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Media Create Sales: Week 50, 2011 (Dec 12 - Dec 18)


And DQX could well mark the end of that franchise too. What a generation! Just a couple of years back, whodathunk that Tales would end up being bigger than Final Fantasy?!

Let's not jump to conclusions here. Tales may be growing, but this is a sequel to a game that is known to not be all that great. Final Fantasy is lucky in a way, in that each entry is a chance for them to do something completely different and win new (or win back) buyers.

The next mainline FF entry will likely be wounded by XIII, but it will be fine.


Another interesting thing related to the FF brand is that S-E is supposedly releasing FFX next year and it most likely will be only an HD port. I was expecting big things for the game (~1M between both versions) but after seeing the performance of MGS HD and how badly the FF brand has been tanking, I don't know if it will sell even 500k


Another interesting thing related to FF is that S-E is supposedly releasing FFX next year and it most likely will be only an HD port. I was expecting big things for the game (~1M between both versions) but after seeing the performance of MGS HD and how badly the FF brand has been tanking, I don't know if it will sell even 500k

It could be a good indicator of whether the issue is Final Fantasy 13, or Final Fantasy in general.


Another interesting thing related to FF is that S-E is supposedly releasing FFX next year and it most likely will be only an HD port. I was expecting big things for the game (~1M between both versions) but after seeing the performance of MGS HD and how badly the FF brand has been tanking, I don't know if it will sell even 500k

Yeah I think we might indeed be looking at the Japanese industry showing that they are "sick" of buying certain things on a overly regular basis without major changes. Re-releases, ports, and quick sequels don't seem to work for every franchise these days, and even for franchises it used to work for, it can change (HI LEVEL-5!).
Another interesting thing related to the FF brand is that S-E is supposedly releasing FFX next year and it most likely will be only an HD port. I was expecting big things for the game (~1M between both versions) but after seeing the performance of MGS HD and how badly the FF brand has been tanking, I don't know if it will sell even 500k

This will depend on the degree of porting FFX will be; they could remake the graphics and present it in a cool manner so to attract a lot of people.


And even i am moderately surprised
yeah, i want to eventually pick up FF13-2 to see how it is and whether they fixed it - but everywhere is swimming in copies and the excess stock makes it a prime candidate for new years 1980 yen clean outs.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Yeah I think we might indeed be looking at the Japanese industry showing that they are "sick" of buying certain things on a overly regular basis without major changes. Re-releases, ports, and quick sequels don't seem to work for every franchise these days, and even for franchises it used to work for, it can change (HI LEVEL-5!).

Brands that so far doesn't seem to have made Japanese audience sick of re-releases, ports, and things like these

Dragon Quest ( but Terry's Wonderland will be a new test for this, since the last DQ remake has been released just in January 2010 )
Monster Hunter ( absolutely... if we exclude the Poka Poka Airu sequel )
Super Mario? (if we think about it, 3D Land is the next main 3D Mario, and it has been released after just one year and a half after Galaxy 2. But the main cause of this is that Mario games are quality games and, above all, pretty different between each other... )
Musou games, I believe, despite DW Next bad result, since those damn rehashes of SW3 and DW7 sold good recently.

Congratulations to winners:
- Overall Results: jeremy1456 by Units and FINALFANTASYDOG by Points
- Non-Vita (First 4) Results: electroplankton by Units and frankie_baby by Points
- Vita-only (Last 4) Results: FINALFANTASYDOG by Units and Mpl90 by Points
Overall Results	By Units			By Points	
1	195532	jeremy1456		142,24%	FINALFANTASYDOG
2	228994	electroplankton		143,74%	Gianny Merryman
3	253756	LOCK			148,29%	frankie_baby
4	255070	Gianny Merryman		154,81%	LOCK
5	257890	FINALFANTASYDOG		173,06%	noobie
6	293824	frankie_baby		180,31%	electroplankton
7	299894	Kenka			194,27%	Mpl90
8	316410	noobie			194,96%	Kurosaki Ichigo
9	329868	kwaoghana		206,07%	Road
10	353871	lunchwithyuzo		211,53%	jeremy1456
11	375442	Truth101		229,24%	Kenka
12	391206	Mpl90			249,91%	Yeshua
13	398204	Kurosaki Ichigo		250,28%	matmanx1
14	418028	starship		253,47%	starship
15	419338	baekshi			278,79%	BurntPork
16	436695	Road			279,09%	lunchwithyuzo
17	449938	matmanx1		298,34%	Orgen
18	468556	BurntPork		313,10%	baekshi
19	478486	zomgbbqftw		317,64%	Truth101
20	511962	Yeshua			327,25%	kwaoghana
21	522932	Chris1964		332,12%	KuwabaraTheMan
22	539756	Orgen			345,08%	Slime
23	540538	waicol			350,63%	Chris1964
24	547586	Fularu			390,74%	Alrus
25	564458	Alrus			402,85%	zomgbbqftw
26	640756	KuwabaraTheMan		431,85%	waicol
27	666894	ULTROS!			500,61%	Fularu
28	667656	Slime			518,50%	ULTROS!
29	889420	Spiegel			621,60%	Spiegel

