wonder why I hardly watch anymore, it's like they're actively trying to piss me off
Can you somehow ban Michael Cole? Thank you
wonder why I hardly watch anymore, it's like they're actively trying to piss me off
He lost the buttcape and won against Kofi.
I, for one, did not see that coming.
Can you somehow ban Michael Cole? Thank you
You're . . . . . . . beautiful.
Man I'm sitting here yawning. This shit is putting me to sleep. What a rough Raw.
The crowd didn't react at all.
Sarah Holesworth
Brock Lesnar had no intire rights to use that kind of move on the COO that is very dangerous.Brock Lesnar needs to be fired.I hope he has he butt sued as well and as far as John Laurenitis goes his butt needs to be fired as well cause i can't stand him.
1 Hour Ago
Look at your people, Bobo, look at them!
Do you watch often at all?
Fatal Four Way at... wait, what was the name of the next ppv?
Heel turn my ass. Bring on the Funkasaurus and his Funky Friends.
Man I'm sitting here yawning. This shit is putting me to sleep. What a rough Raw.