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Media Create Sales: Week 49, 2013 (Dec 02 - Dec 08)

I don't think there's any prayer of such a "surprise". If you believe it, that's on you, but Vita is going to get clobbered this holiday season, then clobbered again in the New Year when Nintendo's heavy hitters release.

I disagree completely. Two or three spikes for wiiU followed by weeks (or months) of droughts for the system is not going to beat the vita that actually has a solid release schedule on a month to month and week to week basis.
People may not decide to buy 3DS versions. Seriously this is the same company that didn't bother to do a port to the Vita. If they cared about that sort of thing it wouldn't have been exclusive to the 3DS as long as it has (or at all).

They have something to gain by keeping it 3DS exclusive precisely their reasoning no one knows but there's certainly a reason. Which is why I doubt we'll see a mainline on ios etc for a while. I expect it'll happen when the sales on the handhelds start to slow down not before.

Porting to vita wouldn't allow for cross platform play though.

But...why such urgency? The game's selling shitloads of copies on 3DS already, on iOS / tablets it would certainly be a premium priced app, which doesn't translate too many times in being successful, and with serious problems in adapting controls, much more than for classic RPGs. There's no need for that, seriously. It could actually have a negative effect on the brand as a whole, now.

Because they are investing a lot of money on a mobile studio.

EDIT: I must say that I personally couldn't care less about Monster Hunter as a gamer because I think it's boring as shit. I only look at MH when it comes to sales age. I don't think people should be surprised if MH4 gets ported to ios/android. The control argument is old and was made before for classic RPGs and FPS and those two are pretty commonplace nowadays on mobiles. ios and obviously android now support controllers, so the argument that controls suck on mobiles is pretty much irrelevant going forward IMO.


I disagree completely. Two or three spikes for wiiU followed by weeks (or months) of droughts for the system is not going to beat the vita that actually has a solid release schedule on a month to month and week to week basis.
"Solid" is a bit of an overstatement.


I don't think there's any prayer of such a "surprise". If you believe it, that's on you, but Vita is going to get clobbered this holiday season, then clobbered again in the New Year when Nintendo's heavy hitters release.

clobbered by the 3DS? Sure. Mainly because of that stupid mobile game.
WiiU? Nah.




The PS Vita truly is the dominant handheld to get this Christmas season if you want puzzle & board games.


To be accurate, if you're adding up the Wii and Wii U version, you might as well count every version of each iteration.
Otherwise, the fact this entry has been incredibly destructive to the franchise might be lost or attenuated.

i'm not sure that's true. we could say the same of final fantasy xi and worse of final fantasy xiv. also if it's been incredibly destructive, it certainly hasn't impacted the sales of recent remakes, both of which have performed in line with other remakes in the series.


Give it some time, I honestly believe the console will sell purely on tech/price/hype alone for at least 6 month (40-45k/week, with a strong launch of 600k or so) and will get third party announcements every other week starting Feb.

Not a chance in hell.
PS4 is going to flop hard in Japan unless Japanese games are released on it. Japan is not the US or the UK.


No, it really isn't


Sort by Japan to get it in order of release (undated 2014 titles will be before that). Also this list is missing a few games like Gravity daze 2.
Aw, Tearaway came out this week and didn't chart? I guess it's not totally unexpected, but :(.

I started to comment that not a lot of that list catches my eye... but then I remembered we're comparing with Wii U. Just having titles on the list is enough.
lttp but good bump for the U, expected to go up but not that much

3d worlds low opening had me thinking it might not be a good holiday run
It's funny people saying that Wii U bump is expected, but I have not seen any people saying before that expected 50k for the system this week.

It doesn't matter what happens, there will always be somebody there who wants to try and feel like a big shot saying they saw it coming and it's predictable and no big deal etc. etc.


Saint Titanfall
Porting to vita wouldn't allow for cross platform play though.

Because they are investing a lot of money on a mobile studio.

EDIT: I must say that I personally couldn't care less about Monster Hunter as a gamer because I think it's boring as shit. I only look at MH when it comes to sales age. I don't think people should be surprised if MH4 gets ported to ios/android. The control argument is old and was made before for classic RPGs and FPS and those two are pretty commonplace nowadays on mobiles. ios and obviously android now support controllers, so the argument that controls suck on mobiles is pretty much irrelevant going forward IMO.