Non-Vita Results By Units			By Points	
1	 83952	electroplankton		 48,19%	frankie_baby
2	113334	frankie_baby		 49,09%	Kenka
3	117852	Kenka			 51,03%	electroplankton
4	126666	jeremy1456		 62,40%	Gianny Merryman
5	141666	Gianny Merryman		 63,82%	LOCK
6	144096	noobie			 67,56%	noobie
7	157714	LOCK			 67,80%	lunchwithyuzo
8	197096	kwaoghana		 85,08%	jeremy1456
9	209651	lunchwithyuzo		 85,21%	FINALFANTASYDOG
10	221486	FINALFANTASYDOG		 88,22%	BurntPork
11	264149	Mpl90			 90,10%	baekshi
12	277952	Truth101		 91,78%	ULTROS!
13	297096	Fularu			 93,80%	Fularu
14	312714	starship		 98,37%	kwaoghana
15	315714	waicol			115,74%	Slime
16	316232	BurntPork		121,88%	Yeshua
17	321074	baekshi			124,46%	waicol
18	325714	Kurosaki Ichigo		125,08%	KuwabaraTheMan
19	341714	zomgbbqftw		125,51%	Kurosaki Ichigo
20	343096	Yeshua			125,83%	matmanx1
21	354205	Road			126,43%	Truth101
22	373614	matmanx1		134,50%	Road
23	428852	ULTROS!			144,91%	Orgen
24	432714	Orgen			151,10%	Mpl90
25	439698	Chris1964		155,49%	starship
26	463096	Spiegel			171,95%	zomgbbqftw
27	468358	Alrus			187,32%	Spiegel
28	475714	KuwabaraTheMan		199,12%	Alrus
29	483614	Slime			209,11%	Chris1964

Vita Results	By Units			By Points	
1	 36404	FINALFANTASYDOG		 43,17%	Mpl90
2	 68866	jeremy1456		 57,03%	FINALFANTASYDOG
3	 72490	Kurosaki Ichigo		 69,45%	Kurosaki Ichigo
4	 76324	matmanx1		 71,58%	Road
5	 82490	Road			 81,34%	Gianny Merryman
6	 83234	Chris1964		 90,99%	LOCK
7	 96042	LOCK			 97,98%	starship
8	 96100	Alrus			100,10%	frankie_baby
9	 97490	Truth101		105,51%	noobie
10	 98264	baekshi			124,45%	matmanx1
11	105314	starship		126,45%	jeremy1456
12	107042	Orgen			128,03%	Yeshua
13	113404	Gianny Merryman		129,28%	electroplankton
14	127057	Mpl90			141,53%	Chris1964
15	132772	kwaoghana		153,43%	Orgen
16	136772	zomgbbqftw		180,15%	Kenka
17	144220	lunchwithyuzo		190,58%	BurntPork
18	145042	electroplankton		191,21%	Truth101
19	152324	BurntPork		191,62%	Alrus
20	165042	KuwabaraTheMan		207,04%	KuwabaraTheMan
21	168866	Yeshua			211,28%	lunchwithyuzo
22	172314	noobie			223,00%	baekshi
23	180490	frankie_baby		228,89%	kwaoghana
24	182042	Kenka			229,34%	Slime
25	184042	Slime			230,89%	zomgbbqftw
26	224824	waicol			307,39%	waicol
27	238042	ULTROS!			406,81%	Fularu
28	250490	Fularu			426,72%	ULTROS!
29	426324	Spiegel			434,28%	Spiegel

