Yes and I almost vomited because of that

VR is just not my thing.
almost everyone experiences that. some more than others of course. i love that falling feeling and it was even a little too intense for me. what you have to do is start slow, like a game that has no movement at all. then work your way up to the moving stuff.
vr is very much an "earn your sea legs" kind of thing. i thought people saying that was dumb at first, but you really can adjust over time. took me nearly a couple weeks before i could run around in skyrim without discomfort. but i wasnt playing a lot, only an hour or so at a time, because i took frequent breaks when i first started.
heres the thing. when you first put on a vr headset, your typically just looking at a screen or menu. and for me, the first time i saw a game load up in vr and i was actually
inside of that VR world, i was amazed. and the game hadnt even started! i hadnt even made it into the main menu lol. i was so mesmerized by that first 5-10 seconds of being in a VR world that i was hooked. so the motion sickness was just an obstacle for me to get over. which i did, with time. so what im trying to say is, if you didnt have that desire to over come the obstacle of motion sickness, then you probably just arent that crazy about VR. and thats ok!
but the motion sickness absolutely is something that can be overcome for a lot of people (nearly everyone???). and they have come a long way in adding comfort setting for extra sensitive people. so a lot of people who tried VR 2 years ago may find that its much more comfortable now.
you should give it a try again one day. there are so many fun experiences. and once you get your vr legs, and you really start to groove with a game like skyrim, or no mans sky, you become completely immersed in that world, sometimes forgetting that you are even in the real world. its awesome.
holy shit i have to stop writing novella's on GAF in the morning. i didnt see but i hope this game is coming to PSVR