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Media Create Sales 5/21 - 5/27

Eteric Rice

Rancid Mildew said:
I can't speak for American developers but at least in Japan, seeing the only two Wii successes being Wii Sports and Wii Play cannot be encouraging. I think we'll need to wait for a really successful hardcore Wii game before we see developer acceptance of the situation. Further, it's pretty obvious that Nintendo has gone through a huge paradigm shift. Even though Nintendo says they cater to the core audience as well, it's clear that from things like Kaplan's interview and the Wii's marketing approach, Nintendo is cultivating a growing disregard for the hardcore. The entire Wii philosophy all the way down to the hardware and appearance is sort of alienating as well. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels the same way. Ubisoft is releasing a carnival game and the SH5 developers think it's a grandmother console.

I have no doubt that Nintendo will see further sales successes for a very long time but once there are significant price drops on its competitors, that may be enough to keep third party support away. I just don't think there is much confidence that a traditional game will thrive on the console.

It's hard to blame them. Heck, it's hard to blame devs either. For Nintendo, the hardcore market left them, and all that was left was their dedicated fans and memories of a past long gone. For developers, they were finally released from a strong monopoly, and given a chance to do what they wanted.

I think for the Wii, those two things will re-merge. Nintendo and some third parties will make the non-gamer games, and others will start to trickle in with more hardcore titles. It happened with the DS, and chances are it will happen again.

Hopefully, Mr. Iwata has taken notes from Nintendo last downfall, and won't be an ass to the third parties.


formerly sane
Rancid Mildew said:
I can't speak for American developers but at least in Japan, seeing the only two Wii successes being Wii Sports and Wii Play cannot be encouraging. I think we'll need to wait for a really successful hardcore Wii game before we see developer acceptance of the situation. Further, it's pretty obvious that Nintendo has gone through a huge paradigm shift. Even though Nintendo says they cater to the core audience as well, it's clear that from things like Kaplan's interview and the Wii's marketing approach, Nintendo is cultivating a growing disregard for the hardcore. The entire Wii philosophy all the way down to the hardware and appearance is sort of alienating as well. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels the same way. Ubisoft is releasing a carnival game and the SH5 developers think it's a grandmother console.

I have no doubt that Nintendo will see further sales successes for a very long time but once there are significant price drops on its competitors, that may be enough to keep third party support away. I just don't think there is much confidence that a traditional game will thrive on the console.

If devs don't like sales in japan maybe they should offer something that's as engaging as Wii sports, I won't speak for Wii play. These games aren't selling because of graphics, maybe them devs should try and figure out why. As for nintendo not caring about the hardcore who are you referring to. The fans that actually bothered to stay with them the last 2 gens seem content outside of the crappy online and the rest found their homes on other system. Seems to me the hc can't stand the fact Wii is going to be grabbing developer support they think somehow they are entitled to. Well devs go where the money goes and well the more casual movement is giving nintendo what they want and well the hc movement has no power with them. HC gamers became irrelevant to the big picture with nintendo and ds should've realized it was gonna happen in the console arena eventually.

Price drop won't help those systems if anything it will kill them off quicker. Sony or MS does a price drop the other 2 will respond accordingly a cheaper Wii is only going to make nintendo domination happen quicker. BTW that confidence you speak of is unfounded. Wii is beating ps3 for 3rd parties, 3rd parties sell more combined than nintendo, and several 3rd parties titles have sold more than 500k within a few months with crap titles. 3rd parties wanna survive on Wii maybe they should put more effort and quality into titles, not saying all titles are crap but the bulk is.


ccbfan said:
I think a lot of devs don't want Nintendo to win.

Nintendo wasn't exactly the nicest during their rule which was a reason why so many devs so eagerly jumped shipped to sony with the N64.

Now devs are again worried about nintendo ruling with an iron fist. Nintendo was pretty crappy to everyone but enix during the nes and snes days. Many probably still hold a grudge and maybe rightfully so. Like they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I don't think Nintendo ever tried to dowsize the whole gaming industry to advance a movie disk format.


lupin23rd said:
I think most devs bailed on the N64 and to a lesser extend GameCube even before they were even launched. There was a lot of upside to the PS3 and I believe there still is. Nobody is going to just stop their projects dead this early in the game, even if sales are low (thanks to those projects not being out in the first place - yeah the dreaded cycle). I think some people need to get over this fact.