12/12-12/18	Sales	Giann	Orgen	frank	elect	ULTRO	Slime	lunch	baeks	Kenka	Spieg	Yeshu	Kuwab	Chris	zomgb	Truth	Alrus	matma	noobi	stars	Mpl90	Fular	jerem	LOCK	Road	Burnt	kwaog	waico	FINAL	Kuro
3DS Hardware	367691	420000	375000	360000	380000	350000	330000	345678	251111	293000	360000	350000	415000	432109	380000	415000	439859	260000	275000	450000	455392	325000	400000	400000	333333	439000	333000	410000	401231	372000
3DS Inazuma Go	135259	115000	231000	170000	170000	120000	110000	178901	111111	103000	180000	150000	147000	210987	245000	225000	250333	125000	163000	200000	258906	192000	90000	180000	166666	129000	175000	190000	163432	172000
PS3 Hardware	65119	80000	72000	60000	54000	65000	70000	66666	60555	63000	120000	100000	83000	123456	99000	50000	95452	95000	78000	105000	84270	67000	90000	70000	99999	79000	92000	88000	83543	97000
PS3 FFXIII-2	524217	470000	847000	590000	550000	920000	940000	666666	699999	533000	880000	800000	923000	765432	710000	650000	775000	750000	535000	650000	490567	720000	500000	600000	777777	749000	620000	720000	665566	777000
PSV Hardware	324859	240000	289000	165000	230000	250000	210000	256789	311111	213000	600000	200000	225000	345678	360000	320000	315564	340000	185000	250000	200002	247000	300000	260000	266666	399000	360000	425000	311312	277000
PSV Mingol 6	61412	80000	106000	70000	85000	130000	72000	98765	91111	103000	150000	40000	87000	98765	125000	130000	120238	95000	45000	55000	61871	160000	60000	80000	66666	109000	120000	145000	74534	77000
PSV Uncharted	48224	55000	64000	45000	70000	72000	66000	45678	61111	63000	55000	65000	49000	56789	38000	45000	46069	70000	34000	35000	46765	25000	70000	50000	33333	59000	40000	48500	46842	47000
PSV DW Next	29181	26000	40000	38000	34000	100000	70000	65432	71111	43000	85000	35000	68000	45678	57000	50000	55005	35000	31000	40000	29463	80000	50000	40000	33333	49000	60000	70000	37534	37000
Norm-only Dif.	0	141666	432714	113334	83952	428852	483614	209651	321074	117852	463096	343096	475714	439698	341714	277952	468358	373614	144096	312714	264149	297096	126666	157714	354205	316232	197096	315714	221486	325714
Norm-only Dif(%)0,00%	62,40%	144,91%	48,19%	51,03%	91,78%	115,74%	67,80%	90,10%	49,09%	187,32%	121,88%	125,08%	209,11%	171,95%	126,43%	199,12%	125,83%	67,56%	155,49%	151,10%	93,80%	85,08%	63,82%	134,50%	88,22%	98,37%	124,46%	85,21%	125,51%
Vita-only Dif.	0	113404	107042	180490	145042	238042	184042	144220	98264	182042	426324	168866	165042	83234	136772	97490	96100	76324	172314	105314	127057	250490	68866	96042	82490	152324	132772	224824	36404	72490
Vita-only Dif(%)0,00%	81,34%	153,43%	100,10%	129,28%	426,72%	229,34%	211,28%	223,00%	180,15%	434,28%	128,03%	207,04%	141,53%	230,89%	191,21%	191,62%	124,45%	105,51%	97,98%	43,17%	406,81%	126,45%	90,99%	71,58%	190,58%	228,89%	307,39%	57,03%	69,45%
Difference	0	255070	539756	293824	228994	666894	667656	353871	419338	299894	889420	511962	640756	522932	478486	375442	564458	449938	316410	418028	391206	547586	195532	253756	436695	468556	329868	540538	257890	398204
Difference (%)	0,00%	143,74%	298,34%	148,29%	180,31%	518,50%	345,08%	279,09%	313,10%	229,24%	621,60%	249,91%	332,12%	350,63%	402,85%	317,64%	390,74%	250,28%	173,06%	253,47%	194,27%	500,61%	211,53%	154,81%	206,07%	278,79%	327,25%	431,85%	142,24%	194,96%
3DS Hardware	0	52309	7309	-7691	12309	-17691	-37691	-22013	-116580	-74691	-7691	-17691	47309	64418	12309	47309	72168	-107691	-92691	82309	87701	-42691	32309	32309	-34358	71309	-34691	42309	33540	4309
3DS Inazuma Go	0	-20259	95741	34741	34741	-15259	-25259	43642	-24148	-32259	44741	14741	11741	75728	109741	89741	115074	-10259	27741	64741	123647	56741	-45259	44741	31407	-6259	39741	54741	28173	36741
PS3 Hardware	0	14881	6881	-5119	-11119	-119	4881	1547	-4564	-2119	54881	34881	17881	58337	33881	-15119	30333	29881	12881	39881	19151	1881	24881	4881	34880	13881	26881	22881	18424	31881
PS3 FFXIII-2	0	-54217	322783	65783	25783	395783	415783	142449	175782	8783	355783	275783	398783	241215	185783	125783	250783	225783	10783	125783	-33650	195783	-24217	75783	253560	224783	95783	195783	141349	252783
PSV Hardware	0	-84859	-35859	-159859	-94859	-74859	-114859	-68070	-13748	-111859	275141	-124859	-99859	20819	35141	-4859	-9295	15141	-139859	-74859	-124857	-77859	-24859	-64859	-58193	74141	35141	100141	-13547	-47859
PSV Mingol 6	0	18588	44588	8588	23588	68588	10588	37353	29699	41588	88588	-21412	25588	37353	63588	68588	58826	33588	-16412	-6412	459	98588	-1412	18588	5254	47588	58588	83588	13122	15588
PSV Uncharted	0	6776	15776	-3224	21776	23776	17776	-2546	12887	14776	6776	16776	776	8565	-10224	-3224	-2155	21776	-14224	-13224	-1459	-23224	21776	1776	-14891	10776	-8224	276	-1382	-1224
PSV DW Next	0	-3181	10819	8819	4819	70819	40819	36251	41930	13819	55819	5819	38819	16497	27819	20819	25824	5819	1819	10819	282	50819	20819	10819	4152	19819	30819	40819	8353	7819
Past Predictions Results:
12/05-12/11 Predictions Results
11/28-12/04 Predictions Results
11/21-11/27 Predictions Results
Prediction League Results 2009-2010


