That mouth opening looks really wide.
How come Shawn doesn't train wrestlers anymore?
Because he didn't have the heart to take money from horrible workers and act like they would ever get anywhere in the business.
Or something like that.
Plus the drugs.
Because he didn't have the heart to take money from horrible workers and act like they would ever get anywhere in the business.
Or something like that.
Plus the drugs.
The Texas Wrestling Academy (formerly known as The Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy) is a professional wrestling training school that was operated by Shawn Michaels and Rudy Boy Gonzalez (who is the sole operator of the school now). The school has produced many well-known wrestlers such as Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Bryan Danielson, Lance Cade, Shawn Hernandez, Matt Bentley and Milano Collection A.T.
As of today, I am planning to post several tweets regarding my thoughts and feelings toward Lord Tensai. First of all, I have a strong reason why I must defeat Lord Tensai. As in my Japanese lesson, "tensai" means natural disaster.
As everyone knows, Japan experienced a major earthquake and tsunami on March 11th of last year. More than 15,000 people lost their lives, over 5,000 people are still missing, and more than 5,000 people were injured. In addition, over 130,000 people lost their homes. Sadly, the recovery has been very slow. Many people are still living in temporary housing, without jobs. Moreover,the Japanese people haven't been able to recover from the grief of losing family members,including children who lost their parents.
Out of respect, I strongly urge Lord Tensai to change his name. As Japanese superstar of WWE, I cannot tolerate him using this name during Japanese appearance. Even though he is tremendously big and very strong, I will defeat him someday. Japan was defeated by natural disasters "TENSAI". And I, Yoshi Tatsu is the one who defeats that "TENSAI". When I beat him, I will make him change his name. This is #YoshiRevolution Episode 1.
I dont watch MMA. I have, but usually with other interested people. I do remember watching UFC 1!Hello sports entertainment friends, I'd like to poll members of Wrassle-GAF to see what percentage of fans are also fans of Ultimate Fighting, pro wrestling's second cousin.
If I had to speak for the Ultimate Fighting community on GAF, it appears that a majority of our members are former pro wrestling fans that have branched out to other forms of sports entertainment.
here are some informative posts if you would like to learn more about Ultimate Fighting.
I encourage some of the disillusioned fans of sports entertainment to join the most insular sports entertainment community on GAF.
We've got squash matches, bad booking, an egomaniac president/company spokesman, some good mic work, and our pay-per-views are on Saturday.
Nah, he's too busy getting paid to hunt and shill for MRA.
I'd say he produced some nice talent.
Yoshi Tatsu posted all this on his Twitter last night, and then deleted it sometime today:
I'd say he produced some nice talent.
Yoshi Tatsu posted all this on his Twitter last night, and then deleted it sometime today:
Dixie Carter did an interview where she said she would have never denied Ric Flair going into the WWE Hall of Fame a second time, and that they did get something in exchange that would become evident, and then said she had said too much. Based on what we were told, TNA was asking for Flair to be mentioned as being with TNA or as appearing through TNA, both of which were turned down via call by Vince.
The other thing they asked for was for a WWE performer to come in for one day and be a talking head for interviews that would air on TNA home video releases. The last we had heard of the story was the wrestler requested was Christian, who didn’t want to do it. HHH, who was involved in making the deal since he was the impetus in the Horseman going in and knew if Flair wasn’t there it would be empty, pretty much made it clear that he was not going to screw up the deal. Now all that may have changed because that was where things stood before the deal was made and were the two points being haggled.
See, this is something they should have put on TV, because now I'm actually interested in a Tatsu/Tensai feud. It may or may not be awful, but my interest is piqued.
See, this is something they should have put on TV, because now I'm actually interested in a Tatsu/Tensai feud. It may or may not be awful, but my interest is piqued.
See, this is something they should have put on TV, because now I'm actually interested in a Tatsu/Tensai feud. It may or may not be awful, but my interest is piqued.
How do you not bold Milano Collection AT?
Good job TNA!
also awesome from this week's Observer:
Daniel Bryan vs. Jerry Lawler lost 198,000 viewers.
"What's more important is what's running down his chin.
This is running down his chin
Steiner is doing his thing again on Twitter. For someone who just throws random commas between words, his points always seem incredibly on the mark.
Good job TNA!
I'm going to buy one for my dog.
Saw that earlier and lol'd.
For the record I totally agree with CM Punk.
Some places are okay. The Trop doesn't actually have a Veggie Burger or even a Veggie Dog but they have some okay options but it's certainly not on the same level as like the Amway Center which is the most vegetarian friendly venue I've ever eaten at. I would say most MLB parks I've been at are infinitely better than NFL stadiums but not quite up to snuff with basketball arenas which tend to have menu options which are more diverse given the fact that basketball arenas generally aren't just sports venues.
He probably ordered one, and is now just sitting in front of his door, waiting for the mask to be delivered, so he can post his own video of YouTube of himself wearing the mask while Kane's theme plays.Have we heard SoulPlaya's opinion on Kane masks finally being available? It's unveiling here had the pop equivalent of Road Dogg showing up at the Slammy's.
Sorry, had a lot of studying to do today. It's nice, but it's based on the mask he returned with. Since then, they've updated it, and made the nose portion a bit smaller, and the top part more "human flesh" looking. It looks a hell of a lot better, and I wish that was what they were basing it off. This is the new version, and it looks a lot better.Have we heard SoulPlaya's opinion on Kane masks finally being available? It's unveiling here had the pop equivalent of Road Dogg showing up at the Slammy's.
I told yall Kane was a draw! I told ya!Looks like both SoulPlaya and dream were right with our respective crusades.
EDIT: BTW, this guy is back!
And it's not me, damn it! lol
EDIT: BTW, this guy is back!
And it's not me, damn it! lol
Huge spoiler from New Japan's PPV which is going on right now;
Low Ki defeated Prince Devitt with the Ki Krusher '99 to become the new IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion!
Oh snap!
How soon am I gonna be able to see this?
Nice. As much as I likeHuge spoiler from New Japan's PPV which is going on right now;
Low Ki defeated Prince Devitt with the Ki Krusher '99 to become the new IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion!
Nice. As much as I likeDevitt, the Junior Heavyweight title scene was starting to get a little stale as champion, as he's pretty much beaten everyone, so it'll be nice to see Low Ki get a run. I'm hoping Taguchi beats him for the title later on, and we can finally get an Apollo 55 showdown.