Do you guys ever stop to think that maybe devs don't want to make certain games on Wii? It's simple to look at numbers, and assume that stockholders are game designers and get to decide everything, but if the dude making SH5 DOESN'T WANT TO PUT IT ON WII, or rather WANTS TO PUT IT ON PS3/360 then it's probably not going to be on Wii.

I'm glad to see Nintendo back in the driver's seat too, but jesus christ guys. Boggles the mind sometimes...

Im not asking for Silent hill ****ing 5 or final Fantasy ten quadrillion, I just want quality game experiences on the wii with reasonable visual quality (like Dewey and Harvest moon) and good use of the wii control scheme. Its almostl ike Devs are saying "you know, we suck so much ass we cant compete with nintendo, so well compete with the shitty devs on Sony/MS consoles instead" Thats what the whole no third party sells on nintendo sounds like to me. It sounds like devs think they just cant match Nintendos quality. and thats entirely untrue.


fallout said:

1 Year. 4,480,257 units sold. Insane.

I really like the packaging. I'm going to buy the Japanese version because I now have an excuse to. My brother's stealing my copy now that he's off the law school. :lol
Eteric Rice said:
It's hard to blame them. Heck, it's hard to blame devs either. For Nintendo, the hardcore market left them, and all that was left was their dedicated fans and memories of a past long gone. For developers, they were finally released from a strong monopoly, and given a chance to do what they wanted.

I think for the Wii, those two things will re-merge. Nintendo and some third parties will make the non-gamer games, and others will start to trickle in with more hardcore titles. It happened with the DS, and chances are it will happen again.

Hopefully, Mr. Iwata has taken notes from Nintendo last downfall, and won't be an ass to the third parties.

I'm thinking that especially in Japan third parties are becomnig increasingly irrelevant to Wii's success. In Japan third parties could support PS3 with all their might and Wii would not only still crush the PS3 but a lot of third party developers themselves as well. I think tastes in gaming there have simply shifted massively and the PS3 is just ill-equipped to deal with it.
Innotech said:
It makes me wonder, what exactly was meant by "many developers are shifting focus to the wii" in Japan. When will this focus become apparent?
Mostly when they have something to show. I think most pubs would like to avoid announcing games too early, and would also like to be able to show screenshots when they do announce.

Remember, the shift only went from theoretical to real a few months ago. It should be at undeniable now, but I'm sure some pubs will continue to support the PS3 until their stockholders make them do otherwise.


Wiitard said:
I don't think Nintendo ever tried to dowsize the whole gaming industry to advance a movie disk format.

Nope instead they decided to trick everyone that they were going to cd but instead went to a overly expensive and much smaller proprietary cartridge where they were set to profit massively from while keeping every developers nuts in a jar since they controlled all distribution of those carts.

Remember in the 90s Sony made the gaming industry grow while Nintendo tried everything in their power to contain the industry in its own little world trying to retain all control of it.
if 3rd parties don't wake up soon we'll have a whole of them merging and going bankrupt next year
Wiitard said:
I don't think Nintendo ever tried to dowsize the whole gaming industry to advance a movie disk format.
perfect comeback
ccbfan said:
Nope instead they decided to trick everyone that they were going to cd but instead went to a overly expensive and much smaller proprietary cartridge where they were set to profit massively from while keeping every developers nuts in a jar since they controlled all distribution of those carts.

Remember in the 90s Sony made the gaming industry grow while Nintendo tried everything in their power to contain the industry in its own little world trying to retain all control of it.

Which makes Sony' current bullheadedness even more perplexing. They should know the reason(s) they pulled the carpet out from under Nintendo - why are they screwing up so much in the same vein now?
I agree with the whole "Devs running scared from Nintendo's devs" argument. Seriously.

Make a quality game on the platform, and it'll sell, especially if it's something Nintendo does not make. Does Nintendo make survival horror? No. Make a decent game, and it'll sell!



