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Media Create Sales 10/1 - 10/7 2007


Kildace said:
It's never perfectly aligned for me on Firefox.
That's odd, I'm using Camino, which uses the same rendering engine (Gecko) and it works just fine. Weird. Maybe the default code font is different or something?


listen to the mad man
ethelred said:
It aligns perfectly for me. Maybe you have a shitty browser.

It's more likely a character encoding issue given that Pureauthor is Filipino. Although it could still be a browser thing. the CODE tag works fine for me in Safari and Firefox.
Stumpokapow said:
It's more likely a character encoding issue given that Pureauthor is Filipino. Although it could still be a browser thing. the CODE tag works fine for me in Safari and Firefox.

I'm what now? >_>


ethelred said:
10.MPO+ 16000(169000) -- fucking great sales. This thing is selling almost as well as a real, main series Metal Gear Solid game. And Portable Ops' rerelease has already beaten Substance AND Sustinence.

The sales are good, but err...no. The original MPO didn't pass 500k (right?), so even if you add that it's still not done "almost" as well.


Ceb said:
The sales are good, but err...no. The original MPO didn't pass 500k (right?), so even if you add that it's still not done "almost" as well.

Well, I was more focusing on how the rerelease of Portable Ops had passed the rereleases of both PS2 games. In total, yeah, the game's not as high as 2 and 3 -- but it's still doing very well. It's over 50% the sales of the last two main installments, so I'd say that's incredible for any side story. It's showing Mario Kart / FFT-levels of strength relative to the size of the main franchise.


Ouch PS3. It's not possible to spin that one.

The Wii finally turning the tide is most likely a combination of last week's conference+MH3+Galaxy coming out soon.


I think MH3 is a ways off, but Mario Galaxy is going to boost the wii quite a bit. Especially since it is currently the leading console. I dont think Nintendo could have timed the release any better but delaying Brawl hurt the momentum a bit.


Innotech said:
I think MH3 is a ways off, but Mario Galaxy is going to boost the wii quite a bit. Especially since it is currently the leading console. I dont think Nintendo could have timed the release any better but delaying Brawl hurt the momentum a bit.

Not really. Galaxy and Wii-Fit is enough for this holiday season when it comes to driving Wii sales. In reality though, it doesn't matter, because the Wi will be completely sold out at the beginning of January nonetheless. Plus you also have titles like Mario & Sonic Olympics, Resident Evil UC, NiGHTS etc.
ethelred said:
Well, I was more focusing on how the rerelease of Portable Ops had passed the rereleases of both PS2 games. In total, yeah, the game's not as high as 2 and 3 -- but it's still doing very well. It's over 50% the sales of the last two main installments, so I'd say that's incredible for any side story. It's showing Mario Kart / FFT-levels of strength relative to the size of the main franchise.

The rerelease was the deluxe pack seen at position 11 here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=193959

MPO+ is purely an expansion pack, isn't it?


Frillen said:
Not really. Galaxy and Wii-Fit is enough for this holiday season when it comes to driving Wii sales. In reality though, it doesn't matter, because the Wi will be completely sold out at the beginning of January nonetheless. Plus you also have titles like Mario & Sonic Olympics, Resident Evil UC, NiGHTS etc.
Goddamn after 11 years of waiting Ill have niGHTS2 in my hands in December. Im so fucking excited. I dont think Mario and sonic will do well in Japan but its hard to predict how anything sells on the wii in Japan. NiGHTS probably will do about 100k when alls said and done, IF it isnt overshadowed.


Junior Member
Too bad for PS3, but it is understand because the sale was start last week, but today is Japan official price cut for 60GB models will be dropping price to 54,980 yen.


when is my burrito
Frillen said:
Ouch PS3. It's not possible to spin that one.

Yes, it is. Price drop announced but not in effect yet.

EDIT: Also, Nintendo signed Mario and Sonic Olympics death sentence when they announced that Sonic would be in SSBB. Totally fucking pointless now.
tanod said:
Yes, it is. Price drop announced but not in effect yet.

..but didn't a few posters here and elsewhere say that retailers slashed prices right after the announcement anyway?

EDIT: Also, Nintendo signed Mario and Sonic Olympics death sentence when they announced that Sonic would be in SSBB. Totally fucking pointless now.

Not really, especially seeing as it is still going to hit the market before SSBB and will appeal to a different audience.


