one that knows how to do it
21 Hours Ago


Allen Littleton
i really think that Brock should be fire for breaking the coo triple H arm cause if they let get by with this it telling all the other wrestlers that they can what ever they want to do & when ever they want to & lose it & they can hurt anyone that they wanna hurt. So please o the right thing & fire him, Cause he is a very high risk to hurt any one at any time & not be able to come back to the WWE.Thank for your time , Allen littletonTina Herbin and Linda like this.
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