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Media Create Sales 5/14 - 5/20


Eteric Rice said:
Holy shit! How long did it take to find that stuff? :lol

Not really hard to find it, just click on any username, the click on "view public profile" and then click on "find all posts by (insert username here)". But still.. it must have taken him quite some time. Amazing that my posts really means that much that someone actually take that much time to comment on them :) If people didnt care what i said it would just be ignored. So its good to know that my posts mean something. Again, i'm honored :)


Deku said:
Fixed for accuracy. The slide started with the PSP and I think it fits the 'jr.' moniker better. (assuming you meant PS3 originally.)

No the PSX started it all. Sony should have taken a cue from that flop before going hog wild for the $599 next gen console.


P90 said:
No the PSX started it all. Sony should have taken a cue from that flop before going hog wild for the $599 next gen console.
True, keep forgetting about that. Surely they should have learnt from that bomb.

The PS3 was already pretty set to go when the PSP really went downhill, so it's not like they could have done much there. Blu-ray delayed the launch, but if they still aren't prepared now, it would have been even worse a year ago.

And now what are they left with? Massive losses, a niche handheld and a marginal home console - they're sounding more like SNK every day.

Eteric Rice

D.Lo said:
True, keep forgetting about that. Surely they should have learnt from that bomb.

The PS3 was already pretty set to go when the PSP really went downhill, so it's not like they could have done much there. Blu-ray delayed the launch, but if they still aren't prepared now, it would have been even worse a year ago.

And now what are they left with? Massive losses, a niche handheld and a marginal home console - they're sounding more like SNK every day.

I'm convinced that there's some kind of cycle. And that around every three generations, there's a shift in the market.

I guess it keeps things from getting stale.


D.Lo said:
True, keep forgetting about that. Surely they should have learnt from that bomb.

The PS3 was already pretty set to go when the PSP really went downhill, so it's not like they could have done much there. Blu-ray delayed the launch, but if they still aren't prepared now, it would have been even worse a year ago.

And now what are they left with? Massive losses, a niche handheld and a marginal home console - they're sounding more like SNK every day.

Sony to become Sony-Playmore confirmed.
Stumpokapow said:
The only thing that there's truth to is that you're the world's biggest equivocator...

Being cautious about the Wii: Wii will get old, Wii takes too much work, Wii sales are going to go down, People shouldn't try to predict sales so far in the future, Wii hardware will cause developers to go elsewhere, I don't think Wii Sports supports 4 players at once,

Being optimistic about the PS3: Gundam and VF5 really helped!, What does "disaster" mean, anyway?, and again, Sony is going to turn it around in Japan, It's not unthinkable that the PS3 will skyrocket, It's too early to say that the Wii has won. The PS3 might come back... I mean, stranger things have happened, the ps3 makes me feel warm inside, People make too many "Sony am doomed" posts, 2, 3, Many people can afford $599

A little bit of both: PS2 bumping above Wii due to supply contraints is somehow comparable to GBA beating PS3

Arguing that the PS3 is close to one million units in Japan: "One million in 6 months isn't bad in general" 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Being skeptical of sales in general: NPD doesn't have Wal-Mart!

Now, I'm not calling you a troll because having just read through your post history it's pretty evident that you just care about gaming and you have a genuine interest in it, but man... there's nothing wrong with owning a PS3. It's a well-engineered system that could potentially have some really great games. But it also has some downsides, and it factually is getting its ass kicked in terms of sales. You don't need to troll the Wii or spin the PS3 to try to justify the good parts of the system or to justify your purchase.

Thank you for this brutal ownage. He plays the innocent card at all times.


Eteric Rice said:
I'm convinced that there's some kind of cycle. And that around every three generations, there's a shift in the market.

I guess it keeps things from getting stale.
Yay, i come with a theory about a cycle (and why it piss of so many people here) and i didn't know where to post (actually i discussed it on brazilian boards already, and it looks pretty right)

This will start wreid, but i have a point. (i think)

Here's the thing, i've been through this forum a lot, and i've read a lot of definitions about hardcore gamer, casual gamer and stuff... The problem is, every definition that i see has a lot of flaws, and people just doesn't seem to know what they're talking about. So after thinking, and reading here, a lot, going through the history you can find the real answer.

