Probably you must improve your jokin' skills because no one noticed this "tone" ;p
Btw, I think that for a system that average sells 8k (it did so for weeks) selling 10x HW pieces would be a good result. Not as stellar as the 3DS cut one, but good. It would mean also that there IS interest in the console (at the right price and with the right software); about the Wii U simply up to now it's not pessimistic foreseeing GC HW LTD numbers: it's selling worst than GC, so it could be seen as optimistic
Bumps of this kind happen quite often according to different circumstances. GC increased more than 10 times from one week to another one thanks to Super Smash Bros. Melee, for example. PS3 had regular boosts in sales when big games were released, etc. This is just to say that the difference between the average pre-bump and the week of interest doesn't necessarily mean the platform has appeal in the market; Vita had a price-cut, many games coming in this and the next weeks, bundles and a new color IIRC, so
a lot of factors thanks to which it could increase.
I think we can see the interest of the market in the platform by looking at the data after this period. If it can stabilize around 20-25k, situation is not good at all but it's a big improvement and Vita shown there's some space in the market for it. If it will come back to sub-15k levels, well, no.
I dont think we have any official pre-order numbers for Soul Sacrifice. Comgnet ranking doesnt necessarily indicate how things are in Japan overall. We know for example that One Piece Musou 2 has over 500k pre-orders (probably affected a bit by store pre-orders, but it shows that the pre-orders are strong, otherwise stores wouldnt order that much), while Comgnet has the PS3 version at 124 points (the Vita version is not to be seen).
500k pre-orders by retailers? The game might sell, let's say, 300k the first week out of a 500k shipment, and that would be terribile given how the first one sold.
I said that the 500k orders is affected by store orders, but i doubt that stores would order that many copies if there were a huge lack of customers pre-orders.
You post in these threads every week
Didn't you see Level-5 games (almost always overshipped), Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, Xillia 2, etc.? Many games are overshippid because retailers maybe think the demand will be high anyway, regardless of pre-orders, or because they know they will sell well in the short-term.
80k isn't good after te DISASTER of a year in sales? Your SEETHING over Vita is hysterical and the fact that more ppl are noticing is the icing on that cake
The fact that people should look and discuss opinions, not other people, instead? I discuss here every week, it's funny to see being attacked by random "Vita lovers"
I can just picture electroplankton standing over a Vita screaming 'why won't you die?!' through gritted teeth.
Haha, maybe!
It's a full remake hun
Maybe the problem is that it's a crappy one? I read the demo impression thread, and no one was happy, in particular those who played the original. Indeed, why remaking something that was quite nice in 2D, if you have to use an awful 3D?