Jarod McChicken
Can someone explain the MGSV sales? Are MGS sales in Japan always that low?
MGS V shipped 5 million worldwide for september by the way if someone want to make a thread.
And MGS V sales are not low in Japan 
Can someone explain the MGSV sales? Are MGS sales in Japan always that low?
Can someone explain the MGSV sales? Are MGS sales in Japan always that low?
Oh, to be clear, I normally think competing with an existing app makes a lot of sense.
I'm just not clear on if competing with this kind of thing will work, especially in the long run.
The main questions for me are:
1.) How many people are going to want to frequently log into and spend money on both their LINE PLAY alternate self and their Miitomo alternate self?
2.) How many people not engaged with LINE PLAY are looking for this kind of thing and will frequently log in to spend money?
3.) How many people would switch over from LINE PLAY if they already have a community there, which presumably the people spending money there already do?
With most games it's easy for me to imagine spending someone spending money on both White Cat Project and Final Fantasy Grandmasters long term if they like action RPGs, but this would be learning about your friends through your alternate self in two separate apps.
Even if they get 20 million downloads in Japan, they need a sizable, money spending community to still be here and engaged in 2017 for the kind of expectations investors will have.
Of course, maybe LINE PLAY just isn't very good, and succeeds via its uniqueness. At that point they could steal a lot given their brand recognition (getting users in the door, and it stems from both Nintendo/The Wii in general and Tomodachi Collection more directly) plus implementation quality/differences.
I'm having trouble imagining it compete well in a market dominated by LINE already.
That doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that's going to catch on to an extreme degree (or more importantly, also monetize very well instead of just getting a lot of downloads) when everyone is already hooked on a social platform with a bunch of affiliated games and a similar product to boot. Admittedly product does make good money, so supplanting would be strong, but it strikes me as an uphill climb given it's been strong and well seated since 2013.
I wasn't counting Pokemon GO though. For The Pokemon Company, I think their mobile strategy is generally okay since there's some decent but not astonishing monetization, and they're also feeding into a very successful merchandizing IP, where simply getting downloads is a big boon.
I don't think Nintendo sells many Mii toys/other merchandizing though, so the desire would be in monetizing the app itself. I could be wrong.
if you say that those says are low likely you dont know so much about japanese market
if there is a solid fanbase which never dropped in the last 20 years that's MGS![]()
This is the latest info I could find.mobile owners? Firstly, do we have any number about LINE Play userbase? LINE is of course very successful but that might mean that Play is popular because of its link to the messaging app - in such a case, a competing app might find easier to substitute consumers' attention.
LineCorp Press Release said:Since its release on November 21, 2012, the app has been lauded for providing an easy-to-use environment to interact with other users straight from any smartphone, and on December 27, 2014, the number of users worldwide exceeded 20 million, with close to 60% of them residing in countries such as Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United States. The 2014 Yearly App Revenue Rankings2 released by App Annie showed LINE PLAYs worldwide rank at number 3, exemplifying the unique global avatar communication culture it has created.
Yes, I see that as their main possibility of generating a good audience.1) perhaps because they're different enough and they're tied to different things that people want to use.
2) those who like Nintendo products, to begin with.
LINE itself is over 50 million users in Japan, so it's pretty comparable to Facebook in the West population percentage wise.3) don't act as userbases don't migrate all the time through digital services; LINE Play is not as big as Facebook and people didn't have any problem in migrate towards new social experiences when they found it worthwhile to do so; of course, Nintendo should be convincing enough to steal consumers' time to LINE.
Right, my reference to the strategy being "garbage" was that they said they were doing paid apps as well, which barring a Minecraft sized success, is not going to make major money.Also, this social app will not be the bulk of their mobile strategy - it seems more like a service mainly to accompany the new Nintendo fidelization system and secondly an app towards which there are sizes le expectations to monetize.
