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Mega sweet pics of Gearbox' Brothers in Arms


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Check out these tons of mega-sweet pics of Brothers in Arms. I don't usually post this sort of thing, but they are just too sweet to keep from you guys.

I got the chance to play quite some bit, so if you have questions, do ask! :)






Tons more on the link! Cost me forever to get Ubi so far so I could post them. :)


That looks really fucking nice.
Shame I've no longer interest in these types of games though.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Holy crap! You sure this isn't a pixar film? I'm not a teenager anymore, maybe my eyes are starting to go...


half-wit retard monkey's ass
ZombieSupaStar said:
quake 3 engine right?
Unreal, also it's not like any WWII shooter before it. It's totally different in feel and setting, if that;s possible.

Also it's squad-based, and gorgeous as you can see. :) I also thought it would be 'more of the same'. But I was really really impressed with this game.


German AI seems to be non existent going by the video of the play-through with the developers.

Gottfried: Ah, zee Amerikaner. Better not do anyzing.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Littleberu said:
It's an engine developped by Gearbox.
I guess it's a bit of a mystery to someone not with Gearbox. I can remember them saying heavily modified Unreal engine at the press meeting, but I'm not 100% sure. I know for sure that it was mentioned in the press release at one time, and it was on the unreal technology page. But it's all been removed now. :)

Doesn't matter really. Well I'm sure it does to presumptious people who take a game simply on their engine. :p
DJ Demon J said:
Hey I played this game before, I think it was called Call of Duty. Cool game.

Hey wow, I'm clever so I'll say a game I haven't played before is exactly like another game just because they are both war games!! Am I part of the GA Cool club now too?!!?


Kobold said:
I guess it's a bit of a mystery to someone not with Gearbox. I can remember them saying heavily modified Unreal engine at the press meeting, but I'm not 100% sure. I know for sure that it was mentioned in the press release at one time, and it was on the unreal technology page. But it's all been removed now. :)

Doesn't matter really. Well I'm sure it does to presumptious people who take a game simply on their engine. :p

Gearbox is now semi-infamous for supposedly hosing the PC port of Halo.. I guess. This game looks a lot like Call of Duty. It does look very nice if those are Xbox screens. I can't read German though.. perhaps, you could fill us in on some of the things that were interesting? (or at least made it unique from the other WW2 shooters)
Is this game heavily scripted like Call of Duty / Medal of Honor? Can you control the other soldiers? It looks pretty nice.. but I bet they don't have co-op :(.
LinesInTheSand said:
Hey wow, I'm clever so I'll say a game I haven't played before is exactly like another game just because they are both war games!! Am I part of the GA Cool club now too?!!?

Ouch, did I kill your dog today? Or fuck your Mom or something? I don't remember doing either.

My post was my witty way of saying "This game looks almost EXACTLY like CoD, there's a huge glut of WWII games already out on the market, why is this being made, what more could they possibly do, enough already." Guess next time I'll include translations for those like you.


Wow, it looks really nice. I love the grass & trees. Just jumps out right at you :).

I just don't care about World War II shooters anymore.


Uncle Dukey said:
Is this game heavily scripted like Call of Duty / Medal of Honor? Can you control the other soldiers? It looks pretty nice.. but I bet they don't have co-op :(.

you can control your other teammates, have them flank the enemy, lay down covering fire, etc.. its alot more like the rainbow six series than call of duty
Next person to complain about this being yet another WW2 game gets a nice weeklong vacation from the forum. You are not forced to play the game. Quit complaining.


The only bad thing about this topic is the fact people coming in to make some "point" for the audience to see. You don't see me going into an RPG topic with, "What's this another RPG?! I think played this one 20 years ago! Hahaha!"

Anyway with that said, this is a game I can't wait to try out, I already like the way the graphics are heading, I hope the audio is as good to bring out the atmosphere. I only seen videos of this in action but it seemed more like an RTS type game (like Full Spectrum Warrior) than it did an FPS, but that was an old E3 Video. Do you get free full FPS control of this game?
i don't see what the problem is. Alllied Assault was the beginning, if a tad simple. Call Of Duty brought in a bit more emotion, more scripting but damn some of its brilliant. Now we have squads. Also made by gearbox who have a pretty decent track record in my book. I'll probably get this


half-wit retard monkey's ass
SyNapSe said:
Gearbox is now semi-infamous for supposedly hosing the PC port of Halo.. I guess. This game looks a lot like Call of Duty. It does look very nice if those are Xbox screens. I can't read German though.. perhaps, you could fill us in on some of the things that were interesting? (or at least made it unique from the other WW2 shooters)
(it's dutch!!!! not german thanks you :) )

It's a squad shooter so you get to control your squad. Theres two fire teams, the assault team and the supression team. One you use to pin the enemy down, the other to flank and eliminate them. Enemies will also flank if your too passive. Oh, and you get killed real quick like in Rainbow Six Headshot is often fatal.

