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Mega man anniversary collection


Apologies if this has already been asked before. Which of the two versions is superior and why? I noticed the PS2 box when I picked up SC2 for the GCN last night and felt intrigued at the title.

Thanks for any help.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
PS2 is better

-Remixed Music during the games
-Better control. The gamecube default controll is backwards, and you can't change it, Not a problem with the ps2.

PS2 does have longer initial loading games, but its short enough to not bother


In the original Megaman, B was to shoot, and A was to jump, right?


The way I see it, neither version gets the controls right because the GCN B and A are switched, and the PS2 Square and Circle are too far apart, and with the Triangle and X you can't do the same thumb movement as with the NES...

The GCN A and B are placed great to where you could do that, but they switched the buttons...



Kumiko Nikaido

kiryogi said:
Eh? Correct sprite display formats?

The "stage select interface" (where you guide Mega Man selecting your stage, options, etc.) of the PS2 version is displayed in a more proper sprite-size setting, meaning Mega Man, the doors, etc. are bigger, bolder, and more defined. This applies to the entire presentation of Mega Man 8 as well. Compare this to the GameCube renditon, where for some reason, the display is squished both horizontally and vertically......resulting in Mega Man looking smaller and chubbier (also applies to Mega Man 8 as well).


Sucks at viral marketing
Questions like these only fuel fanboy arguments. I'll summarise the differences in the versions and (hopefully) put a quick end to this thread:

- Full episode of the cartoon series... not the greatest
- "In-game" remixed music. However, not every stage has remixed music and the new music is only avaible while in navi-mode.

- G4 produced, developer interview... kinda interesting
- No in-game remixed music. Some of the new songs are unlockable. behind the "bonus door."
- Control is set-up different from what some are use to. Personally, it took me 5 minutes to get use to it.

Get whichever version you want. Both versions are equally playable. If you prefer one controller over another, that's your prerogative. The extras balance out; the cartoon is a bit lame, the interview is better than I expected, and the remixes are a mixed bag. You're buying this to play Mega Man; you're not buying this for the silly extras. If all you're interested in are the extras, then don't even bother.


Justin Bailey said:
Which is exactly why the PS2 version is better.

like JJConrad said, they're different, which button placement on the controller is better is up to opinion, neither mimics closely the NES anyway, although the GCN controller doesn't have a huge hole inbetween the four buttons...

Justin Bailey

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efralope said:
like JJConrad said, they're different, which button placement on the controller is better is up to opinion, neither mimics closely the NES anyway, although the GCN controller doesn't have a huge hole inbetween the four buttons...
Ok look, I'm a Nintendo fan, always have been always will be, but I'm also a Megaman fan. Forget the stupid interview or the damn cartoon, the PS2 version is better simply because:

1) It gives you the option of remixed music in game
2) It recreates the button layout of the original megamans better than the GC version

That's not really an opinion, the GC version button layout is completely reversed from the originals.

That's it.


I was referring to how the PS2 and GCN controllers aren't really the same (although at least the GCN one has 'em all close together...

Justin Bailey

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efralope said:
I was referring to how the PS2 and GCN controllers aren't really the same (although at least the GCN one has 'em all close together...
You realize that the jump and fire buttons on the PS2 are X and square, respectively. They're basically the same distance as the A and B buttons on the GC controller.


yeah, but like I said, neither is comparative to the NES, which didn't have them diagonal, but next to each other...

Justin Bailey

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efralope said:
yeah, but like I said, neither is comparative to the NES, which didn't have them diagonal, but next to each other...
Yeah, but unless you're double jointed, using the tip of your thumb to push square and the middle to push X is more natural and closer to the originals than doing the same with the A and B buttons on the GC.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
christ, don't you dudes have anything better to do?