This I covered in one of the posts you didn't quote. If LINE PLAY isn't very compelling on its own, and Nintendo's service is notably more compelling, then they could try and take its position in the market and they'd be making a pretty significant amount of money per year, maybe in the $75-$100+ million range. That'd be a great start to their mobile revenue.Is the market really dominated by LINE such that there is no other social app that might interest mobile owners? Firstly, do we have any number about LINE Play userbase? LINE is of course very successful but that might mean that Play is popular because of its link to the messaging app - in such a case, a competing app might find easier to substitute consumers' attention. Secondly, it is necessary to see how much similar Miitomo will be to LINE Play - people don't have problem in having plenty of social networks account as long as they have some unique feature that allow them to differentiate with each other. Miitomo seems to be focused on the interaction aspect with the own avatar and with other Nintendo games, so there's surely a differentiating aspect.
This I think you misunderstood what I meant.The fact that Nintendo doesn't sell many Mii merchandising has nothing to say about the potential success of Miitomo; Miis existence makes sense in virtual world where you can create your own avatar and interact with the avatar of your friends - which kind of merchandising should Nintendo do? Is EA having big revenues with The Sims merchandising?
Of course Pokémon GO is relevant when talking about Nintendo mobile strategy - the game's idea came also from Iwata and Game Freak is closely tied to Nintendo. Pokémon GO exists because Nintendo allowed it to exist so it's of course part of its mobile strategy.
Based on what? Its in line with the last four titles in spite of Peace Walker having a much bigger install base and MGS4 much smaller. Same with comparing install base of 4&3. Its a just sells the same each entry.Putting both PS4 and PS3 version together, that's about 700k+ Units sold in Japan, just thought I'd be a lot more after two months.
EDIT: Wait, Miitomo has games as well? This IS very similar to LINE PLAY, then.
Putting both PS4 and PS3 version together, that's about 700k+ Units sold in Japan, just thought I'd be a lot more after two months.
First Day Sell-Through {2015.10.29}
[PSV] Yomawari <ADV> (Nippon Ichi Software) - 70-80% and some stock problems
Glad to see NIS doing something a bit different seems to be working!
If shipment is ultra small maybe. Retailers wouldn't risk for this game.
? Why? It's wiiu forecasts are quite doable (for hardware is a little higher, but for software its not) and although for the 3ds is a little more difficult, there will be a couple of big releases that might make it. Dont know if it will ship that much hardware though.What Shinra said is also true, though, that there is a reaction to the lukewarm performance (while profitable, they were under certain expectations) and lack of inspiring confidence. Its rather convoluted but I'd say that the mobile news/app was the main trigger to the sell-off rather than the lukewarm profitable quarter. Amiibos are probably going to carry them on to profits for Q3/Holidays but they'll not meet any of their software/hardware expectations unless some divine miracle occurs or a game *really* hits it off globally..
Yes, it was unreasonable. As someone who sat through the announcement itself and the GAF thread also (as we mocked the translators); there was no good reason to expect anything more than what they have announced so far. They made their plans clear.
But that night, and every day since then parts of the media, and people themselves have been ignoring what was said, instead substituting in this imaginary scenario where something else would happen.
It's going to get even more rough as their next games are announced and don't fall in line with what some folks have allowed themselves to expect. I don't think many of the investors nor the media are interested in Nintendos actual plan to create these side experiences that encourage people over to their main business of handhelds and consoles; I think those people want mobile to 'become' their main business while handhelds and consoles take a sidecar. They were clear that wasn't their plan, but the slow realization of it for people is going to be pretty wild.
Nirolak, as I said earlier alongside Vena, considering how the report from WSJ's live blog wasn't completely accurate compared to the presentation itself, I'd wait to be so sure all the other apps will be buy2play, it could've been another inaccurate report. It seems live blog from Nintendo meetings always present difficulties, probably a consequence of the necessity of typing quickly, reporting as fast as possible. For example, the tidbit about Wii U/3DS unannounced games to be released before the end of the year was completely absent and probably misinterpreted, considering what the presentation says about 3DS alone, and the live blog lacked any mention of MyNintendo, just Nintendo Account and cloud saves
EDIT: Wait, Miitomo has games as well? This IS very similar to LINE PLAY, then.