You can carry only 2 weapons, like Halo. You can have a tank in your squad, which you control in the same way as your soldiers, also you can 'mount' the tank and fire the machine gun on top and still direct orders.

The people in the game are ACTUAL soldiers that fought in WWII and who are in the war records, decorated with multiple medals and all the likes. You play missions that actual did happen and occur the way you wil play. All is modeled and built from real life satelite photo's from the 1940's.

There a multiplayer mode where you play 2 vs 2, and either one controls a aquad of 3 AI soldiers. Uhm, you play 8 days from the invasion on normandie, but you are the 101st aiborne, so you land behind omaha beach to assault the germans and cut them off from reinforcements.

It was a real treat to watch the characters and the voice acting, see an example of the facial expression system here:




Uhm, a cop-op mode they wouldnt say yet, they where afraid schedule wouldnt permit. But who knows, might make it in. The Mutliplayer mode is a sorta co-op, its objective based like assault. There is scripted sequences like in other war games, which are really impressive, i've witnessed some of them, and they gave me the chills.

If you've seen band of brothers, well then you get the picture. It's very open area's most of the time, large fields. Not primarily urban stuff, you are in the countryside of france obviously. There will be some I guess though, I only saw 5 or so levels, some not finished.


I meant it as a compliment saying it looks like CoD, anyways.

Looks as if you can toss grenades with an equiped weapon, thats a plus.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
ced said:
I meant it as a compliment saying it looks like CoD, anyways.

Looks as if you can toss grenades with an equiped weapon, thats a plus.
yeah that part is like halo, only it's not the left trigger which you use for squad deploiment.

also only 2 weapons, interchangeable on battlefield


Gearbox really did ruin Halo on the PC. Punish them by ignoring this game.
All is modeled and built from real life satelite photo's from the 1940's.
Satellites did not exist in the 1940's ;)


half-wit retard monkey's ass
border said:
Gearbox really did ruin Halo on the PC. Punish them by ignoring this game.Satellites did not exist in the 1940's ;)
Pfff, surveyance, argle :p

Still kinda short sighted to pin a studio down on one game. No one is forcing you to buy this title if it's not good.


not an idiot
Game looks and sounds like it is going to be amazing. I have my doubts though cause Gearbox left a REALLY bad taste in my mouth with the whole Halo thing. They really screwed that one up bad.


Grandma's Chippy
Personally, I'll play every war game that comes out

who cares what type of game it is I say...a fun game is a fun game. I prefer this "era" to furturistic any day of the week.

Call me crazy :)

Plus, if it is even half the game COD was, it's good enough for me.


At E3 2004, IGN had some developer video interviews and video previews of this game. It was all very interesting to watch. The premise for this game sounds cool, and the amount of detail Gearbox looks to be putting into the game sounds phenomenol. I think this is going to be their breakout game. CVG can't call them the most overrated developer anymore after this game comes out. :p


Loved the little military advisor guy who kept saying 'Good shot Randy!' as if it was real, in the 100-meg video that was floating about. Awww. :D

At first I also thought it looked too similar to distinguish itself, but if you watch the aforementioned vid, you can see they're trying to make it different by adding strategy with the blue cursor thing, although in the video their presentation suffers from pretty poor AI. Not sure if the game looks that hazy/blurry, or if they using post-production anti-aliasing/edge-blurring effects like in the MGS3 shots.


Well trouble is a big word but Ubisoft has stopped beta testing the game and it's now in the hands of Gearbox. Too much difference/attitude between the yankees and the french. The game was pushed back.


Malakhov said:
Well trouble is a big word but Ubisoft has stopped beta testing the game and it's now in the hands of Gearbox. Too much difference/attitude between the yankees and the french. The game was pushed back.

so the chances are that xbox version will probably be polished while the pc version might be buggy?
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