The new Tales opening bigger than XIII-2 actually blew my mind when I saw the comparisons.

Haven't been to a MC thread in a while, but this is what makes it all fun and worthwhile. :eek:

Here's hoping S-E has a good plan for the FF brand.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
My estimates for Vita's software... they've been awesome! :D

Hot Shots Golf 6 + 459
Uncharted: Golden Abyss -1459
Dynasty Warriors Next + 282

...Not so much the one about hardware :(
Congratulations to winners:
- Overall Results: jeremy1456 by Units and FINALFANTASYDOG by Points
- Non-Vita (First 4) Results: electroplankton by Units and frankie_baby by Points
- Vita-only (Last 4) Results: FINALFANTASYDOG by Units and Mpl90 by Points

Wow, great results indeed!
It's the second time in a very short time that I got a high position :D


It's possible they thought their would be decline but decided to wring the blood from that stone anyway.

Though the problem is when their new cross media attempts fail to even get off the ground.

I think it's pretty arrogant of Hino to think he's Jay-Z and that he can just move onto the next one.


They wouldn't even be a statistical blip at this point.

It's an assumption either way. Japan doesn't seem to be big in the digital download space. But it's pointless to speculate and it's going to increasingly be a reason people on one side use to justify a game's sales looking better than the numbers.


They wouldn't even be a statistical blip at this point.
Do we know that for sure? The memory cards seemed to have been selling quite well, and not just the 4GB ones (which is more than enough for saves only). I'm not expecting huge PS Store sales in Japan for Vita games, but i think that the "lol, Japan and digital downloads" thing might become more a thing of the past.


Do we know that for sure? The memory cards seemed to have been selling quite well, and not just the 4GB ones (which is more than enough for saves only). I'm not expecting huge PS Store sales in Japan for Vita games, but i think that the "lol, Japan and digital downloads" thing might become more a thing of the past.

You also need a memory card to play certain games, so I don't think you can say that's indicative of an intention to purchase games digitally or not.