I interpreted it as "Some of our other games will be buy-to-play." more so than "all", but yes, it will certainly be good to see a full transcript.Nirolak, as I said earlier alongside Vena, considering how the report from WSJ's live blog wasn't completely accurate compared to the presentation itself, I'd wait to be so sure all the other apps will be buy2play, it could've been another inaccurate report. It seems live blog from Nintendo meetings always present difficulties, probably a consequence of the necessity of typing quickly, reporting as fast as possible. For example, the tidbit about Wii U/3DS unannounced games to be released before the end of the year was completely absent and probably misinterpreted, considering what the presentation says about 3DS alone, and the live blog lacked any mention of MyNintendo, just Nintendo Account and cloud saves
EDIT: Wait, Miitomo has games as well? This IS very similar to LINE PLAY, then.
Their stock soared on the mobile news, but they were heavily undervalued for months before that anyway. It was just a dam-breaker (a big one) but their stock will sit around where it has for months, just lower than the highest high of the last few months.
The Pokemon Go news is why we were so high these last few weeks.
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD |
| ALL | 362.000 | 420.000 | 736.000 | 26.436.000 | 32.021.000 |
| Model | This Week | Week (%) | FY 2015 | FY (%) |
| 3DS | 198.230 | 57.10% | 8.614.332 | 51.30% |
| Vita | 44.003 | 12.70% | 2.396.278 | 14.30% |
| Wii U | 37.271 | 10.70% | 1.918.136 | 11.40% |
| PS4 | 35.531 | 10.20% | 2.087.948 | 12.40% |
| PS3 | 29.348 | 8.40% | 1.633.663 | 9.70% |
| PSP | 2.221 | 0.60% | 105.376 | 0.60% |
| XB1 | 860 | 0.20% | 37.692 | 0.20% |
| Total | 347.464 | 100.00% | 16.793.425 | 100.00% |
| Model | This Week | Week (%) | FY 2015 | FY (%) |
| PS4 | 22.087 | 32.20% | 571.646 | 25.20% |
| 3DS | 21.189 | 30.90% | 831.245 | 36.70% |
| Vita | 13.253 | 19.30% | 406.511 | 17.90% |
| Wii U | 9.805 | 14.30% | 369.836 | 16.30% |
| PS3 | 1.599 | 2.30% | 80.394 | 3.50% |
| XB1 | 574 | 0.80% | 6.898 | 0.30% |
| Total | 68.507 | 100.00% | 2.266.530 | 100.00% |
you'd have to essentially fundamentally change the mobile market singlehandedly.
Extreme bouteden seems to have done poorly, especially considering ultimate heroes 2 is still charting above it. I believe it gets a lot of updates though...?
Code:------------------------------------------------------- | Model | This Week | Week (%) | FY 2015 | FY (%) | ------------------------------------------------------- | 3DS | 198.230 | 57.10% | 8.614.332 | 51.30% | | Vita | 44.003 | 12.70% | 2.396.278 | 14.30% | | Wii U | 37.271 | 10.70% | 1.918.136 | 11.40% | | PS4 | 35.531 | 10.20% | 2.087.948 | 12.40% | | PS3 | 29.348 | 8.40% | 1.633.663 | 9.70% | | PSP | 2.221 | 0.60% | 105.376 | 0.60% | | XB1 | 860 | 0.20% | 37.692 | 0.20% | ------------------------------------------------------- | Total | 347.464 | 100.00% | 16.793.425 | 100.00% | -------------------------------------------------------
Uh, Dreamcast software sales were mostly Sega also. People overlook it for some reason but outside maybe Saturn, Sega dominated their own console's sales just as much as post SFC-Nintendo does.We've discussed this issue some time ago, indeed. Wii U tends to concentrate software sales around few big sellers (mostly Nintendo games) while PSV and PS4 software sales are diluted across small releases (mostly third party games) - this was also true on GC, for example, against say DC.
This means that, for example, PSV has 10 games selling 10 for a total of 100, while Wii U has 2 games selling 50 for the same total. Total software sales cannot give the full picture, of course.
