So Vince is going to copy the TNA model? What is the world coming to?
More like late era WCW. With the 3 hour Raw and this the transformation is almost complete.
So Vince is going to copy the TNA model? What is the world coming to?
Vince's fun is more important than your fun. look at the lawsuit TNA filed last week against World Wrestling Entertainment and Brian Wittenstein provides deeper insight into exactly what confidential materials TNA alleges that Wittenstein provided to WWE, why they are suing WWE as well as Wittenstein and why the company feels WWE tampered with Ric Flair's TNA deal.
In the 37 page lawsuit filing obtained by, TNA stated that Wittenstein signed a Severance Agreement with the company in August 2011 (which means that unlike what he claimed to PWInsider, Wittenstein was let go by TNA) where he agreed to a severance package in exchange for returning any company materials and not disclosing confidential TNA information. TNA included a copy of Wittenstein's Severance Agreement in the filing, blacking out only the amount he was paid by the company as severance.
In violation of the Severance Agreement, Wittenstein then allegedly "downloaded and took TNA's confidential, trade secret and proprietary information after leaving his employment with TNA." The lawsuit noted that Wittenstein, in his position as Talent Relations Coordinator, had access to TNA's computer network and proprietary information.
TNA's lawsuit admitted that the company TNA is "uncertain of the full breadth of Wittenstein's "theft and at minimum, the company believes he took documents including "copies of TNA's policies and procedures, a spreadsheet contained personal and confidential information regarding TNA's wrestling talent and staff, a spreadsheet containing the terms of TNA's contracts "with its prospective, present and past wrestling talent", a spreadsheet containing "confidential information regarding activity, payment and royalty reports" for TNA talents, a draft contract between TNA and one of its wrestlers, an executed contract between TNA and one of its wrestlers and a draft promotional agreement between TNA and a licensee.
TNA noted that their Severance Agreement with Wittenstein allowed him to go work for WWE or any other competitor as long as he "complied with his obligations" not to use TNA's material or information.
Instead, Wittenstein sent a memorandum to WWE "summarizing TNA's contracts with its wrestling talent." TNA's filing included an excerpt of Wittenstein's email, where he wrote, "Attached, please find a contract status and terms chart for the TNA Wrestling roster. I combined a bunch of different documents I had from there to put it all in one concise spreadsheet that should capture all the relevant information you would be interested in. Here are a few notes for you regarding the TNA deals."
So, TNA is alleging that every piece of important material relating to their roster's contracts were handed over to their primary competitor, which explains the Unfair Competition aspect of their lawsuit. They believe WWE knows all of their contractual details when it comes to talent and can make moves to out-maneuver TNA when necessary with that information.
Wittenstein's supervisor (possibly Michael Hayes, as he was working as Hayes' assistant, according to PWInsider sources) turned the material over to WWE's legal department. Wittenstein was terminated by WWE in April, having worked there for three months as a "Live Event Booking Assistant", according to his profile.
TNA was unaware of the issue until 5/7, when WWE's Vice President of Legal/Business Affairs Scott Amann contacted TNA's General Counsel Creede Williams, informing the company that Wittenstein had divulged TNA information to WWE without WWE's solicitation of the information and they had terminated Wittenstein for that breach. The filing noted that Amann forwarded a copy of TNA's information, which TNA has received in "both hard and electronic form".
TNA alleged in the suit that WWE was in possession of the material for three weeks before contacting them and that when questioned, Amann "did not explain the reason(s) for the delay". In their filing, TNA noted that they contacted Wittenstein, who admitted the disclosure of the information and "represented to TNA that he did so at the request of WWE." TNA believes that WWE "solicited and/or inducted" Wittenstein to provide them with TNA's confidential information and has "unclean hands" in the matter.
The lawsuit filing also claimed that TNA "has reason to believe" that WWE is using the information to "solicit or induce TNA's current wrestling talent to end their contractual relationships with TNA." TNA noted that on 5/9, Ric Flair, described as under exclusive contract to TNA, "attempted to terminate his contractual relationship with TNA" and "made statements" that led TNA to believe he was planning to join WWE. The company noted that Flair's timing to WWE's admission to TNA that they were in possession of TNA's confidential information is "highly suspect" and that Flair was in breach of his TNA deal by not showing for events, including the Sacrifice PPV.