Every generation the same thing happens (and will keep happening) new games define the generation, not the estabilished franchises, be it portable or home system.
And why that happens? Because people (casuals) get bored of the same kind of games, and who doesn't get bored become a niche, a hardcore niche, doesn't matter what kind of game that is.

But what we see here on GAF, is that some hardcore niches have become elitist, they think their tastes are the best and everyone who doesn't have the same taste is casual and, therefore, he doesn't know (or give a shit) about games. So they fear the casual gaming take over the industry.

But what is Casual gaming? Madden? I'm pretty sure Madden fans are so elitist or more then people here: they want more Madden, better Madden and they don't care about other people tastes, or better, some of them disprove other people tastes. Sounds familiar? Madden fans are just as hardcore as elitist, they are a niche, the games will always sell to the same people. The same can be said to anyother game that it's not new, The Sims, Pokemon, Guitar Hero... All those games have already found their niche, the people that will always want more of those games, better of those games.. The people that didn't become hardcore just moved on, and still looking for something for their tastes.

Games like Wii Sports and Brain age will happen the same, now they are new and everyone want to try it, but they will find their niche, they will become hardcore games. Some people will always like Brain age games, and want more more more, and that's not because they don't give a shit about "real games" it's just their tastes. Some people here are already hardcore Wii Sports gamers, and want Wii Sports with more depht, online, better graphics, better... Hardcore gamer is just always the same dont matter what game they like...

Here on GAF what i see is elitists, they call every game they dont like or "casual game" or "non-game", but they are just as games as "real games", but appeal to different tastes.

But it's just a cycle, every new game start as casual (everyone want to try it) and become hardcore when finds it's niche. The people who still doesn't have filled their tastes will stay casual till the something new, and they will try it out to see if they truly like (and become hardcore) or will again become bored.

Elitists are now just angry because their games are not casual anymore, they are just a niche. Elitists should stop bitching about other people tastes, they have moved on with "real games", it's not that they don't like anymore, it's that they are bored and want something new, and they're not responsible for your tastes.


It's called the 3RD console curse...I've been talking about it since before PS3 talk even started. It starts when a company (who's in their invincible "golden age" 2ND console phase) releases a product that instills alot of doubt in consumer mindshare...it makes them look vulnerable. Then it's amplified by that console maker becoming arrogant and taking their fanbase for granted. Then eventually, they make a bold mistake that plagues the system before it even launches. Atari, Sega, Nintendo and now Sony all fall victim to it.

Let's review:
golden age 2ND console::chink in the armor::arrogance::cursed 3RD system::mistakes
2600::E.T.::arrogance::5800::not backwords compatible, expensive, flooded market
Genisis::32X & Sega CD::arogance::Saturn::bad communication between East & West, expensive, difficult to develope for, surprize launch
SNES::Virtual Boy::arrogance::N64::carts, difficult to develope for, bad third party relations
PS2::pSX & PSP::arrogance::pS3::too expensive, difficult/expensive to develope for, losing exclussives, trying to be future-proof, mixing in the BR agenda

Really, all Sony had to do was release a powerful enough system, screw BR for now...just continue doing what you did best and avoid mistakes like having a system that launches for TWICE the price of your previous system. I garauntee you a $300 PS3 that was 2 or 3 times the power of PS2 with built-in BC, WiFi, 80GB HDD & EyeToy would have CRUSHED Wii & X360...absolutly.

Thinking of the 3RD console curse, it makes you wonder what MS's potential mistakes with the next X-BOX might be? Will it try to be "future proof", will it try to copy Wii and be a me-too innovator with something that scares people away, will it come out too soon, will it try to apply more of the MS/PC agenda and somehow be cripple by it? Only time will tell, but certainly the chink in MS's armor could be all the X360 failure rates and/or the fabled X-BOY portable!


Eteric Rice said:
I'm convinced that there's some kind of cycle. And that around every three generations, there's a shift in the market.
Well, there have been major shifts, and it's all about timing. Optical Media and 3D were clearly the future in the mid ninetees, but neither the pioneers (NEC, Sega and 3DO for CD, Sega for 3D in the arcade) nor the champions (Nintendo had the most powerful 3D console) were rewarded for their effort - it was the timing of a balance for both.