MPO+ is not a re-release or Substance/Subsistence version of MPO. It is a 2400yen VR missions style add-on with no story mode. There are more characters, more stages, more online stuff, but it's like the VR Missions disc for MGS. The price is really low too.

The re-release would be MPO The Best (2800yen) or the MPO The Best + MPO+ package which is about 4800yen. It's not surprise that MPO+ is selling so well when it's like 15 bucks and most people who bought MPO in Japan would want to pick it up too.


tanod said:
Yes, it is. Price drop announced but not in effect yet.

Not good enough. 8.4k is still bad consider a lot of stores already slashed the price last week.

Innotech said:
Goddamn after 11 years of waiting Ill have niGHTS2 in my hands in December. Im so fucking excited. I dont think Mario and sonic will do well in Japan but its hard to predict how anything sells on the wii in Japan. NiGHTS probably will do about 100k when alls said and done, IF it isnt overshadowed.

I think if it's advertised in the right way, it could do over 1 Million in Japan alone. Hence, MP8 had no problem doing it (and is now venturing towards the 1.5 Mill mark), and Mario & Sonic isn't that different.
Frillen said:
It hasn't?? Have I confused MP8 Japanese sales with American sales? How much has Mario Party 8 sold in Japan? It has to atleast be over 800k.

Around 820,000, IIRC. It will likely crawl over the 1 million mark in the next few months, but only barely.


Cosmonaut X said:
Around 820,000, IIRC. It will likely crawl over the 1 million mark in the next few months, but only barely.

It should get a holiday bsost in December as well.

But I actually think Mario & Sonic has potential to sell even more than MP8. Maybe it's just me though.


Segata Sanshiro said:
ethelred's code always looks messed up to me, but I line it up in my head.

Yes, I use IE. Just to piss you off. Yeah, you. You know who you are.

You piss me off.


Frillen said:

You are one of the most annoying nintendo fanboys on here. The fact is the ps3 sales are down this week because people were waiting for the price drop and new white model, that's not spin, it's fact and the wii's sales only went up by a few thousand so no :lol that's not 'turning the tide' and the press conference most likely had nothing to do with sales last week either.
doicare said:
You are one of the most annoying nintendo fanboys on here. The fact is the ps3 sales are down this week because people were waiting for the price drop and new white model, that's not spin, it's fact and the wii's sales only went up by a few thousand so no :lol that's not 'turning the tide' and the press conference most likely had nothing to do with sales last week either.

"Fact"? Speculation - just as saying that the (small) bump the Wii had is to do with conferences, imminent titles or Iwata's voodoo powers is speculation.


Segata Sanshiro said:
ethelred's code always looks messed up to me, but I line it up in my head.

Yes, I use IE. Just to piss you off. Yeah, you. You know who you are.

There's no accounting for bad browser taste.


Cosmonaut X said:
"Fact"? Speculation - just as saying that the (small) bump the Wii had is to do with conferences, imminent titles or Iwata's voodoo powers is speculation.

No,no you must be right, ps3 sales are down this week because the ps3 sucks...and i didnt say it was a fact that wii sales being up a few thousand had nothing to do with the press conference, i said it wasn't likely.
doicare said:
You are one of the most annoying nintendo fanboys on here. The fact is the ps3 sales are down this week because people were waiting for the price drop and new white model, that's not spin, it's fact and the wii's sales only went up by a few thousand so no :lol that's not 'turning the tide' and the press conference most likely had nothing to do with sales last week either.

Uffffff. Your attitude is not better then what a typical Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft fanboy do, you know ?

Say that PS3' sales are good just doesn't make sense at all. Yes, we can say that it's the price-cut effect, but before this annoncement, how were PS3's sales ? Pathetic. It has to be seen if the price cut will have some long-term effect. Unlikely, but not impossible.

On the other hand, say that Wii's sales are good is not true in my opinion. Sure, better then X360 and PS3 combined is already something, but we cannot forget how well the console was selling just 4 weeks ago. Now the console is simply NOT selling good. or at least, not good enough. Period.
But Wii has some strong point that PS3 doesn't have:

1) This slow period lasts since only a month. PS3's sales have been ridicously low since its launch.
2) Wii has BIG games that are coming for both hardcore and casual audience. PS3 hasn't for anyone before Q1 (maybe Q2) 2008.
3) Wii has already an installed base almost as big as the Gamecube has sold during the entire lifespan. PS3 has sold what PS2 sold in a little bit more then 5 weeks (Joshua correct me if I'm wrong).