In a later filing, TNA requested two hour depositions with Flair, John Laurinaitis and Paul Levesque (HHH) in regard to the case. The lawsuit makes no reference to Flair appearing at Wrestlemania and the WWE Hall of Fame earlier this year, so that appearance, which TNA signed off on after negotiating with WWE, is not in question in any way, shape or form at this time.
There are no other TNA talents specifically named as being allegedly tampered with by WWE. Obviously, there have been and will be again cases of talent signed to one company sending feelers out and even having secret meetings with other companies.
TNA put up a $30,000 bond to prevent WWE and Wittenstein from using, damaging or copying any confidential material they may have in their possession and the court has demanded all materials be returned prior to a 6/11 hearing on the case in Nashville. TNA filed the lawsuit in Nashville as Wittenstein worked in their corporate offices and agreed when he signed his severance agreement that any issues would be heard in court in TN. Since WWE does business in the State, TNA has stated they have filed the suit there and WWE would be under TN jurisdiction as well.
TNA is suing for interference with existing contracts, conversion, breach of contract, civil conspiracy, unfair competition, and violation of the Tennessee Uniform Trade Secrets Act. They are also suing Wittenstein for breach of duty of loyalty. TNA is seeking reimbursement of payments made to Wittenstein as part of their Severance Agreement as well as it's attorney fees and expenses in bring forth the lawsuit.
They are also seeking a court order to permanently enjoin WWE and Wittenstein from ever disclosing, using or maintaining TNA's confidential material. An injunction was issued demanding that WWE and Wittenstein each return whatever confidential material Wittenstein retained from his time working for TNA. They were specifically instructed not to "destroy" any of the material.
TNA is claiming a civil conspiracy in their lawsuit as WWE and Wittenstein "conspired and agreed" to share confidential, trade secret and proprietary information Wittenstein "wrongfully took" from TNA. They stated that WWE would use and "did use" that information "to solicit and induce TNA's wrestling talent to breach their contracts with TNA and enter into contracts with WWE."
TNA noted that due to Wittenstein and WWE's "misappropriation and/or threatened misappropriation of TNA's trade secrets, TNA will suffer damages, as well as immediate and irreparable harm. TNA has no adequate remedy at law." The lawsuit noted that "money damages cannot adequately compensate TNA, even if Defendants could respond by paying money damage."
The filing noted that TNA was "damaged in an amount in excess of the court's minimal jurisdictional limits" and that the conduct of WWE and Wittenstein "entitles TNA to an award of exemplary damages in an amount in excess of this Court's minimal jurisdictional limit."
Neither WWE nor Wittenstein have officially responded to the court as of this writing.
- The latest reports are stating that WWE is focusing on TV ratings, and the change in direction is coming from Vince McMahon. WWE's primary goal is the various television projects they have going, and not building PPV buys. The plan is said to be to use their PPV events to bring in more consistent viewers to the weekly television programs.
- The latest reports are stating that WWE is focusing on TV ratings, and the change in direction is coming from Vince McMahon. WWE's primary goal is the various television projects they have going, and not building PPV buys. The plan is said to be to use their PPV events to bring in more consistent viewers to the weekly television programs.
We'll finally see who was behind GTV!I'm actually interested to see what kind of attitude era story lines they put in the game.
Hey, I didn't knowG-FexKOG was a German girl...
Dixie Carter is going to be on Impact tomorrow to introduce Brooke Hogan and make a big announcement.
More like late era WCW. With the 3 hour Raw and this the transformation is almost complete.
Samoa Joe hasn't worked stiff in years.
Who are these people buying the PPV, but not watching the show (besides WM)?
You know what would increase Raw's ratings? Do another old school Raw.