This time Sony (and to some extent MS) tried to force a shift toward hi-tech multimedia and HD when people didn't want it. Nintendo left in what most people wanted (cheap price) and offered their 'already proven on DS casual shift', and it appears to have worked.

But the problems with the N64 and PS3 are much different. The N64's problem was format and support - it got off to a blockbuster start (even in Japan) even without support because people wanted it, - Mario 64 and that controller (and soon Goldeneye) were new and awesome. But without the support - which was tied to the format that Japanese devs refused to work on - it faded.

PS3 has bombed right out of the gate, even though initially it had all the support. Why? Price is obviously one reason. Positioning ("you mean I need a new TV to even see the difference?") is probabaly a major problem. But perhaps fatigue at the 'same old' game ideas is another factor. It doesn't have a 'Mario 64' up it's sleeve, and Nintendo does (Wii Sports). I think Sony's choice to keep the same controller has hurt them a lot, because it really makes the system look like an unimaginative upgrade. It's even the same colour and shape, which almost no company has done before successfully - it reminds me of the Megadrive -> Saturn pad - it looks too 'retro' next to the other new controller(s).

Of course, the competition is positioned absolutely perfectly in the worst position for Sony. The Wii makes the PS3 look 'boring' and 'expensive' to Joe casual. And the 360 has put in a solid effort to steal all the 'same idea but more powerful' thunder.

So what am I saying? I think there ARE cycles, but not any '3rd console curse', because the problems of each 3rd console are so different. But you have to pick up the winds of change, and go with them. You can't do the same thing forever, you can't force things on people, but you absolutely HAVE to get your timing right.

It's all about the timing.


i don't think just a powerful console would have given the Wii some trouble..

X360 is powerful and has brand on the USA, and still get outsold by Wii every month.

It's more about something new, than something wrong..

And i don't think consoles would sell 150 million combined this gen if Wii was just a meme, but now i think they can sell more than that (with wii getting the biggest pie).
Nobody wants to pay $400+ for a console. Wii's sucess is partly because of it's extremely intelligent design philosophies, partly because Microsoft and Sony have no ****ing idea what most consumers really want.


and btw, Anihawk, Vinnk and MikeWorks bringing the funny makes this a good thread. good show, gents.

Vinnk said:
I feel sorry for the PlayStation Family. I had some great time with the PS1 and PS2 (even the PSP to some extent).

But here's the scenario:

The PlayStation family was having a nice fancy dinner party with their friends the 3rd party developers. Everything is going great and then Jr. comes home. Drunk from a night of celebrating his own greatness. He pisses all over the house, throws up on the guests, claims he has a bigger penis than Microsoft's kid and then falls down the stairs. Everyone is speechless.


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Alright, you've been posting here for a while and I simply need to ask: who is that girl in your avatar? Why is she dressed like she just stepped out of a Jane Austen biopic?

She's a look-alike starring the role of Jenny Lind that figures on one of our bills in a commercial:

She doesn't actually say anything so its hard to guess her nationality, though I suppose she's scandinavian (the bill along with myself, are Swedish fyi).

And yay @ Ouendan and Odin Sphere. Wii port, kthxby.


AdmiralViscen said:
Thank you for this brutal ownage. He plays the innocent card at all times.

Doesnt the person have to feel owned before this would apply? Twisting words and sentences is something everyone can do. If i twist something that you say, does that mean i owned you? :)
test_account said:
Doesnt the person have to feel owned before this would apply? Twisting words and statements is something everyone can do. If i twist something that you say, does that mean i owned you? :)
No, not really, though that would be the icing on the cake.


DrGAKMAN said:
I garauntee you a $300 PS3 that was 2 or 3 times the power of PS2 with built-in BC, WiFi, 80GB HDD & EyeToy would have CRUSHED Wii & X360...absolutly.