These are facts that cannot be forgotten.


when is my burrito
doicare said:
No,no you must be right, ps3 sales are down this week because the ps3 sucks...and i didnt say it was a fact that wii sales being up a few thousand had nothing to do with the press conference, i said it wasn't likely.

Neither of those are facts because the MC numbers are what we go by and those do not come until tomorrow night. Lower the pitchfork there, sonny.
doicare said:
No,no you must be right, ps3 sales are down this week because the ps3 sucks...and i didnt say it was a fact that wii sales being up a few thousand had nothing to do with the press conference, i said it wasn't likely.

You said it was a "fact" that PS3 sales had dropped further this week (after weeks of dropping sales) because of the price-cut - it isn't, it's your speculation based on these figures, the price-cut and your assumption that fewer people are buying this week because of it. Until we see what happens next week and after it remains speculation.

Oh, and fuck off with the "PS3 sucks" nonsense.


doicare said:
No,no you must be right, ps3 sales are down this week because the ps3 sucks...and i didnt say it was a fact that wii sales being up a few thousand had nothing to do with the press conference, i said it wasn't likely.

How do you know that the press conference+MH3 announcement didn't move any Wiis last week? Are you god or something? Also, you aren't exactly the right person to speak about who's a fanboy and who's not. And if I'm a Nintendo Fanboy then it's pretty ironic that I only have 2 Wii games compared to 8 PS3 games and 27 360 games.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Uffffff. Your attitude is not better then what a typical Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft fanboy do, you know ?

Say that PS3' sales are good just doesn't make sense at all. Yes, we can say that it's the price-cut effect, but before this annoncement, how were PS3's sales ? Pathetic. It has to be seen if the price cut will have some long-term effect. Unlikely, but not impossible.

On the other hand, say that Wii's sales are good is not true in my opinion. Sure, better then X360 and PS3 combined is already something, but we cannot forget how well the console was selling just 4 weeks ago. Now the console is simply NOT selling good. or at least, not good enough. Period.
But Wii has some strong point that PS3 doesn't have:

1) This slow period lasts since only a month. PS3's sales have been ridicously low since its launch.
2) Wii has BIG games that are coming for both hardcore and casual audience. PS3 hasn't for anyone before Q1 (maybe Q2) 2008.
3) Wii has already an installed base almost as big as the Gamecube has sold during the entire lifespan. PS3 has sold what PS2 sold in a little bit more then 5 weeks (Joshua correct me if I'm wrong).

These are facts that cannot be forgotten.

Generally i write short replies when the original post was just a stupid fanboy statement. As you've taken the time to write a decent reply i'll do the same.

1. I never said ps3 sales were good, they have been bad for a long time, however singling out the ps3 this week for bad sales when their is a logical reason for lower sales with the up coming price drop and new colour is retarded.
2. This price cut and new colour will have minimal long term effect on the ps3's sales, only when the ps3's top games come out will things improve to psp levels.
3. Wii sales have been poor recently and the wii is still yet to prove it can be the market leader that has a wide range of successful games from most genres. Mini games and non games in the console space have also yet to prove longevity, personally this genreation in japan i see the handhelds being the number 1 platform.


Cosmonaut X said:
You said it was a "fact" that PS3 sales had dropped further this week (after weeks of dropping sales) because of the price-cut - it isn't, it's your speculation based on these figures, the price-cut and your assumption that fewer people are buying this week because of it. Until we see what happens next week and after it remains speculation.

Oh, and fuck off with the "PS3 sucks" nonsense.

Weeks of dropping sales? Going by famitsu numbers which is where this figure of 8400 came form, in the past 4 weeks the ps3 has done 11k,13k,11k and 12k, that looks pretty consistent to me. But hey why argue, lets just call it common sense that ps3 sales are down this week because of the impending price drop and new colour coming out.


So, I know that we have heard from a couple of people that some stores have already started selling PS3s at the reduced price. When did that start and does anyone have any impressions of how they are selling at these locations?

EDIT: Just noticed that someone said Amazon dropped the price immediately after the announcement. Is that true? If so, sales really should have gone up for this period.
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