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Flanders smash..MANDERS!!

Seriously though, aside from the gratuitous set-up of the first film, I thought it was fantastic. I would love to see the CG Hulk do some real damage with a foe like Rhino or Juggernaut in a city environment. Another Hulk movie, minus all the lengthy backstory would have off-the-charts potential on the Fuckshitup-ometer, which is my primary means of gauging the worthiness of an action/superhero film.


Read this yesterday, pretty funny shit.

My favorite part...

Hulk 2 give chance to increase merchandising profile, as well. Hulk have ideas for new Hulk products. Hulk Foam Hands surprise hit in toy stores. Hulk Foam Hands big and soft and make Hulk smashing noises when you hit things. If Hulk Hands big hit, Hulk Feet even bigger hit! Make smashing and stomping noises. Imagine puny human child walking around with Hulk Feet! Make big noise like Hulk. Imagine... ho, ho, ho... excuse Hulk, Hulk laughing. That funny! But Hulk not just limit branding to toys. Make Hulk Shampoo and Hulk Shampoo For Kids, in special no-tears formula. It sound like bad idea, but it good idea! You squirt it right in eye, and it not make you mad! Hulk very concerned with hygiene and comfort. Know how hard it is to make puny human child take bath. Hulk Shampoo make bath-time fun!

and his box office discussion.
He talked in the scene during his blackout when riding the jet! "PUNY HUMAN!!" Heavily featured in the article!! No wonder you didn't like the movie..you weren't paying attention!!


I want a sequal on Hulk too. I'm a little sad Hulk didn't do better... I really love the movie but a lot of people seems to dislike it :(

Anyway, I have that Hulk Collector's box on DVD. Very nice edition.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Trevelyon said:
He says something else, doesn't he?

Like, "TAKE IT ALL" or something.

yeah, I was never sure if that was a thought in his head or an actual spoken line... especially since it seemed to be banner's voice.
I used to be a Ang Lee fan till the Hulk. I was just annoyed by his arrogance when approaching the subject matter. His whole "I'm doing a film based on acomic, but I don't need to read a single issue, yet I'm gonna make it look like a comic" was just plain retarded.


And the way he thought he was adding so much drama to it (its already a dramatic story, he just hammed it up). Plus the way he decided to do the motion capture himself. Ugh.


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Ned Flanders said:
I would love to see the CG Hulk do some real damage with a foe like Rhino or Juggernaut in a city environment.
Yes please.

First movie was meh, but that would be a lot of fun to watch. I want Juggernaut on the big screen. If not in Hulk 2 then in X-Men 3 thanks.


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MrPing1000 said:
I enjoyed the hulk tbh. Good cast, script weak in some areas. I do rather like Eric Bana*

*in a non sexual way :p
It's because he's Australian. Everybody likes Australians.
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