I just finished for the 1st time that Splinter Cell Demo on the GCN Preview Disc, havne't played a lot of games lately, but that demo was pretty cool...
actually, i'm trying to finish ffx right now. didn't mean to be a dick, but you guys were just going back and forth about which control scheme "more accurately recreates" the megaman experience. i think it probably comes down to preference.

efralope, splinter cell is a decent game. i'm assuming you don't have an xbox (you seem like a hardcore nintendo fan) so i can't recommend that build of the game to you, but the gcn version isn't bad. are you considering picking up pandora tomorrow?


Sucks at viral marketing
Justin Bailey said:
Yeah, but unless you're double jointed, using the tip of your thumb to push square and the middle to push X is more natural and closer to the originals than doing the same with the A and B buttons on the GC.
Not really. Its a little akward at first, not because its hard to do, but rather it isn't what you'd expect it to be. I had more trouble adjusting to using the Z-button to pull up the game menu. I had beaten half of the games on the disc, before I realised that the Item and Rush power-ups were selectible using the C-stick.

The GCN controller set-up does work nicely when you use the turbo and slide buttons. It may not be "old-school" to use them (though I played all my NES games with a NES Advantage), but its a nice feature. However, not having a control set-up, for both versions, was a mistake.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
actually, i'm trying to finish ffx right now. didn't mean to be a dick, but you guys were just going back and forth about which control scheme "more accurately recreates" the megaman experience. i think it probably comes down to preference.

efralope, splinter cell is a decent game. i'm assuming you don't have an xbox (you seem like a hardcore nintendo fan) so i can't recommend that build of the game to you, but the gcn version isn't bad. are you considering picking up pandora tomorrow?

I'm considering picking up the first Splinter Cell, and Pandora Tomorrow at some later date (after a bit of a price drop), I don't have XBox Live (or the time to play it in college) anyway, so 1p is just fine...

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i just finished mega man 4 tonight. damn, that's a long one. it was really freaking hard, too. gave one stage in mega man 5 a shot and it seems capcom realized how hard the last installment was. i still haven't mustered the courage to jump back into mega man 1 and attempt the yellow devil again, though. sigh.

Justin Bailey

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={<SMOKE>}= said:
actually, i'm trying to finish ffx right now. didn't mean to be a dick, but you guys were just going back and forth about which control scheme "more accurately recreates" the megaman experience. i think it probably comes down to preference.
Look, if everyone just accepted the fact that most things come down to preference then this board would be pretty dead would it not? ;)

Justin Bailey

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JJConrad said:
Not really. Its a little akward at first, not because its hard to do, but rather it isn't what you'd expect it to be.
That's pretty much what I mean. Most people that wanna buy this played the originals and that's what they expect out of the compilation. Throwing a monkey wrench into it just makes everything worse. But really, pick up a block of wood or a book and notice where your thumbs naturally lay. For Megaman, it matches the angle of the PS2 controller's buttons.

Honestly, they should've made the jump button "A" and the shoot button "Y" to make it "feel" better to play.


Justin Bailey said:
That's pretty much what I mean. Most people that wanna buy this played the originals and that's what they expect out of the compilation. Throwing a monkey wrench into it just makes everything worse. But really, pick up a block of wood or a book and notice where your thumbs naturally lay. For Megaman, it matches the angle of the PS2 controller's buttons.

Honestly, they should've made the jump button "A" and the shoot button "Y" to make it "feel" better to play.

Uh no (at the a/y thing), that'd be like Kaede's crazy finger thing. In any case, I wouldn't call this a monkey wrench of a mess up :p
I think this one is already settled... PS2 version. However, I'll add a negative: it takes forever to save compared to the GC version. And considering how it autosaves after every continue, and whenever you beat a level, it does get annoying.

And a little rant: I still can't believe they changed the buttons for the GC version. And I think the new placement is definitely inferior, it's not just a matter of preference. It's because most often you'd like to jump, then shoot, which is accomplished most easily by pressing the button on the inside of your thumb, then the outside. The GC reversal requires you to push down the outside of your thumb while keeping the inner part up, then repeatedly pushing the inner part up/down.