Mariah Carey said:
I'm thinking that especially in Japan third parties are becomnig increasingly irrelevant to Wii's success. In Japan third parties could support PS3 with all their might and Wii would not only still crush the PS3 but a lot of third party developers themselves as well. I think tastes in gaming there have simply shifted massively and the PS3 is just ill-equipped to deal with it.
its just amazing to me that developers dont want to support a console thats actually affordable and is selling extremely well. Its actually unprecedented I think.
Sony really isnt the end all be all of gaming like so many believe. Its not that special. It just has deep pockets and some crazy PR. Nintendo has to compete legitimately, because unlike the others, it doesnt have several billion to just burn away on a hardware loss. Its almost unfair in that regard that the others can fill a console with technology and content far above asking price and price drop it to the price of nintendos system and keep the loss afloat with funds from entirely unrelated divisions. Its a good thing nintendo are excellent developers at least and can largely support their own console. but I wish devs would put more effort into making the wii a third party success like it easily could be. This is why Im happy that Konami, Ubisoft, Square, EA, Capcom, Namco are at least putting some effort into wii games instead of tossing it garbage. I guess, when alls said and done, at least nintendo still exists in hardware.


ccbfan said:
Nope instead they decided to trick everyone that they were going to cd but instead went to a overly expensive and much smaller proprietary cartridge where they were set to profit massively from while keeping every developers nuts in a jar since they controlled all distribution of those carts.

Remember in the 90s Sony made the gaming industry grow while Nintendo tried everything in their power to contain the industry in its own little world trying to retain all control of it.
so instead developers support a new console with the same basic approach with its own expensive media that the parent company stands to profit heavily from? how is that any different?


Wiitard said:
I don't think Nintendo ever tried to dowsize the whole gaming industry to advance a movie disk format.

That is one of THE worst anti-Sony FUD lingering around. BR is just a next gen storage format needed for a next gen console lasting the next 5-7 years.

It happens to play BR movies thanks to the power of Cell providing audio-video software decoding.

Eteric Rice

ccbfan said:
Nope instead they decided to trick everyone that they were going to cd but instead went to a overly expensive and much smaller proprietary cartridge where they were set to profit massively from while keeping every developers nuts in a jar since they controlled all distribution of those carts.

Remember in the 90s Sony made the gaming industry grow while Nintendo tried everything in their power to contain the industry in its own little world trying to retain all control of it.

I think they did that to avoid Sony getting power over Nintendo's franchises. From what I remember, Mr. Crazy Yamauchi re-read the contract that night, and noticed it. He called off the deal like a day before the revealing.

I don't blame em, really. I wouldn't want a company to have me by the balls, either.

Jahaya said:
That is one of THE worst anti-Sony FUD lingering around. BR is just a next gen storage format needed for a next gen console lasting the next 5-7 years.

It happens to play BR movies thanks to the power of Cell providing audio-video software decoding.

Biggest load of bullshit ever. They simply want to become the leader in High Definition disc media.
Mariah Carey said:
I think tastes in gaming there have simply shifted massively and the PS3 is just ill-equipped to deal with it.

I think this is exactly what is going on in Japan. Let's see what happens when the heavy hitters come out in Japan (FF, Metal Gear), though, and see if that makes any difference whatsoever. If those titles don't bring up the PS3 weekly totals to a sustainable level, I think we can safely say that Japan doesn't care about PS3 anymore and its games.


Jahaya said:
That is one of THE worst anti-Sony FUD lingering around. BR is just a next gen storage format needed for a next gen console lasting the next 5-7 years.

It happens to play BR movies thanks to the power of Cell providing audio-video software decoding.
Needed? How is it needed? Is every new game release multi DVD now?


Pureauthor said:
Which makes Sony' current bullheadedness even more perplexing. They should know the reason(s) they pulled the carpet out from under Nintendo - why are they screwing up so much in the same vein now?

Completely agree.

History is being repeated right now except the roles are reversed.

Sony is pretty much making the same mistakes as Nintendo and Nintendo is pretty much using many tactics that Sony used on them 10 years.