Watching DDT4 right now. Watching it with commentary creates a seemingly different event. Mostly because the Excalibur/Steen commentary team is hilarious. After rewatching the Fightin Taylor Boys vs RockNES monsters, I'm officially jumping off the Willie Mack for PWG champion train and joining the Brian Cage-Taylor for PWG champ train
Yeah, Brian Cage-Taylor was insane in that opener - loved it when Goodtime had Yuma on his shoulders, and Brian just German suplexed Goodtime, simultaneously causing Yuma to eat a Samoan drop. Best match of the first round was Two Husky Black Guys vs Strong/Callihan for me, and the world title match was short and sweet. About to watch the main event now, but it's been a great show so far. President Dixie Carter is currently on a media conference call to discuss the live Impact broadcasts this summer. Here are highlights of the call. Elite subscribers can listen to the entire call shortly.
*Currently, they have 12 weeks where they are Live. They hope to expand that at least one week since that week comes in between PPVs, but they are excited with the opportunity and really excited to build on it.
*Carter loves the more reality-based elements they are implementing on the show, feeling it freshens up the product and the characters.
*Brooke Hogan will not be wrestling and is there to help get some attention on the product. Carter was surprised at how much Hogan knew about the business as she literally grew up around some of the biggest names in the industry.
*Carter is very proud of the ten year anniversary and noted that there are some who covered the company from the start who didn't expect it to last ten months. She said it was hard and they've made mistakes but they are proud to be here.
*Carter doesn't believe they need to do 12 PPVs a year and they are currently negotiating contracts on the PPV end.
*At one point last November, there was talk of taking Impact to three hours but she wanted quality over quantity.
*Carter said that wrestling matters to them and it's not a dirty word. They are excited to show the real elements that go into the business for the fans.
*Carter said that the Monday night experiment showed the strength of the WWE's business and what they have built over the last few decades. She respects that and wants to build something greater for TNA.
*There is a possibility of live "specials" in 2013 on SpikeTV.
*In regard to content on the Impact broadcasts with the earlier timeslot, Carter said they take the racier elements seriously to present them in the right way. Carter said that too much blood, language and sexually offensive material means nothing. Everything has to have meaning. In their attempts to make it mean as much as possible, some of those elements will come out.
*In regard to fears of producing live TV, Carter said there will always be a mistake and that's the reality of live TV. Live TV gives the audience a desire to need to watch the show live in the face of DVRs. It also prevents spoilers from getting out, which means viewers read it and create their opinion based on what the person wrote and also what's going to be in what segment.
*The move to live TV is happening at "warp speed" as she didn't know they would be live on 5/31 as of the last TV Tapings.
*Carter said they won't stick to any one format and plan to mix it up week to week to get viewers to invest the complete two hours in the live broadcast.
*Dixie Carter will be at the Brooklyn, NY Basebrawl event and actually sent their head of live events a note yesterday that they needed to do a PPV in that stadium.
*Carter said the best thing that they do is provide a great live event experience to the fans.
*Carter was asked about new talents. She said that was one of the reasons they are pulling the curtain back for the Gutcheck and they've found a number of talents like Crimson, Rosita and Jesse Sorensen that way. The Alex Silva decision was legitimately reversed on the fly live and it's an exciting new element on the show and to be put into the system.
*They don't expect any major ratings changes at first. The new timeslot being live will help them get the audience to the new timeslot quicker and establish that. They want to use the interactive element on the show as they've never had that ability to do before on their TV series. Carter said that tomorrow is a big night but it will only get better in the weeks to come.
*They want to let the talents cut loose and not be restricted to shorter two and three minutes segments. Last week, fans got to see a taste of what Hulk Hogan does behind the scenes. Carter gets defensive at the criticism that Hogan takes time from the guys and is just there for the check when he's working with talent and trying to make the show better. Carter said he works for her and she feels honored he is doing so much in those meetings and now everyone will get to see that for themselves on the TV series. Carter said it's going to be a big part of the legacy Hogan leaves in the business for himself and others. She noted that the 15 segment that opened Impact last week was completely unscripted and that allowed them to show their characters on a different level.
*They have not had a conversation about what needs to be done to be financially successful going live every week. They want to have consistency and quality week to week. The criticism that they do too much is something she takes to heart. They have to slow down and now have a six month story arc and bible so they can unfold their stories over time. The timeslot change and the summer season means it will take time for the audience to find them but they will hit their mark over time.
