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Mega Man X Command Mission US cover



PS2's cover is the same.

For reference:



US cover sucks, but on the other hand the Japanese cover is the same motif they used for Breath of Fire III, only with no background now. Looks like everyone loses


I like X's new look. I thought in early art he had like a Viewtiful Joe-ish red cape/scarf. What happened to that?


It's still there, they're basically more like thrusters on his back.

edit: NOTMsrp: No clue yet, me and bebpo are going for GC version though. His reasoning is that loading will probably be handled efficently. While for me, it's just that choice for me thats all (Even though I have an import ps2 now) But if the loading thing is a problem, its a nice plus.


kiryogi said:
It's still there, they're basically more like thrusters on his back.

edit: NOTMsrp: No clue yet, me and bebpo are going for GC version though. His reasoning is that loading will probably be handled efficently. While for me, it's just that choice for me thats all (Even though I have an import ps2 now) But if the loading thing is a problem, its a nice plus.

GC packaging is way hotter, too.


Culex, I know you are a big fan of ToS, and I must say it's an excellent game! I just got it and played 8 hours into it.


SantaCruZer said:
Culex, I know you are a big fan of ToS, and I must say it's an excellent game! I just got it and played 8 hours into it.

Excellent. More ToS sales makes me happy :)


kiryogi said:
Check out videos, and they only seem to show up when he dashes.

I'm on 56K, got any screenshots?

I figured that, but it seemed kind of weird to me. Maybe this game can help tie the X series to the Zero series a bit more.


Is there any explanation for X's new look? Like did he get his new outfit after a battle or anything? Axl and Zero are the same..


MML1, MML2, and Tron Bonne OWNED.

X5-X7 should have not existed.

On that note, I`m actually looking forward to Command Mission.


What's bad about X5? I haven't played the X series, but I do know Inafune didn't do X6 & X7 and fans want to disregard those two.


X5 was pretty solid I thought. X actually kept his armor from X4. Solid gameplay.

X6 and X7 were shit though.


NotMSRP said:
What's bad about X5? I haven't played the X series, but I do know Inafune didn't do X6 & X7 and fans want to disregard those two.

It had a lot of great ideas, but all horrible execution. In any case it seems I might be wrong about only when X is dashing does the scarf like trails show up. Check out the official site for some pics anyway.



"We need a Cel-shaded Tron Bonne sequel, stat."

Argh, very much agreed. Loved that game. MML titles are, eh. But Tron ruled, also one of my favorite PSX games.
I played a good bit of MML on a rental, and recently picked up MML2 because it was five bucks used. Convince me to play it. The first section I played was heavy on story, but the first dungeon is really no better than in the last game.


Can’t say that either cover is particularly exiting.

But as long the disc inside contains code similar to Dragon Quarter, it should be one of the best games this generation.
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