...and a one-handed controller.

sony's current situation is partially hardware price, partially software support (somewhat related to price, but where is their first party stuff?), partially hd perceptions, and partially that they aren't the wii.

nintendo is stealing away ps2 users because the remote is compelling and wii sports is a killer app. last gen sony didn't have compelling competition at all - now they do.
tanasten said:
Sorry, but your avatar makes me not to buy it. I can't play a game with an character that reminds me of you :lol
hah. If I ever end up playing whatever game it was that was the source for Anihawk's old avatar, It will be instantly ruined.


PS2 X's 2 or 3 + EyeToy @ $300 would have been much more highly successful plain & simple. The Wii would still get by on it's own merrits definatly, but PS3 would've simply taken the reigns from PS2 if it was set-up like I was saying.

You bring up an interesting look at the software end in there being a shift...especially when comparing casuals to "hardcore". I was so against the "PlayStation generation" when it started a decade ago 'cos it represented the basterdization/Hollywoodization of gaming. But now THEY (hardcore PSXers) are the one's who are hating on the Wii 'cos it's representing another shift...another change in the industry to bring more people in!

The 3RD console curse isn't some end-all be-all for certain, but history has shown us (while in different ways with each company) that there's something to a company having success, taking it for granted and making arrogant mistakes as a ressult.

And there are other factors & variables completly seperate from the bad decisions these companies make and the "timing" of their competitor's making good decisions. PS3 is expensive amounst other mistakes, but Wii get's by on it's own merrits regardless. However, factor both Nintendo's good decisions with Wii and Sony's bad decisions with PS3 and people see it and further seperate the systems in their minds! There's the shift, and so far the two big shifts we've seen in this young industry is from 2D carts to 3D CD's and now from power/graphics to innovation/gameplay...certainly timing & the 3RD console curse go hand'n'hand with each other.


bmf said:
hah. If I ever end up playing whatever game it was that was the source for Anihawk's old avatar, It will be instantly ruined.
You've never played Skies of Arcadia?

don't worry though, he doesn't really look like that in the game. :p
test_account said:
Doesnt the person have to feel owned before this would apply? Twisting words and sentences is something everyone can do. If i twist something that you say, does that mean i owned you? :)

He didn't twist anything, the quotes were plain to see.

Asking loaded questions doesn't absolve you of guilt. Not when they're that constant, and wth that trend.


birdchili said:
...and a one-handed controller.

sony's current situation is partially hardware price, partially software support (somewhat related to price, but where is their first party stuff?), partially hd perceptions, and partially that they aren't the wii.

nintendo is stealing away ps2 users because the remote is compelling and wii sports is a killer app. last gen sony didn't have compelling competition at all - now they do.

Okay, maybe that was too bold of a statement, but you can't argue that PS3 would have done MUCH better if Sony played it safe on the power/price and added the EyeToy to every system for innovation. Wouldn't have been as compelling as Wii, but certainly moreso than the sixaxis...and on a much cheaper platform!
test_account said:
Doesnt the person have to feel owned before this would apply? Twisting words and sentences is something everyone can do. If i twist something that you say, does that mean i owned you? :)
the thing is he didn't twist your words around - he linked straight to your posts.

sorry. I was watching this while waiting for the 60 second limit to end and it kind of blew my mind.


AdmiralViscen said:
He didn't twist anything, the quotes were plain to see.

Asking loaded questions doesn't absolve you of guilt. Not when they're that constant, and wth that trend.

How could i ask the question if NPD included Wal-Mart numbers or not without being "loaded"? :)

bune duggy said:
the thing is he didn't twist your words around - he linked straight to your posts.

If you read the "urls" you click on and then read my posts you will see that the "urls" are statements and what i really said arent. Ergo.. questions twisted into statements.


DrGAKMAN said:
PS2 X's 2 or 3 + EyeToy @ $300 would have been much more highly successful plain & simple. The Wii would still get by on it's own merrits definatly, but PS3 would've simply taken the reigns from PS2 if it was set-up like I was saying.

You bring up an interesting look at the software end in there being a shift...especially when comparing casuals to "hardcore". I was so against the "PlayStation generation" when it started a decade ago 'cos it represented the basterdization/Hollywoodization of gaming. But now THEY (hardcore PSXers) are the one's who are hating on the Wii 'cos it's representing another shift...another change in the industry to bring more people in!
I've never played EyeToy, but isn't it too limited (without buttons, pointer or analog stick) compared to Wiimote?