*Carter said Alex Shelley is a great talent and the door is open for him to return.
*On Ric Flair: "I cannot comment at this time."
*Tomorrow on TV, Dixie will introduce Brooke Hogan and will also have another announcement. She said they will have to tune in.
*Carter said they will be doing an Australia tour and it's going to happen. If it was up to her, it would happen sooner than later and they are working and researching dates and venues.
*Carter said that their follow-ups weren't always great in the past, noting the Samoa Joe kidnapping and the Jackie Gayda blackmail tapes. She noted that some would say it was just wrestling and it didn't matter but they needed their attention to detail to be better. Carter said a big goal is to be consistent and have a long story arc and a story bible that will hold them accountable. She said if something has slipped through the cracks lately, it's the exception and not the rule.
*Carter said they are going to present their product in a unique way and a unique journey. She said once they evolve into the next phase of what Impact is all about, they will face their next challenge. This is an evolution and they will evolve over time. Carter was excited to see where this was going to take them.
*The goal is to bring Impact to Australia, not Ring Ka King or something else. If someone within her own company beats her to the punch, she won't be a happy camper.
*In regard to changes in direction, Carter was asked if anyone one person changed her mind. Carter said it's more about how people follow and watch television anymore. They have great characters but needed to have a more unique presentation and let them cut loose. She hopes to attract new viewers and hopes that happens.
*Concussions were brought up. Carter said there's been an effort and decision on the company's part to get away from more dangerous aspects. She gets offended when the fake word is used in pro wrestling and knows the dangers of what happens in the ring. Jesse Sorensen is lucky to be alive and they have to make everything as safe as possible and that's just the right thing to do.
*Carter was asked about their German events being canceled. Carter said they had an issue with their local promoter and while they don't like to cancel shows, it was right the move to make. They need to spend more time and effort to grow the market and the fan base there.
*In regard to marketing, most series promote the debut and the finale. They have 52 weeks of shows to promote and that spreads them thin, so they sometimes rely on celebrity tie-ins to expose themselves to a new audience. They pick and choose the opportunities and try to grow their audience outside of just pro wrestling.
*Carter was asked about a UK spinoff using UK talents similar to Ring Ka King. Carter said, "we are working on something as we speak and we hope to announce something soon. Stay tuned."
*Carter wanted to do TV from London as opposed to a PPV because more people would see it. Carter said she wanted to expose their broader audience worldwide for all to see.
*If they change their taping schedule and go live, they could conceivably tape in Manchester as well as London but right now, that's not in the plans. If they change the taping schedule as they go forward, that could be a possibility still.
*The most perfect world would be on the road every week live but she can't pull the trigger on that until it makes sense. She said that Universal allows them to have different fans every week and going live will allow a different significance and feel to the building.
*Dixie Carter approached SpikeTV about going live every week for the summer.
*As a private company, you don't release earnings and breakdowns and the PPV buyrates won't be released. She said their buys trickle in over the year and there is a lot of false information out there. You can't counter every piece of false information out there, you just move on and ignore it.
*The X-Division remains important to them but they have had some injuries that has changed their storyline plans. You can't just put anyone in there because if they can't perform at that level, it's glaringly apparent. They are looking for new talent and it's a top priority.
*The European tour is very special to Carter and the company. The UK was the first country to truly give TNA their stamp of approval in terms of wanting TNA to be the top company in the industry. She said they just love the company and everyone in TNA is grateful for that. She said the European tour is a great experience, naming the Liverpool and Manchester venues as some of her favorite.
*Carter said the interactive aspect of the company with meet and greets and personally thanking fans like she likes to do is a critical part of the company.
*They want to continue to have Fan parties and interactive events in the UK between tours to keep the UK fans invested. She'd like to do a second tour a year in different markets.
*The Gutcheck deliberation that will air tomorrow was taped. There's been talked about having a female Gutcheck contestant soon.
