Frank Serpico
I have thinning hair and I finally just got tired of it, decided to buzz it, it's liberating but I don't even recognize myself in the mirror
I could never figure out my face shape. can anyone help?
Does anyone else's hair look better after you sweat a bit?
Have we discussed alcohol and hair in here? I'm freaking out because I was told that alcohol in hair products (like Crew, which I use) thins out your hair.
What say you, GAF? Should I panic?
Also, should I shave?
Regenepure DR has the same dandruff fighting ingredient as Nizoral - ketoconazole. Keto has some effect on hair loss, so thats what Regenepure is advertised as, and the ingredients to me are better than the Nizoral, lots of anti inflammatory stuff. I use it daily without any issues.I'm trying to do the whole "shampoo infrequently, let the natural oils flow" thing but after 2-3 months, my scalp is itchy as hell and covered in a thin, occasionally thick, layer of white flakes. I mean, the flakes are everywhere. My entire head is covered. (and I wash my hair with cold water, so it's not that)
I'm going to try this, but I also need to find a new regular shampoo to use - preferably one that's not filled with shit that will agitate my scalp. Any suggestions?
I also need to find a new conditioner, as I think I'm allergic to the one recommended in the skin care thread - Herbal Essences Hydralicious Conditioner. It makes my eyes red and itchy for several hours after use.
I'm going in to get a haircut tomorrow and I'm unsure of what to ask for. My prom is next Saturday (and another one Friday the week after). I recently let my hair grow out a bit more in the front so I could style it a bit with matte putty, but I have a few issues. It doesn't really hold its shape in the wind or anything, looks stupid in a pool and I think it's a bit bushy around the sides and stuff and I can't really leave the house without putting product in. Any advice on what I may be able to do with it? Just wanna trim it up a bit especially on the sides I think.
Anyway here's the monstrosity without product
and here it is with product
Forgive the ugly face angles pls ty
Yeah I'm gonna trim the sides, what should I do with the front? Trim that as well or would that ruin the shape?![]()
So I've been using this for years (almost 10 I think) but I can't seem to find it anymore in-store where I live, and I don't really wanna pay double because I buy it online (I was paying 12$CDN, it's 22$CDN on Amazon).
Anything similar or better I could use for my hair?
It seems pretty okay (with product), the sides seems a bit too long tho. And have you ever tried spraynet to keep your hair in shape? Works perfectly with mine.
Yeah I'm gonna trim the sides, what should I do with the front? Trim that as well or would that ruin the shape?
I would just work on the sides. Top length is good.
Regenepure DR has the same dandruff fighting ingredient as Nizoral - ketoconazole. Keto has some effect on hair loss, so thats what Regenepure is advertised as, and the ingredients to me are better than the Nizoral, lots of anti inflammatory stuff. I use it daily without any issues.
I also highly recommend the Regenepure DR shampoo. Even if you're not in it for its purported anti-hair loss benefits, the ingredients are very effective in treating dandruff and dry, itchy scalp.Do they make, like, fragrances that you can put in your hair? This new shampoo I got works well, but it has a strong soapy smell and I'd rather my hair not smell like soap.
Thanks for the info.
I also highly recommend the Regenepure DR shampoo. Even if you're not in it for its purported anti-hair loss benefits, the ingredients are very effective in treating dandruff and dry, itchy scalp.
As far as the scent stuff, you want to avoid any scented essential or fragrant plant oils (like lemon, rosemary, peppermint) because they are potentially phototoxic (i.e. they make your scalp/skin more vulnerable to UV radiation).
Something like vanilla oil or eucalyptus would do quite nicely: subtle scent and not harmful to your skin.
Time to get some real advice. I'm currently trying to grow considerably longer hair than I've done before because I want to try something new.
I have steady average growth (I assume) but my hair gets very, very thick and with the length I've had in mind (Ned Stark / Brad Pitt [World War Z]) I'm wondering if it's possible at all?
I just took a quick measurement and on top my hair is around 5cm slowly becoming shorter as it progresses to the sides.
Any advice? I know next to nothing and was thinking of getting my hair thinned out saturday and only thinning nothing else but it thats a bad idea please let me know.
I'd like to know this too.