Neither would ios really. Though I assume it mostly comes down to Nintendo.


It's launching with FFXIV & Yakuza

Wii U had MH3U and DQX, what could possibly go wrong?

All of those games have in common that they are only ports of games that are also available on another platform. These games might be popular, but in the end they are "just" ports. They won't be a driving force to move hardware. Yakuza might do better than the other three games, since (afaik) it releases on both of its platforms on the same day. So, it's at least not also an old port.


Saint Titanfall
The PS4 will be in a much better position than the WiiU.

It has Final Fantasy, Yakuza, Dynasty Warriors and later down the road it's bound to get Resident Evil.

Umm two of those isn't close to having a release, and the other two aren't that big.

Software wise for Japan Wii u had better software and support (exclusive nsmb, ports like Ninja gaiden, tekken, MH3G, DQ etc)

Saying Japans' support of the PS4 within the launch period is lacking is an understatement. It's simply not there. It likely will be in a year or two but the PS4 is likely going to have a rough as hell start in Japan.

Even compared with the Vita launch the PS4 has a large void in Japan centric content.


Wii U sales are so unprecedented, I can't see how people are saying things with such confidence.

I could see next week going to 100,000 and at the same time sinking to about 40,000.

As for January, I can see Mario keeping it strong around 40,000 to 50,000, and I can also see it going back to 10,000.

I see no real indicators that make me confident to say anything.

As a Wii U fan, I hope for the best though.
The Dynasty Warriors that is launching with the PS4 is Xtreme Legends 8. A port of this:

29./06. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends # <ACT> (Koei Tecmo) {2013.11.28} (¥5.040) - 7.667 / 44.255 <60-80%> (-79%)

Don't expect much from it, Xtreme Legends games don't sell that much.

If there is a PS4 game that is going to move HWs it's Yakuza Ishin.


Would it surprise you if MH4G actually released on android/ios and possibly even w8 with cross platform play between all of them? Or if before MH4G they released MH4 on mobiles? They did use the MH4 money to invest on their dedicated mobile division so it wouldn't surprise me to see them put a mainline MH game on mobile.

They were pretty clear in their last financial release that their strategy is basically:
-Make a major game on a dedicated device
-Pump out tons and tons of DLC for said game
-Make a bunch of tie-in mobile/social titles around the brand the game is in

They feel that, at least currently, it's hard to launch a brand on mobile, but that once you have one, they can be very lucrative on mobile.

At some point that perspective might change, but the impression I get is that it's the small to medium sized games we should expect to disappear from dedicated devices, not the biggest.

For now I would guess that Monster Hunter Smart is the closest we will get to a mainline Monster Hunter on mobile.


dat inazuma drop (first week sales)

[NDS] Inazuma Eleven - 41.474

[NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard - 149.251
[NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Fire - 131.346
Total: 280.597

[NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: Spark - 270.719
[NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: Bomber - 234.442
Total: 505.161

[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go: Shine - 75.739
[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go: Dark - 59.520
Total: 135.259

[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Thunder, Thunderclap - 73.370
[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Hot Wind, Scorching Wind - 94.809
Total: 168.179

[3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy: Big Bang / Supernova - 91.643 / NEW

Gaist Crusher might just be one of the big bombas of 2013. If the game is resulting in that much disinterest I can only imagine how the other related products are doing.

I have to wonder if the Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and looming Puzzle & Dragons releases have put a choke hold on children's 3DS software.


I still don't quite comprehend why it exists.

One theory I have is that Sony wanted to have *some* new home gaming product on the market this Christmas even if they couldn't bring the PS4 over in time. Which... still seems somewhat nuts.

to expand VITA user base... it increases VITA baseline in Japan by 20%!


Wii U needs to stay alive long enough for SMT x FE. Hope the numbers start picking up more from now on.
No it's not. Kingdom Hearts 3D was bomb because it didn't sell anywhere near its predecessor (Birth by Sleep). God Eater 2 is easily matching previous God Eater games. It has done well.
I said "something like", in the sense of having a good LTD (KH 350k) but also some negative factors. I think GE2 is under performing, but that's me, not gonna try to convince anyone.

Hum nope, the shipment day one was 500k and they announced soon after the release that they shipped 600k copies.
"Over 500k", Dengeki estimates 550k shipped.


The 48k WiiU sales is really surprising. I think most people didn't expect that it will reach that number even if there's a holiday bump mostly on Nintendo games or hardwares.

