Late to the party. Watching the repeat now, and it's Round...6, and Gatti is getting beat ugly...again. Gatti is supposed to be some gladiator who gets in there and brawls, but he can't do shit against Mayweather. I would have picked Pretty Boy before this fight, but I wouldn't have expected to see Gatti get thoroughly punked like this. Someone needs a new profession...or to stick to the undercard. :lol PEACE.
EDIT: Who can TKO Gatti without cutting him? Gatti got embarassed this fight. Glad I caught it on replay, it was worth it. Mayweather looked Roy Jones-esque out there. Gatti looked hopeless. Not sure why a known brawler would want to step into the ring with one of the best finesse boxers around. This was gonna be a loss one way or another. Gatti ain't a boxer. He's a brawler, a fighter, a gladiator...but he's not a boxer.