Imagine if Daniel Bryan wins the Raw title. They can feudhim with John Cena(feed him to)
I'm still waiting on Daniel Bryan vs John Cena after the initial Nexus angle where Bryan kicked Cena's head in and said "I'm better than you".
Imagine if Daniel Bryan wins the Raw title. They can feudhim with John Cena(feed him to)
I'm still waiting on Daniel Bryan vs John Cena after the initial Nexus angle where Bryan kicked Cena's head in and said "I'm better than you".
Has Vince given us any reason NOT to be negative?Always so negative!
Has Vince given us any reason NOT to be negative?
Nah I just meant enjoy the couple of gems you get every month and maybe not think about how it will inevitably be ruined within the next (few?) week(s)
I usually watch them recorded so I skip ahead of all the annoying stuff, maybe that's why I seem to enjoy it more. Also, AJ is getting pretty good at slapping people
I usually watch them recorded so I skip ahead of all the annoying stuff, maybe that's why I seem to enjoy it more. Also, AJ is getting pretty good at slapping people
This is one of the best things to do. Unfortunately for Raw, part of the excitement is in it being live. When I watched in without commercials and speeding through segments I don't care about the show flies by. Just taking out commercials saves you 40 minutes.
Whenever I feel like I'm done with WWE, there is always *SOMETHING* that keeps me around. Whether it's Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, Brock Lesnar or whatever.....there is always something that keeps me watching, no matter how bad it really gets.
but she's only on for like 10 seconds a week, if you're lucky.
I love everything about Sandow's gimmick.I just rewatched the Sandow segment. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE HOW HE WAS HOLDING THE MIC?
Sandow in my fave five forever.
I've always wondered, why do they keep Great Khali around? It looks like he can hardly walk anymore and then they give us matches like Big Show AND Khali? Maybe try to hide the fact khali can't move by putting in another guy that barely moves I guess
Cena has basically stunted the careers of everyone he worked with sans CM Punk and the Rock in the last few years.
Frankly, I'd be scared if I was offered to work with him in a program.
No one actually likes Ryback though right? He hasn't even done anything yet. Plus he doesn't even come out with two beautiful dancing ladies...
God dammit, now I find myself enjoying Rhydon's squash matches too. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Yeah I enjoy the nuggets of good stuff like Brock Lesnar, Ryback, Daniel Bryan, and Cena/Laurinitis.
I will never join the chorus of Ryback adoration.That's not all. I've seen a few random "I kinda like Ryback" posts here and there. People being impressed by his savage beatdown of teeny jobbers and such. This is going too far WrassleGAF.
I will never join the chorus of Ryback adoration.
I haven't enjoyed Sheffield since the interplay between him and Regal (as his mentor) on NXT amused me. And that was largely due to Regal.
Ryback is the past, the present, and the future of this business rolled into one glorious monster destined for the WWE Hall Of Fame. FEED ME MORE INDEED.
Speaking of Jarrett, I remembered I watched his 'shoot' on RAW so many years ago.
I understand why people are getting behind Ryback a bit. Fans have always had a softspot for fast paced monsters, Goldberg, Batista, etc. Ryberg has none of the charisma of those guys, but so many of the big guys Vince loves can't move quickly, so it's at least a nice change of pace. But Ryback is not the guy to get behind. At all.Feast your eyes on exhibits A and B:
That's not all. I've seen a few random "I kinda like Ryback now" posts here and there. People being impressed by his savage beatdown of teeny jobbers and such. This is going too far WrassleGAF.
Kaitlyn keeps me watching WWE(Smackdown).
Mickie James was so amazingly hot.
It would never in a million years happen, but I'd love if WWE released a Mickie James/Trish Stratus DVD with every segment they ever had together on it. It's quite possibly one of the best feuds of all time and damn well definitely the best women's feud of all time.
She is not fat, she is appropriately sized:
Good thing Mickie James got her back.
Now I miss Mickie
That's not all. I've seen a few random "I kinda like Ryback now" posts here and there. People being impressed by his savage beatdown of teeny jobbers and such. This is going too far WrassleGAF.
I like him in the sense that he is so ridiculously over-the-top that you can't help but laugh at the display. I guess it means I like him ironically? I'm in no way a fan of him like how Bobo might be, in which I think he's the future of the biz and all that.
Besides, I always lose my shit when he stares into the camera and screams "FEED ME" and all that other shit. He's like a bigger, buffer, more insane Santino, except the comedy is completely unintentional.
So he's like Kane?
I like him in the sense that he is so ridiculously over-the-top that you can't help but laugh at the display. I guess it means I like him ironically? I'm in no way a fan of him like how Bobo might be, in which I think he's the future of the biz and all that.
Besides, I always lose my shit when he stares into the camera and screams "FEED ME" and all that other shit. He's like a bigger, buffer, more insane Santino, except the comedy is completely unintentional.
Maybe Ryback will pull a Lesnar and end up being a great wrestler.
"FINISH HIM"Justify all you want, just know that as your love of Ryback grows, so will my ridicule of you and said love.
The day Ryback goes 15-20 minutes and keeps me entertained is the day I become a fan. Until then, he's just a meathead who stole RVD's singlet doing his best Goldburp impression. I was way more impressed with Lesnar's first few squashes.