Off-topic: Anyone have the gif of WiiU having no games?


Saint Titanfall
Wii U needs to stay alive long enough for SMT x FE. Hope the numbers start picking up more from now on.

Can't really see how, considering the closest thing is Donkey kong. In this situation cross platform is the best bet, but a 3DS to wii u port likely isn't cheap or that easy.

Honestly the Vita is quite lucky it it got as much cross platform support that it did. Otherwise it'd be in a far worse position currently than it is. Best thing Sony did for the system sales wise (inJapan at least.....).


Give it some time, I honestly believe the console will sell purely on tech/price/hype alone for at least 6 month (40-45k/week, with a strong launch of 600k or so) and will get third party announcements every other week starting Feb.

First PADZ won't sell more than 380K first week and now this? You are on fire.


Man, quit with this lame drama. There are prospects that'll ensure Wii U's stability in the near future. Be assured that, at least in Japan, Wii U situation is secured.

What in a coffin?

And as for SMTxFE, SegaSammy's buyout of Atlus is making me doubt the future of that crossover.


Saint Titanfall
What in a coffin?

And as for SMTxFE, SegaSammy's buyout of Atlus is making me doubt the future of that crossover.

Sega made 3 exclusive Sonic games for the wii u and 3ds of all publishers they'd have the most minimal affect on the game unless it was already cancelled. It's basically just free money for them if Nintendo makes it.

There's also Bayonetta 2 another Sega IP exclusive.


It's a shame Nintendo doesn't think they need third parties because post holidays Wii U will return to the crypt it just escaped.

They must know they need it by now, they just are too mismanaged to do something about it.
It's not about Nintendo thinking they don't need third parties. It's that they would basically have to fund every single one for it to make a difference. And that is a losing stratedy.


Man, quit with this lame drama. There are prospects that'll ensure Wii U's stability in the near future. Be assured that, at least in Japan, Wii U situation is secured.

In the near future? Of course, it's Christmas. Secured? I dunno. Just... don't shelve the tool box so soon. We'll see early next year if it's secured or not.
Wii U sales are so unprecedented, I can't see how people are saying things with such confidence.

I could see next week going to 100,000 and at the same time sinking to about 40,000.

As for January, I can see Mario keeping it strong around 40,000 to 50,000, and I can also see it going back to 10,000.

I see no real indicators that make me confident to say anything.

As a Wii U fan, I hope for the best though.

This does make it really hard to predict where the sales will go....
They were pretty clear in their last financial release that their strategy is basically:
-Make a major game on a dedicated device
-Pump out tons and tons of DLC for said game
-Make a bunch of tie-in mobile/social titles around the brand the game is in

They feel that, at least currently, it's hard to launch a brand on mobile, but that once you have one, they can be very lucrative on mobile.

At some point that perspective might change, but the impression I get is that it's the small to medium sized games we should expect to disappear from dedicated devices, not the biggest.

For now I would guess that Monster Hunter Smart is the closest we will get to a mainline Monster Hunter on mobile.

That makes sense, thanks. I guess they are tackling the mobile market a little different than SE is, so we can expect their biggest franchises (MH, RE) to stay on dedicated gaming consoles for now whereas other franchises will probably get main entries on mobiles. Worth noting that only recently has capcom started developing for android as well, previous efforts were mainly on ios.

Cross platform games could occur on any platform the issue is the platform holders themselves. PS3 had them and Xbox had them I think, but they were to pc. Chances of Nintendo okaying it are a bit iffy.


Mory Dunz

Wii U sales are so unprecedented, I can't see how people are saying things with such confidence.

I could see next week going to 100,000 and at the same time sinking to about 40,000.

As for January, I can see Mario keeping it strong around 40,000 to 50,000, and I can also see it going back to 10,000.

I see no real indicators that make me confident to say anything.

As a Wii U fan, I hope for the best though.

People who seem to expect everything must be psychic. I had no idea 3DW week would only have like a 5K increase, but this week would have the increase it did.


Let the Nintendo fans have this.

There has been nothing but doom and gloom lately. Don't rain on their small parade.

Bu-but next week or well the 3ds is not doing ds numbers.

Let them have their cake.

Tommorow the npd bomb will hit and it will return to the regular scheduled program.

haha, geez. it's comments like this that start upsetting people.
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