Oh, and if u mean much more successful than PS3, i agree... If you mean more successful than Wii i don't.

And thanks to know that you read and liked :D
test_account said:
How could i ask the question if NPD included Wal-Mart numbers or not without being "loaded"? :)

If you read the "urls" you click on and then read my posts you will see that the "urls" are statements and what i really said arent. Ergo.. questions twisted into statements.

Wii Sports doesn't let you play 4 players, right?
You have to move a lot to play Zelda and other Wii games, right?
People like to sit down and relax instead of move a lot, right?
Wii sales will probably go down when the novelty dies off and it has to depend on games, right?

Great interview.


Judging from the trailer, Shining Wind isn't a game like the old shining force. I must admit it still looks fun though.
AdmiralViscen said:
He didn't twist anything, the quotes were plain to see.

Asking loaded questions doesn't absolve you of guilt. Not when they're that constant, and wth that trend.

All I see is a by-the-numbers Sony apologist, not unlike a lot of by-the-numbers Nintendo apologists.

I don't agree with him most of the time (at all), but he's not even a particularly egregious example of fanboyism. In fact, some of his posts are charmingly, innocently hopeful.
Haunted One said:
You've never played Skies of Arcadia?

don't worry though, he doesn't really look like that in the game. :p
Never did. Would like to, but I haven't been able to play traditional RPGs very successfully (and this actually extends to a lot of other games too) since I started working a 40+ hour week. The only exceptions have been FFX and FFXII. For FFX I actually took a week off of work to play (what a waste) and FFXII's lack of random battles made it much easier to deal with.

Maybe in 2 or 3 decades when I retire, If Nintendo systems are still backwards compatible, and I can download old Dreamcast and Playstation games on Virtual Console, I'll get around to finishing a bunch of RPGs I missed.
ghostlyjoe said:
All I see is a by-the-numbers Sony apologist, not unlike a lot of by-the-numbers Nintendo apologists.

I don't agree with him most of the time (at all), but he's not even a particularly egregious example of fanboyism. In fact, some of his posts are charmingly, innocently hopeful.

Yea, no one's calling him a wicked troll, but he trips over himself to act like he's not saying anything at all.

If I went into a SOCOM thread and said "Gee, when are PS3 games going to start looking better?" I couldn't just plead ignorance and innocence. It's annoying, and it's constant with him.


AdmiralViscen said:
Wii Sports doesn't let you play 4 players, right?
You have to move a lot to play Zelda and other Wii games, right?
People like to sit down and relax instead of move a lot, right?
Wii sales will probably go down when the novelty dies off and it has to depend on games, right?

Great interview.

Are those questions loaded or not? I cant really tell. And you didnt answer my question. How do i ask if Wal-Mart numbers are included in the NPD without being loaded?

AdmiralViscen said:
If I went into a SOCOM thread and said "Gee, when are PS3 games going to start looking better?" I couldn't just plead ignorance and innocence. It's annoying, and it's constant with him.

If i was to answer that question i would tell you that the game was like 5-6 months into development, thats why it doesnt look so good now. The problem with writing is that you cant sense the tone that its being said in. So many many times people read things between the line that isnt really there and instead of asking what they mean they come with some witty remark instead.

If i'm annoying you, why dont you put me on ignore. The forum got that feature. The solution is right infront of you, just ignore me if i bother you that much. Problem solved then :)
test_account said:
Are those questions loaded or not? I cant really tell. And you didnt answer my question. How do i ask if Wal-Mart numbers are included in the NPD without being loaded?


test_account said:
How could i ask the question if NPD included Wal-Mart numbers or not without being "loaded"? :)

If you read the "urls" you click on and then read my posts you will see that the "urls" are statements and what i really said arent. Ergo.. questions twisted into statements.

*pet's your head*

It's obvious you're new here...I'd stop now if I were you. Right now it's lookin' like you're on your way to becoming the next 'all I want for XMAS is my pee-ass-pee' viral boy, '$600 ain't sh*t to Chad Warden' or the infamous 'PSP is dominating DS MA-REE-O' microphone groping YouTuber...