I'm also growing my hair out (I've started multiple times before but always cut when it became too awkward for me to bear), and this time will be the one.
But my hair is also super thick, and right now I'm afraid it's a little mulletty - the back is much longer than the front, which seems to be growing very slowly. Not sure what I should have done at a hair place to make things manageable.
I'll look into it! Thanks! <3
Are the hair loss claims accurate? :3
Whoa, that's wild. I would never have thought of that. Thanks for the heads up.
Where can I buy something like that?
Got a haircut saturday and I don't think he understood me when I said just thinning. Instead the sides got a runover to 12mm. Now the top is the remarkbly larger than the sides. Oh well, I'll see how thing turns out.
Hm, that's too bad. But maybe you inadvertently got a new look out of it.
Honestly, I'm so close to cutting it all off. Don't want to have to deal with long-ish hair anymore.
Shave it off then? Seriously, if you've never liked the way your hair looks, then why even bother? Nothing wrong with a buzzcut.I am feeling very defeated by my hair, never once in my life have I felt like it was 'right'. Right now I am just letting grow into a terrible mop on my head. I am not sure what to do anymore.
Would you describe this as a side part fade? This is kind of the hairstyle I want, but I can't find anymore pictures to show the stylist what I want exactly.
Adenosine increases anagen hair growth and thick hairs in Japanese women with female pattern hair loss: A pilot, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
No man in my family is bald, yet starting around a month ago I've been losing a lot of hair every dayI hope it will stop, don't know what coukd be causing this.
Well you gotta consider it could be what the above poster said, or maybe you had a few bald relatives down the gene pool that aren't alive? On the flip side, almost every guy is bald in my family and started balding at around 19/20 and I still got all mine with no signs of thinning... yet.No man in my family is bald, yet starting around a month ago I've been losing a lot of hair every dayI hope it will stop, don't know what coukd be causing this.
No one is bald really in my family, even in old photos.
I have had a shoulder injury for the past three months, but this really only started recently and I doubt it's related. Other than that I sometimes wake up in the morning with a bit of a sore throat, I think the air quality in my apartment is probably not great (old crap house, there was mold in my bathroom but I covered it with anti-mold paint). I've been gaining weight since I work out more regularly, gained around 5lbs over the past two months or so.
My mother says it's normal at this time of the year, but I don't know, I don't think it works like that with humans where we start shedding hair in the summer...
I remember a few years ago I was taking vitamin A supplements and coincidentally or not started losing some hair like now, but that is a known side effect. I'm not taking any now, so that can't be it.
One thing I noticed is the top of my head, towards the front, has felt a bit itchy some times. Didn't change shampoo and what not.
The only thing that really changed in my diet is I've been eating pork carnitas since maybe two months, maybe once every two weeks, because I learned a recipe and it's awesome. Usually I don't eat pork. Oh and I stopped eating beef because it's gotten too expensive. Maybe I got an iron deficiency.
I'll start taking my Centrum multivitmatins again. We'll see.
Look into Imperial. They've got a number of different pomades that would probably work you, all of which are super easy to wash out. Super strong hold too.Can anyone recommend a brand of pomade? Would like to try it out for parting my hair a bit. I have really thick and dry hair which is often problematic.
Do you use a ketoconazole shampoo? Could at least potentially help your scalp/hair and have a little hair loss fighting effect. Seems like when my hairline started receding at the corners it itched very much in those exact spots. Kind of got like widows peak type hairline, except curved at the corners not angular, and it stopped going up once I got on a keto shampoo.
Anyways your case definiitely sounds strange. See a dermatologist to make sure, I would if I were you. Worse case scenario is that it is pattern baldness but it could be something else. Anyways a derm can prescribe finasteride which if youre a good responder does regrow and prevent hair loss.
Is it a 1% or 2% keto shampoo?
So I stopped taking finasteride after two weeks. I was feeling odd pains in the testicular area and having difficulty performing to my usual standards. I thought the reports may have been blown out of proportion, but it really does affect you. I can't live with the thought of that being permanent so I'm stopping. I'd rather lose my hair than my gear.
I'll continue Minoxidil and Nizoral, hoping for the best.
Maybe it was all psychological?