The PS change the ways games was played with FMVs(large because now with cds it can hold long movies) and 3d while Nintendo is now changing it with the wiimote. They were both bringing in a brand new audience that was not there before. PS made video games somewhat mainstream and now wiimote in bring it to the super casuals.

Unlike Sony though people still remember Nintendo's dirty atctics back in the day.
Jahaya said:
That is one of THE worst anti-Sony FUD lingering around. BR is just a next gen storage format needed for a next gen console lasting the next 5-7 years.

It happens to play BR movies thanks to the power of Cell providing audio-video software decoding.

You know what decides how long a next-gen console lasts? The market, not its storage.


nextgeneration said:
I think this is exactly what is going on in Japan. Let's see what happens when the heavy hitters come out in Japan (FF, Metal Gear), though, and see if that makes any difference whatsoever. If those titles don't bring up the PS3 weekly totals to a sustainable level, I think we can safely say that Japan doesn't care about PS3 anymore and its games.

I agree that it is the tastes and the whole "new" novel ways to play games rather than PS3 being a bad console which is certainly not true because Sony did put a lot of effort to make it next gen worthy...according to "older" tastes.


Innotech said:
Needed? How is it needed? Is every new game release multi DVD now?

And the gen last till now? I am not getting into the multi DVD debate because it is been covered so well in virtually every gaming forums.


ccbfan said:
Nope instead they decided to trick everyone that they were going to cd but instead went to a overly expensive and much smaller proprietary cartridge where they were set to profit massively from while keeping every developers nuts in a jar since they controlled all distribution of those carts.

Remember in the 90s Sony made the gaming industry grow while Nintendo tried everything in their power to contain the industry in its own little world trying to retain all control of it.

IIRC, the reason Nintendo cancelled the CD format is because Miyamoto hate the speed of CD-ROM, compared to catridge. If you have played PS1 game, you will really notice the speed.

Right now, DS is using a smaller, proprietary, more expensive cartridge (compared to PSP's UMD), and DS is kicking PSP sales, especially the S/W. I think the reason N64 fail is not only caused by the format, it is caused by multiple things (exorbitant license fee, Yamauchi's pimp hand etc).


Professional Schmuck
FlightOfHeaven said:
I agree with the whole "Devs running scared from Nintendo's devs" argument. Seriously.

Make a quality game on the platform, and it'll sell, especially if it's something Nintendo does not make. Does Nintendo make survival horror? No. Make a decent game, and it'll sell!



Games 3rd Parties should focus on
1. Simulation Driving (GT, Forza, etc)
2. Simulation Sports (Madden, Tiger, Fight Night, etc)
3. Fighting Games (SSBB =/= Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA)
4. Survival Horror (RE, SH, etc)
5. Sandbox Beat-em-ups (GTA)
6. Hardcore non-gaming games (Trivial Pursuit > Brain Training?)

Games 3rd Parties should avoid
1. Platformers with mascots
2. Kart Racing with cartoon characters
3. Futuristic Racing
4. Non-war based strategy games
5. Cutesy Sports games
6. "Lite" non-gaming games
7. Mini Games
What are you guys talking? Announcing new stuff for the PS3? Where? A multi game from of questionable quality?

Be patient, guys. The shift is happening slowly but surely. Only Konami is openly dissing the Wii, with Capcom a close second. We at least got REs from Capcom.

But these two, and especially Konami arent really essential to lead the market, and only Capcom has demonstrated that it can prosper without Japan. Good luck to Konami if they continue with the attitude they are demonstrating.

Other Japanese developers will or are falling in line, especially smaller ones like Atlus.


RiskyChris said:
You know what decides how long a next-gen console lasts? The market, not its storage.
the problem is sony is convincing people that they NEED this kind of storage format for games. most Ps3 games fit on a DVD9 and ones that use BR full storage are few and far between and take years to develop at high cost. Its almostl ike sony fans expect the same amount of software for Ps3, but in HD. Like publishers can actually sustain that kind of a market. a market of full HD at this point would be disastrous for the market overall because it drives prices up across the board and gamers just arent buying into it at an exponential rate required to sustain such a market economically. It just doesnt make good business sense at this point in time for everything to go HD. and if an HD game actually fails? Goodbye developers.