Junior Member
Congratulations to winners:
- Overall Results: jeremy1456 by Units and FINALFANTASYDOG by Points
- Non-Vita (First 4) Results: electroplankton by Units and frankie_baby by Points
- Vita-only (Last 4) Results: FINALFANTASYDOG by Units and Mpl90 by Points

Yay! First time I've made number predictions in a long while. Actually... it might be the first.
Hopefully this makes Wada replace Toriyama with Kitase or Ito. Or, anyone. I'd say, at this rate, Versus is seriously, really the last chance for maintaining the name and sales of the series. If Versus is disappointing, then I think the damage is going to be deep.

As everyone notes, XIII Versus should seriously be renamed XV. XIII name is not going to help. I have faith in Nomura...he has a better track record than Toriyama in my book. Plus, isn't Nojima actually writing the script for this one, unlike XIII+XIII-2, in which Toriyama and some others wrote but Nojima only did the scenario...or something?
The X HD remake is going to be a great indicator I think. Japan LOVES X, and if we see it sell poorly, that'll be pretty reflective of a change in Japanese buyers I think.


I retain my title for worst predictions. :(


3DS will sell 398.010 exactly this week, while Vita will sell exactly 275.141! :D


You also need a memory card to play certain games, so I don't think you can say that's indicative of an intention to purchase games digitally or not.
It is still just for saving purposes as far as i know, so a 4GB card would still be enough, yet the higher capacity cards were selling well from what i have read. But regardless of the memorycard sales for Vita, i still think that digital downloads is becoming more popular and accepted in Japan. It is all speculations and anecdotal until we get solid numbers though.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
One thing: do we have a ranking for best third weeks ever? I'm wondering if Mario Kart 7 could enter in top 5


I remember a few years ago Japan didn’t seem to keen on digital games, has that change alot over the last few years?


Brands that so far doesn't seem to have made Japanese audience sick of re-releases, ports, and things like these

Dragon Quest ( but Terry's Wonderland will be a new test for this, since the last DQ remake has been released just in January 2010 )
Monster Hunter ( absolutely... if we exclude the Poka Poka Airu sequel )
Super Mario? (if we think about it, 3D Land is the next main 3D Mario, and it has been released after just one year and a half after Galaxy 2. But the main cause of this is that Mario games are quality games and, above all, pretty different between each other... )
Musou games, I believe, despite DW Next bad result, since those damn rehashes of SW3 and DW7 sold good recently.


Musou games have declined A LOT from their full sales potential. They used to sell over a million. Now they get by with 300-500k per game. I don't think we can really include results of games which have declined substantially simply because they still sell decently. Otherwise we could include Tales up there too, for selling 200k every entry even if its total dogshit. :p

Ryu ga Gotoku is a series which has retained its userbase even with yearly releases. The series expanded pretty significantly from the first to the second game due to word of mouth, and it seems to have managed to largely keep the 500k fans or so happy until now.

I can't think of a lot of other series these days.


I remember a few years ago Japan didn’t seem to keen on digital games, has that change alot over the last few years?

In the sense that they buy a lot of smartphone games and play a lot of social games, yes.

For console digital, I'm unsure, but I believe it's still no.

It's kind of hard to track though.


One thing: do we have a ranking for best third weeks ever? I'm wondering if Mario Kart 7 could enter in top 5
Going by Famitsu data (which we have in more abundance than MC's) there are many Mario, Pokemon, Monster and Dragon Quest games above 200k in their 3rd weeks.

How to see: You can download Chris' database linked in the OP and easily filter the "week" column in Excel (clicking on the little square) to compare all 3rd weeks.

It's on PS3 and Vita. It just well may.
Yeah, no. Time to get back to reality.


Hi, I thought it was funny to spoil the ending of FFXIII-2 for duckroll. Too bad he didn't think it was funny.
I realize I made a gag about FF being below Tales now but seriously guys, it's not as dire as you're making it out to be. Type-0 alone shows that the actual FF brand is about the same as always as the game sold on-par with any of the past PSP FF title. When it comes time for FFXV should they decide to not go the route of renaming Versus, XV should be a "Return to form" title, a completely traditional throw-back game with all the wrinkles of the old titles, random battles and all. This sort of nostalgia kick has proven to work wonders this gen with titles like Mortal Kombat, Mario Bros., and so on despite years of being told that people have moved on from 2d fighters/2d platformers. People like nostalgia, if Square embraces it they'd do well.

At the same time I'm hoping Square doesn't COMPLETELY abandon XIII's gameplay style. They messed up in making the tutorials take forever but the actual style of combat in that game was a blast.
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