In other words, you'd be a joke character. Only, you won't be funny.

felipeko said:
I've never played EyeToy, but isn't it too limited (without buttons, pointer or analog stick) compared to Wiimote?

Oh, and if u mean much more successful than PS3, i agree... If you mean more successful than Wii i don't.

And thanks to know that you read and liked

PS2 EyeToy is so-so, but it drew the casual flies for a while there. Certainly having it built-in from day one would make it more viable. Remember the infamous 'giant enemy crabs', 'rrrrrridge-racer', 'massive damage' & '599 U.S. dollars' Sony conference? Well, one of the more interesting things about the PS3 unveiling was the newer EyeToy they were making for it...if that was packed in, that certainly could've been an original attempt at staving the Wiimote.

I don't think it would've beaten the Wii either, but it'd put it in a much better possition to "take the reigns" from it's predecessor. The way it's looking now, the Wii will end up with those PS2 casuals.


Playing innocent, being coy/annoying, stealth trolling, pretending not to know what you're doing, derailing threads with your constant self-defensive rhetoric, being ignorant to the facts open to you, writing before you think, stealth editing so as to dance between the rules, instigating arguments, being 12.


test_account said:
How do i ask if Wal-Mart numbers are included in the NPD without being loaded?
How about "Hey, guys, are Wal-Mart numbers included in the NPD?" or "I was wondering, do the NPD figures include Wal-Mart?" or even the oh-so-short "Does NPD track Wal-Mart?"?

If you add a flammable statement and try to come out as non-biased, you fail. If you use simple sentences, you reduce the possibility of being misunderstood as well as piss less people off.

I heard some people don't like you, is it true? ;)


Tf53 said:
How about "Hey, guys, are Wal-Mart numbers included in the NPD?" or "I was wondering, do the NPD figures include Wal-Mart?" or even the oh-so-short "Does NPD track Wal-Mart?"?

If you add a flammable statement and try to come out as non-biased, you fail. If you use simple sentences, you reduce the possibility of being misunderstood as well as piss less people off.

I heard some people don't like you, is it true? ;)

Did you check out how i asked the question? If not, check back in this thread, i quoted it there and tell me where the flamebait is.

Why do you add spoiler to the last thing and what do that have to with anything? Trying to make me angry or something? Hehe. Didnt you talk about flamebait just 5 seconds ago?


Everyone responding to test_account said:
Please ignore him so it will stop.

DrGAKMAN said:
The 3RD console curse isn't some end-all be-all for certain, but history has shown us (while in different ways with each company) that there's something to a company having success, taking it for granted and making arrogant mistakes as a ressult.

And there are other factors & variables completly seperate from the bad decisions these companies make and the "timing" of their competitor's making good decisions. PS3 is expensive amounst other mistakes, but Wii get's by on it's own merrits regardless. However, factor both Nintendo's good decisions with Wii and Sony's bad decisions with PS3 and people see it and further seperate the systems in their minds! There's the shift, and so far the two big shifts we've seen in this young industry is from 2D carts to 3D CD's and now from power/graphics to innovation/gameplay...certainly timing & the 3RD console curse go hand'n'hand with each other.
If there IS a 3rd console curse, I'd say it's more to do with people getting sick of the same thing after two generations.

It's really only Nintendo and Sony who have won two generations in a row, and even then Nintendo only won in the final stretch, only because Sega screwed up, and only with reduced market share. So the only true comparison is between the N64 and PS3, and while there are parallels, there are so many differences that I don't think they're directly comparable.

I'm more looking at what makes a console successful in general. We all know it's the right games at the right price at the right time. But the Gamecube had a better price and that didn't help. The N64 and DC had the best games for a couple of years each, and that didn't help. So that leaves timing as the universal factor.


D.Lo said:
Just ignore him and it will stop.

QFT :) Pretty much what i said earlier. If someone have a problem with what i'm saying, use the ignore feature. Simple as that. Anyway, enough about this nonsense, back to what the thread is really about, Media Create numbers.
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