Professional Schmuck
titiklabingapat said:
What are you guys talking? Announcing new stuff for the PS3? Where? A multi game from of questionable quality?

Be patient, guys. The shift is happening slowly but surely. Only Konami is openly dissing the Wii, with Capcom a close second. We at least got RE
s from Capcom. But these two, and especially Konami arent really essential to lead the market, and only Capcom has demonstrated that it can prosper without Japan. Good luck to Konami if they continue with the attitude they are demonstrating.

Is that a threat?
Jahaya said:
I agree that it is the tastes and the whole "new" novel ways to play games rather than PS3 being a bad console which is certainly not true because Sony did put a lot of effort to make it next gen worthy...according to "older" tastes.

Yes, by no means is the PS3 a bad console. Sony's always been very good at designing technologically advanced hardware. The problem this generation, though, for Sony, is that Nintendo read the market correctly and people's tastes and designed the interface to meet those needs. Nintendo gambled correctly. Sony did not.

This generation actually parallels the Saturn/PS1 days for me, where Sony gambled on 3d and thus, made their system adept at 3d and Sega did not and made their system strong at 2d. The industry, as we all know, headed towards 3d, and that was one of the factors that did Sega and Saturn in.

Eteric Rice

PantherLotus said:

Games 3rd Parties should focus on
1. Simulation Driving (GT, Forza, etc)
2. Simulation Sports (Madden, Tiger, Fight Night, etc)
3. Fighting Games (SSBB =/= Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA)
4. Survival Horror (RE, SH, etc)
5. Sandbox Beat-em-ups (GTA)
6. Hardcore non-gaming games (Trivial Pursuit > Brain Training?)
7. Role-Playing and Adventure games (Final Fantasy, Zelda type games)

Games 3rd Parties should avoid
1. Platformers with mascots
2. Kart Racing with cartoon characters
3. Futuristic Racing
4. Non-war based strategy games
5. Cutesy Sports games
6. "Lite" non-gaming games

Added to the "focus on" thing.
Jahaya said:
And the gen last till now? I am not getting into the multi DVD debate because it is been covered so well in virtually every gaming forums.

I'm sure every Wii game can fit on a DVD just fine, don't worry about next gen. :lol


Innotech said:
its just amazing to me that developers dont want to support a console thats actually affordable and is selling extremely well. Its actually unprecedented I think.
Sony really isnt the end all be all of gaming like so many believe. Its not that special. It just has deep pockets and some crazy PR. Nintendo has to compete legitimately, because unlike the others, it doesnt have several billion to just burn away on a hardware loss. Its almost unfair in that regard that the others can fill a console with technology and content far above asking price and price drop it to the price of nintendos system and keep the loss afloat with funds from entirely unrelated divisions. Its a good thing nintendo are excellent developers at least and can largely support their own console. but I wish devs would put more effort into making the wii a third party success like it easily could be. This is why Im happy that Konami, Ubisoft, Square, EA, Capcom, Namco are at least putting some effort into wii games instead of tossing it garbage. I guess, when alls said and done, at least nintendo still exists in hardware.



What are people caught with theirs pants down are supposed to say: we have this damn ****ing HD game which clearly will not make us money and few people will buy, but we are finishing anyway trying to keep costs down. We really, really regret starting it and it might cost our CEO his job. Please be excited about it.

titiklabingapat said:
What are you guys talking? Announcing new stuff for the PS3? Where? A multi game from of questionable quality?

Be patient, guys. The shift is happening slowly but surely. Only Konami is openly dissing the Wii, with Capcom a close second. We at least got REs from Capcom.

But these two, and especially Konami arent really essential to lead the market, and only Capcom has demonstrated that it can prosper without Japan. Good luck to Konami if they continue with the attitude they are demonstrating.

Other Japanese developers will or are falling in line, especially smaller ones like Atlus.