*Carter was asked about advice for someone wanting to break into the company. Carter said you have to be passionate about what you do and try harder than the next person. She said that if you work hard and you are passionate about what you do, you can make it happen. She said there are so many times where the company should have failed to exist but you can't take no for an answer and if you don't, you will succeed.
*In regard to negative feedback to Brooke Hogan, Carter said that she hasn't been given a chance yet. They could have brought in someone from outside of the business but chose to bring her in. There's a reason she's a celebrity in her own right and will surprise everyone.
*The wrestlers prefer the four side ring and as MMA gets more popular, there's some confusion between the two. They may use the six sided ring for special events down the line like they did for the Destination X PPV.
*Vince Russo was a great creative writer but sometimes its time for change in someone's life. His strengths were his writing. She said they are trying to do things differently and improving upon them. She said he's a truly nice man and she wishes him the best. She said the product change isn't Russo related but looking at things with a fresh pair of eyes and trying to evolve the product around how a viewer might watch pro wrestling. They were doing that when Vince was here and now they are making the changes. They won't be making the changes overnight but will be making them.
*Carter said they aren't currently on TV in Spain but there's been talk of touring there any way since there is such a huge fan base there.
*Carter said those who have been with the company from day one have a different perception on the fight to survive. She noted Kurt Angle, Sting and Hulk Hogan joining the company being big deals and said what Hogan is doing for the company is great for her and the company.
*Carter was asked about running live events in Israel and said it would be something special and amazing for their wrestlers and they hope it can happen down the line.
*They could have overruns on the live broadcasts but Spike has a live show at 11 PM so she doesn't see it going long.
*Carter said that the audio levels of the crowd on PPVs hasn't been up to par and she's hoping the live broadcasts in the Impact Zone will do more to capture that live experience.
*Carter said that she doesn't know what the perfect number of PPVs should be. 6-8 is a possibility.
*Don West leaving is a "heart-breaker" and he is a hard one to replace but they have what she called a "hit by a bus strategy" and Jimmy Jay has been trained to replace him, although West leaving will be a big loss.
*Carter said their biggest problem is having so many talents who deserve to be on TV every week and they have to slow things down and be conscientious to the fact that forcing everyone on the show means no one gets over. They have to build the stories.
*They are focusing on the digital media aspect of the company as they need to streamline that and get it ready for the future as technology evolves and moves forward. She said there are a lot of people who work crazy hours for the company and Bill Banks will have great success overseeing it.
*There haven't been any talks with Spike TV as to decide when and whether to expand the live broadcasts past 12 weeks. She is just concerned about making every Thursday this summer special.
*In regard to writers criticizing the company, she said there are some who are spiteful but most are passionate about the business and want to see TNA be the best it can be. She said there have been times they gave the writers a reason to knock them but they are just trying to do the best they can.
*Carter was asked about Bully Ray's work and asked who the next big star was. Carter said that isn't a next big one but you would see work in Bobby Roode and James Storm and praised Storm's fire and passion. She said Ray is a classic example of people reinventing themselves.
*Carter said the next step in their company is to open additional offices similar to the way WWE has them. This would help them have a presence in markets like LA and NYC. Carter said that if you understood how much they accomplish with such a small crew, you'd be shocked.
*When they announce the location for Bound for Glory, it will excite people.
*There are no updates on Ring Ka King or All Wheels Wrestling but they hope to make an announcement regarding Ring Ka King and India soon.
Oh boy...
Obviously Photoshopped. Can tell just by looking at the design. If that's not enough, Punk has no beard. He's had one since at least March.
Song does not match the video. At all.
Good job WWE:
Raw did a 2.7 rating.
You must really hate wrestling to enjoy it losing viewers so much.
Song does not match the video. At all.
Good job WWE:
They really shouldn't have made that CM Punk Shirt yet unless they are planning to make this AJ Punk thing long term
Why do that when they can make a NEW shirt based on the NEW storyline that will happen in like 3 weeks?Her old video was much better. The theme is just the same though.
They really shouldn't have made that CM Punk Shirt yet unless they are planning to make this AJ Punk thing long term
You must really hate wrestling to enjoy it losing viewers so much.
Make an AJ shirt, I'd buy it even if it was pink plaid. Gimme!