Right now I'm actively engaged with Capcom customer service... trying to get them to give me my money back for the stupid GC version. It really is horrible, did no one play test the thing? I don't expect they'll budge on an opened game, but I shouldn't have to pay double for their mistake.


force push the doodoo rock
the remix thing is a non-issue for me. The remixes suck and they are so inconsistantly placed that they dont even matter.


People who can't handle the GC version are weaksauces. Another positive to add to the GC version is we get the wavebird :p Don't play it with the regular GC controller.


Amazing that the Gamecube version outsold the PS2 version even though everyone around here seems to like the PS2 version better. I wonder if they made the Cube version as well as the PS2 if anybody would have even bought it for the PS2.


={<SMOKE>}= said:
christ, don't you dudes have anything better to do?

I'm reading this and it's like don't buy it becuase the A and B button is switched. I've never seen a dumber thread.


0G M3mbeR
Sysgen said:
I'm reading this and it's like don't buy it becuase the A and B button is switched. I've never seen a dumber thread.

That is a big deal when you take into consideration how difficult some of the jumps can be in these games. Anything hindering that ability to accomplish that makes for an inferior version. End of story.

That being said, the remixed music is worth it for the PS2 version alone. Mega Man 4's remixes are some of the best tunes I have heard in quite a while, and I never even liked that games original music.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
NWO said:
Amazing that the Gamecube version outsold the PS2 version even though everyone around here seems to like the PS2 version better. I wonder if they made the Cube version as well as the PS2 if anybody would have even bought it for the PS2.

I think its because a lot of the people who own Gamecubes are diehard Nintendo fans who have followed them since the NES days. Megaman was huge on the NES, hence the good sales.

Also the Battle Network series popularity on the GBA might have rubbed off on MMAC.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
JC10001 said:
I think its because a lot of the people who own Gamecubes are diehard Nintendo fans who have followed them since the NES days. Megaman was huge on the NES, hence the good sales.

Also the Battle Network series popularity on the GBA might have rubbed of on MMAC.

Yes, which is why it makes no sense when companies switch platforms :)
See, MGS:Twin Snakes, Resident Evil Remake, Dino Crisis 3, etc
We are learning something today!

If its muliplatform then its cool, in this example, Mega Man 8 was released on the PSX
GameCube version is better because Sony sux!

But seriously, the PS2 version is superior. Not amazingly better, like Pandora Tomorrow for Xbox compared to GameCube, but if you have both systems, there's no reason to choose the GameCube version of MMAC.
I have the PS2 version, and it's excellent. However, I had the chance to play the Gamecube version recently and it isn't as bad as people here make it out to be. For someone who can't stand load times and doesn't care about the remixed tunes, the Cube version might be preferable. It has the better extra, and playing on the Wavebird is nice. The controls didn't bother me much at all, and I grew up playing these on the NES.

Myself, I wouldn't want to give up that enhanced music. :)


Sp3eD said:
That is a big deal when you take into consideration how difficult some of the jumps can be in these games. Anything hindering that ability to accomplish that makes for an inferior version. End of story.

Please. Like it takes 60 hours to get used to having two buttons reversed or something?


force push the doodoo rock
belgurdo said:
Please. Like it takes 60 hours to get used to having two buttons reversed or something?

seriously, and its not like youve been playing megaman for the past 15 years so you would instinctively go for the nes style button config

Ranger X

Megaman Anniversary sell better on the GC for the exact same reason as why N64 games where selling in it's time. Wake up. Or need explanations?
Gantz said:
People who can't handle the GC version are weaksauces. Another positive to add to the GC version is we get the wavebird :p Don't play it with the regular GC controller.
wavebird sucks.
no rumble?
buying bateries?

maybe if it had a charging stand and rumble it would be cool...

oh, and MMAC is one of the very few multiplatform games that is better on PS2...
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