Yep, my point exactly. People are being paranoid. As far as I'm conserned all the evidence is consistent with virtually full abandonment of HD by Japanese and lion's share of Western devs as far as new projects are conserned.
PantherLotus said:

Games 3rd Parties should focus on
1. Simulation Driving (GT, Forza, etc)
2. Simulation Sports (Madden, Tiger, Fight Night, etc)
3. Fighting Games (SSBB =/= Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA)
4. Survival Horror (RE, SH, etc)
5. Sandbox Beat-em-ups (GTA)
6. Hardcore non-gaming games (Trivial Pursuit > Brain Training?)

Games 3rd Parties should avoid
1. Platformers with mascots
2. Kart Racing with cartoon characters
3. Futuristic Racing
4. Non-war based strategy games
5. Cutesy Sports games
6. "Lite" non-gaming games
7. Mini Games

Nah too logical, they will never listen to you


apujanata said:
IIRC, the reason Nintendo cancelled the CD format is because Miyamoto hate the speed of CD-ROM, compared to catridge. If you have played PS1 game, you will really notice the speed.

Right now, DS is using a smaller, proprietary, more expensive cartridge (compared to PSP's UMD), and DS is kicking PSP sales, especially the S/W. I think the reason N64 fail is not only caused by the format, it is caused by multiple things (exorbitant license fee, Yamauchi's pimp hand etc).
thats actually true. One of the reasons nintendo did stick with cartridge wasnt just the profts, but the loading speed. This is what killed the PSP early on and a major reason why I hate the Ps2. It taskes too ****ing long to load discs. Even the Wii loads discs slower than I would prefer. Gamecubel oaded fast because of the tiny discs. I hate loadtimes.
PantherLotus said:

Games 3rd Parties should focus on
1. Simulation Driving (GT, Forza, etc)
2. Simulation Sports (Madden, Tiger, Fight Night, etc)
3. Fighting Games (SSBB =/= Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA)
4. Survival Horror (RE, SH, etc)
5. Sandbox Beat-em-ups (GTA)
6. Hardcore non-gaming games (Trivial Pursuit > Brain Training?)

Games 3rd Parties should avoid
1. Platformers with mascots
2. Kart Racing with cartoon characters
3. Futuristic Racing
4. Non-war based strategy games
5. Cutesy Sports games
6. "Lite" non-gaming games
7. Mini Games



PantherLotus said:

Games 3rd Parties should focus on
1. Simulation Driving (GT, Forza, etc)
2. Simulation Sports (Madden, Tiger, Fight Night, etc)
3. Fighting Games (SSBB =/= Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA)
4. Survival Horror (RE, SH, etc)
5. Sandbox Beat-em-ups (GTA)
6. Hardcore non-gaming games (Trivial Pursuit > Brain Training?)

Games 3rd Parties should avoid
1. Platformers with mascots
2. Kart Racing with cartoon characters
3. Futuristic Racing
4. Non-war based strategy games
5. Cutesy Sports games
6. "Lite" non-gaming games
7. Mini Games

When you look at the audience and the hardware that are going to utilise these games?


Wiitard said:


What are people caught with theirs pants down are supposed to say: we have this damn ****ing HD game which clearly will not make us money and few people will buy, but we are finishing anyway trying to keep costs down. We really, really regret starting it and it might cost our CEO his job. Please be excited about it.

Im not talking about the HD projects on other systems. I understand that predicament devs are in. Im tlaking about NEW PROJECTS for wii. devleopers can easily announce their support of the wii while finishing up the HD projects.
Jahaya said:
I agree that it is the tastes and the whole "new" novel ways to play games rather than PS3 being a bad console which is certainly not true because Sony did put a lot of effort to make it next gen worthy...according to "older" tastes.

I... What are you trying to say?

The PS3 is failing because of several reasons, primarily its narrow focus on the hardcore gamer, the excessive price, their reliance on the loyalty to their brand, and their obtuse marketing. Oh, and the lack of games. But every console is affected by that the first 6-8 months into the console race.

Sure, tastes have shifted. But is the PS3 failing because the Wii is out? Or would it have failed just as badly sans Wii? Is the Wii succeeding at the PS3's cost? Or is it going places the PS3 would have never glimpsed?

Had Nintendo bowed out this race, I think gaming would have become incredibly niche.
Rlan said:
Rediculous. There is absolutely no need to release another 2D Mario anytime in the future, or at least, not until the next hardware revision.