Someone mentioned earlier that even though the Vita and PS4 get so many more releases than the Wii U, all 3 are still fairly evenly matched in total software sold each week. Which means the Playstation ecosystem is going toe to toe with Splatoon, Mario Maker, and leftovers from Kart and Smash, and is not always winning. That seems troubling even if the PS4's hardware sales are relatively less bad as of late.
Well yeah. 3DS is really the only system moving software at an at all comparable rate to previous major platforms. And even then 3DS is also moving less software annually than PS2 or DS did generally (although more than anything else did).I think Pennywise & sorine kind of missed the point though. Historically Wii U software sales have been fairly bad compared to other platforms from previous generations right? If the PS4 & Vita are selling about the same amount of software as the Wii U week on week despite having a lot of third party support (whatever's left in Japan I guess), isn't that troubling?
The market rather desperately needs 2016 to be good.
The 3DS is getting a solid line-up, the PS4 has its best (and honestly probably only) chance at recovering to something remotely reasonable, and then the year is presumably ending with the NX launch, which will hopefully be at least above average instead of the same mediocre to disastrous launches everything else has been having.
So looking at Konami's results a bit.
In Q1, releasing nothing notable that I can remember, they saw rev of ¥23.8 Bln and profit of ¥6.4 Bln. They would have had catalogue sales I guess, and GZ released at the end of the last fiscal year. But most of the earnings are attributed to their mobile titles and other monetisation.
In Q2, with the new release of MGSV and PES, they saw rev of ¥27.2 Bln and profit of ¥6.3 Bln?
sörine;183645113 said:GC 3rd party software might've even outsold DC actually?
I think Pennywise & sorine kind of missed the point though. Historically Wii U software sales have been fairly bad compared to other platforms from previous generations right? If the PS4 & Vita are selling about the same amount of software as the Wii U week on week despite having a lot of third party support (whatever's left in Japan I guess), isn't that troubling?
I mean I guess they could have had a notable decline in their mobile revenue, but there's no mention of this.That's pretty much it - MGSV, break-even point - JIKKYOU PAWAFURU PUROYAKYU bringing that moolah
I mean I guess they could have had a notable decline in their mobile revenue, but there's no mention of this.
It just struck a contrast for me, given the ecstatic responses in the MGSV 5M shipped thread about how much profit and what a great return MGSV will bring.
Even if it ends up generating positive ROI, it's sort of no wonder they let Kojima go and are basically a mobile company.
Here's a MH 3DS Comgnet comparison of MHX's current (Oct 31st) vs the finals (seemingly) of others:
[3DS] Monster Hunter 3G - 971pt + 319pt = 1,290pt*
[3DS] Monster Hunter 4 - 3872pt
[3DS] Monster Hunter 4G - 2845pt
[3DS] Monster Hunter X - 1706pt
* = Comg preorder pts from 2011/2012
miitomo reveal was indeed quite underwhelming as they didn't show much to boost confidence, however this is gonna be nintendo's proper entry into the mobile market, they know they have to put out something that will impress and attract the mobile consumers, on top of ds-like profits goal on mobile alone, they have to be holding back something
most likely they want to reveal a bit more when nx is closer to release since that will be their main concern and their mobile strategy is suppose to complement their dedicated hardware
right but miitomo itself hasn't been fully revealed and if it's just a simple app for communication, why would they delay it when they've said for awhile now that it'll come out by the end of the year? can't be that hard to develop the app if thats the only hook the app has to offerI don't think they are hiding anything within Miitomo (apart from how agressive the business model is). They were pretty clear on their strategy since the start, but people expected way too much. This is an interesting start, typically Nintendo-like.
Their synergy between Mobile and Console will go through MyNintendo, and that's where they have been pretty vague for now. Who know what will be the other 4 mobile games, but people expecting Mario Maker Lite on it will be extremely disappointed. As they said, they want to bring something new to the table.
Miitomo is indeed pretty close to Line Play, but it seems also to be having more Tomodachi Life dna than they've let on.
Is it? Website only mentions "Scheduled for 2016" if it is indeed coming before March then they're expecting less than a million for the game.Are you expecting a notably early year unveil for the NX?
The game is out in March.