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McConnell Will Force Health Care Vote Next Week



Sources close to Mitch McConnell tell me the Majority Leader is dead serious about forcing a Senate vote on the Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill before the July 4 holiday.

Some senators want to delay the vote but McConnell views that as delaying the inevitable. There are no mysteries about what the toughest disagreements are over — Medicaid funding and insurance market regulations.

This week is crucial: the Senate won't vote without a CBO score, which means they need to finalize negotiations this week.

Behind-the-scenes: McConnell and Senate leaders have been at this for all of May and now first couple weeks of June, turning their weekly lunches into working sessions on various aspects of the healthcare legislation. They've whittled down the stack of items that people don't agree on. I've spoken to a number of people who know McConnell well who speculate that he'll force a vote regardless of whether he knows he has 50 votes. They say he's desperate to move on to tax reform and can't have healthcare hanging around like a bad smell through the summer.

Just a reminder that the senate goes on a recess on the 3rd. So if anything is happening, it's happening next week or it gets kicked back even further to the fall (which just means it's closer to 2018, closer to a midterm and absolutely no one will touch it next year). It's pretty much do or die time.

WSJ Confirming


WSJ said:
GOP aides and others familiar with the negotiations said they anticipate the bill’s text will be released later this week. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is expected to release its estimate of the bill’s impact on the federal budget and insurance coverage early next week, and a vote could potentially be held next Thursday, before lawmakers scatter for a one-week recess.


I've spoken to a number of people who know McConnell well who speculate that he'll force a vote regardless of whether he knows he has 50 votes.

That seems awfully imprudent for someone like McConnell.


Clothed, sober, cooperative


That seems awfully imprudent for someone like McConnell.

So either he knows he has the votes or he's willing to send this out for a quick death that gets tied to Trump and not Congressional Republicans with the mid-terms far enough out to lessen the impact.


He knows that it's about the vote and not really what's in the bill. Senators will agree and vote accordingly across party lines


This week is crucial: the Senate won't vote without a CBO score, which means they need to finalize negotiations this week.

There will be more meetings in the coming week, but the discussions have been behind closed doors so far, leading to grumbling from Democrats, as well as some Republicans like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and outside groups about transparency.

Some senators say time is not on their side as they try to win votes, and they believe Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) could simply decide it's time to move and force a vote.
"It won't be appreciably better a month from today than it is today. At some point to get this done, you're going to get it done in the last 10 days before the vote," Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said

But the disagreements aren't minor. Senators are still debating how quickly to phase out federal funds for Medicaid expansion and how deeply to cut the program, and lawmakers say they have still not seen legislative text of a bill.

Instead, they've been sending bits and pieces of the bill to the Congressional Budget Office individually.

"I think we're making progress but they're very difficult issues. Leadership hasn't written a bill yet," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said.
*repealing intensifies*


Again they've been sending drafts to the CBO along the entire process, McConnell wouldn't throw a vote out for no reason without assurances that it would pass. If something does come to fruition next week in voting, it's relatively safe to assume we're all screwed.



Just a reminder that the senate goes on a recess on the 3rd. So if anything is happening, it's happening next week or it gets kicked back even further to the fall (which just means it's closer to 2018, closer to a midterm and absolutely no one will touch it next year). It's pretty much do or die time.

It's only like a 1 week recess. It's the August recess that he really needs to avoid, and there is word he is threatening to cancel it


It's only like a 1 week recess. It's the August recess that he really needs to avoid, and there is word he is threatening to cancel it

There's literally no way they're going to be voting on this shit in the fall when normally they're gearing towards midterms by that point.


Is this like a Death Panel? Because they are like a panel/group of people that are going to literally murder people if they pass this.


There's literally no way they're going to be voting on this shit in the fall when normally they're gearing towards midterms by that point.

And this is seriously fucked up. Does the government do anything but ramp up for elections ALL THE TIME?!?!?!?

Does anything get done by anyone?


There's literally no way they're going to be voting on this shit in the fall when normally they're gearing towards midterms by that point.
There are no midterms, only state/local elections in places like VA that are off-year.
And this is seriously fucked up. Does the government do anything but ramp up for elections ALL THE TIME?!?!?!?

Does anything get done by anyone?
When your voters throw out the President's party every time they get a DDD or RRR eclipse? You get like, a year to actually do anything.


Junior Member
McConnell turtles. He doesn't make a move until there is a clear shot
It literally says he's gonna vote regardless, because he's sick of this shit:
I've spoken to a number of people who know McConnell well who speculate that he'll force a vote regardless of whether he knows he has 50 votes. They say he's desperate to move on to tax reform and can't have healthcare hanging around like a bad smell through the summer.

Don't wallow in self-defeat just yet. There's definitely a fight to be had, we just need to be loud about it. It doesn't sound like they have a 50 count locked and loaded, yet.
This is scary. Mitch McConnell is pure evil, I hope this gets blocked/filibustered/etc. Whatever it takes.

It can't be filibustered, and the means to block it are being bypassed by other various rules and shady dealings. If it's going to pass it's going to pass. The most that can be done is to slow down Congress proceedings in protest
How the hell do we fight against this? I'm trying so hard not to give in to defeatism, but it doesn't seem like there's anything we can do.
How the hell do we fight against this? I'm trying so hard not to give in to defeatism, but it doesn't seem like there's anything we can do.

We can't do anything outside contact our Rep if you have Republican Senators. Democrats can't stop it either. So yeah, it's basically out everyone's hands outside 50 GOP Senators and Mike Pence

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It can't be filibustered, and the means to block it are being bypassed by other various rules and shady dealings. If it's going to pass it's going to pass. The most that can be done is to slow down Congress proceedings in protest
Reconciliation can't be filibustered. Only needs 50 votes.
Ah, welp. Guess that unless at least a few GOP senators find their spine and vote against this, y'all fucked, America. Sorry.
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