What? Don't you mean "there is every damn reason to release another 2D Mario"? Look at Brain Training 1 and 2.

Eteric Rice

Jahaya said:
When you look at the audience and the hardware that are going to utilise these games?

The hardware was perfectly capable of doing it in the last generation. And technically, the Wii is more powerful than all three of the last gen consoles (though the X-Box is debateable for some).

charlequin said:
What? Don't you mean "there is every damn reason to release another 2D Mario"? Look at Brain Training 1 and 2.

I'd like a new, classic style Mario on the Wii. But much bigger. :D


you can't put a price on sparks
FlightOfHeaven said:
Had Nintendo bowed out this race, I think gaming would have become incredibly niche.

i dont particularly think so. unless you think movie watching is incredibly niche?
FlightOfHeaven said:
****ing LIES.

FlightOfHeaven said:
Goddamn it, where are the pics and link to the confirmation of Guilty Gear on the Wii!?
FlightOfHeaven said:
Frakkin' LIES.

Arc Sys. and GG^Core's websites mention nothing about the Wii. Damn it.
Christ, in 13 minutes you had time to post three different times asking other people to find information for you when you could have just gone to google and found the same page that joetachi found. Hell, you could have searched GAF and found this thread - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=154943&highlight=guilty+gear+wii* - conveniently titled "Official May Wii games Announcement thread".

Idiocracy indeed (since I just watched it).


Innotech said:
Im not talking about the HD projects on other systems. I understand that predicament devs are in. Im tlaking about NEW PROJECTS for wii. devleopers can easily announce their support of the wii while finishing up the HD projects.

Ok, so you are finishing a game. You are not quite sure what is you next game is going to be. What exactly do you gain by announcing now a game to be released at the end of 08? Why announcing a game so far of in a very volatile market (like Wii software market is right now) such a priority. I say, unless you Wii game is released in 07, keep quiet and pay attention to what is being released.

davepoobond said:
i dont particularly think so. unless you think movie watching is incredibly niche?



Professional Schmuck
Smiles and Cries said:
Nah too logical, they will never listen to you

Well, if you look at Ubi's asserted strategy, it looks like they're going half and half. They want to try and replicate the mini-game-a-thons with Rayman Rabbids 2, but they might very well have a niche-filler with Red Steel 2 and any improved FPS games. I think they will show some improvement but suffer from not differentiating themselves enough.

I DO think it would be absolute folly for 3rd parties to think they can replicate Brain Training in any shape or form. They're going to have to have their own angle--like the NY TIMES Crossword Puzzle thing that's coming out for the DS. Instead of just trying to "do what Nintendo does" they need to bring a fresh take with deep ideas to make any dent into the casual market.

So far, I think EA has the best 3rd party strategy. They're filling every niche that Nintendo either can't or won't do (Madden, SSX, NFS), but they're also going after the larger casual crowd with original ideas like Boogie (women love teh dancin) and My Sims (women love teh dressup). They will benefit from not only having the most recognized 3rd-party franchises, but also from providing early quality software AND for differentiating from what Nintendo is doing.

I also think we really need to see how SE does before we can judge how complete of a console the Wii can ever become. If DQS and FFCC both flop (they won't), it could get ugly (Japan loves teh RPGs).


Innotech said:
thats actually true. One of the reasons nintendo did stick with cartridge wasnt just the profts, but the loading speed. This is what killed the PSP early on and a major reason why I hate the Ps2. It taskes too ****ing long to load discs. Even the Wii loads discs slower than I would prefer. Gamecubel oaded fast because of the tiny discs. I hate loadtimes.

I also hate loadtimes. One of the reason I didn't try out RE4 for PS2, despite the additional content, is because I'm afraid of the possible loadtimes. Going from GC to PS2, you really appreciate the loadtimes on GC.

God of war 2 have a good load time. I enjoy that game immensely.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Jahaya said:
That is one of THE worst anti-Sony FUD lingering around. BR is just a next gen storage format needed for a next gen console lasting the next 5-7 years.

It happens to play BR movies thanks to the power of Cell providing audio-video software decoding.
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