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Unconfirmed Member
So any thoughts on our resident poll lover? I see Alexios Alexios copped a ban for copying him. I worry that we have a protected user, his tone when being called out implies that he thinks himself above other users and above forum rules in many ways. I find that troubling.


So any thoughts on our resident poll lover? I see Alexios Alexios copped a ban for copying him. I worry that we have a protected user, his tone when being called out implies that he thinks himself above other users and above forum rules in many ways. I find that troubling.

It was less copying and more obnoxiously trying to make a point I think. AR does post too many polls IMO, but the answer to that isn't to spam the boards with trash hoping the mods will agree with you. I'm kind of surprised they weren't banned faster. I'm sure DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi got a warning and laid off.
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Unconfirmed Member
It was less copying and more obnoxiously trying to make a point I think. AR does post too many polls IMO, but the answer to that isn't to spam the boards with trash hoping the mods will agree with you. I'm kind of surprised they weren't banned faster. I'm sure DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi got a warning and laid off.

It may well be, but in the absence of proper action sometimes a bit of civil disobedience and parody is the right thing to do. It still doesn't erase the point that the polls are getting really fucking annoying, he's not slowing down, people are pissed off, but mods are giving him the green light to continue, and telling people off for calling him out. For me, that does suggest a hint of being a 'little helper' or something similar, to use ree parlance.


but mods are giving him the green light to continue, and telling people off for calling him out. For me, that does suggest a hint of being a 'little helper' or something similar, to use ree parlance.

Is this right? I haven't seen any mods speak up on this, maybe I missed it? All I saw was Evilore locking the poll thread and saying "AR try to curb the amount of polls." Or maybe you mean the "this isn't Survivor" comment. I figured that was speaking directly to the calls for banning him.

And then literally under 10 minutes after that, AR had a new poll thread up on gaming.
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I caught a temp-ban from posting threads. Sucks for all of you because I make great threads.

A13xis caught a ban for ignoring warnings from the mods. My Apollcalypse was done in a way that was too fast for mods to respond with a warning. My ban was fair and I expected it.

My issue with the pollspam is their low quality and baiting nature. Afro argues with people constantly and even plays backseat mod in his threads and other threads.

If the polls were polls instead of Afro Blog Post #116 Where He Berates His Readers, I wouldn't care and I wouldn't have spammed the board with polls. The fairness of discussion is important to some GAFers.

The pollspam continues, more or less, since Afro can merely self-bump one of his many, many threads. Meanwhile, the two spammers who made the front page a bit more entertaining caught a ban.


Unconfirmed Member
Is this right? I haven't seen any mods speak up on this, maybe I missed it? All I saw was Evilore locking the poll thread and saying "AR try to curb the amount of polls." Or maybe you mean the "this isn't Survivor" comment. I figured that was speaking directly to the calls for banning him.

And then literally under 10 minutes after that, AR had a new poll thread up on gaming.

I don't have a link to hand but it was one of the other mods, can't remember who. Apologies for being fucking useless!


Unconfirmed Member
I caught a temp-ban from posting threads. Sucks for all of you because I make great threads.

A13xis caught a ban for ignoring warnings from the mods. My Apollcalypse was done in a way that was too fast for mods to respond with a warning. My ban was fair and I expected it.

My issue with the pollspam is their low quality and baiting nature. Afro argues with people constantly and even plays backseat mod in his threads and other threads.

If the polls were polls instead of Afro Blog Post #116 Where He Berates His Readers, I wouldn't care and I wouldn't have spammed the board with polls. The fairness of discussion is important to some GAFers.

The pollspam continues, more or less, since Afro can merely self-bump one of his many, many threads. Meanwhile, the two spammers who made the front page a bit more entertaining caught a ban.

The bolded bits sum up my main problem with him. It's annoying because he can make useful posts elsewhere but for some reason he's got some kind of crusade going on here and I'm fucked if I know what it's about.


At some point I guess, if it bothers me that much, I'll just have to say fuck it, I guess I won't be reading his posts of Gaf anymore, I'm putting him on ignore because I don't want to see his threads all over the gaming list. His contribution aren't so fantastic that they are worth putting up with his threads. I just don't like putting people on ignore generally, but AR's tone in this whole thing makes me want to honestly.

I still want the ability to hide threads of my choosing, though I'd need to manually do this every day for AR. I asked a mod about this and never heard back.

I don't have a link to hand but it was one of the other mods, can't remember who. Apologies for being fucking useless!

No worries lol.
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Gold Member
The bolded bits sum up my main problem with him. It's annoying because he can make useful posts elsewhere but for some reason he's got some kind of crusade going on here and I'm fucked if I know what it's about.

He is a MS fan, thus his angle/lean with the polls. But it is fascinating how invested he is with the narrative on something that is supposed to not have bias, i.e. polls.


Unconfirmed Member
At some point I guess, if it bothers me that much, I'll just have to say fuck it, I guess I won't be reading his posts of Gaf anymore, I'm putting him on ignore because I don't want to see his threads all over the gaming list. His contribution aren't so fantastic that they are worth putting up with his threads. I just don't like putting people on ignore generally, but AR's tone in this whole thing makes me want to honestly.

I also try to avoid putting people on ignore - don't think I've done it yet, but yeah it's a temptation. Even more than the alt-left nutters, which is saying something.

No worries lol.
He is a MS fan, thus his angle/lean with the polls. But it is fascinating how invested he is with the narrative on something that is supposed to not have bias, i.e. polls.

Actually the most egregious case is the 16-bit (Atari/Amiga/CPC464 [wait wtf's that doing there]) thread.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I vaguely remember mocking one of his threads a couple of weeks ago and getting immediately scolded by someone up high. I took the message as “don’t go there”, so now, I just try not to post in his threads, which is hard. It’s like trying not to step on cat shit while standing in a kitty litter tray.


The Tribe Has Spoken
You could put him on ignore, then all of his content disappears.
I don’t use the ignore function. It’s tempting in some cases, but I like to be fully informed of what’s going on even if it’s annoying.
You could put him on ignore, then all of his content disappears.
The downside of ignore is that the front page is still spammed with whatever you're ignoring.

Lurkers who don't have an account (and therefore don't have access to the Ignore function) will see it anyway.
I vaguely remember mocking one of his threads a couple of weeks ago and getting immediately scolded by someone up high. I took the message as “don’t go there”, so now, I just try not to post in his threads, which is hard. It’s like trying not to step on cat shit while standing in a kitty litter tray.
Why would you be standing in a litter box?

Scopa has a litter box in his cum closet apparently. Gross and disgusting


The downside of ignore is that the front page is still spammed with whatever you're ignoring.

Lurkers who don't have an account (and therefore don't have access to the Ignore function) will see it anyway.

Yeah it's still happening obviously, I don't have the ability to make him stop posting lol, but at least it's no longer filling up my Gaming thread list.


I vaguely remember mocking one of his threads a couple of weeks ago and getting immediately scolded by someone up high. I took the message as “don’t go there”, so now, I just try not to post in his threads, which is hard. It’s like trying not to step on cat shit while standing in a kitty litter tray.

Trying to think of a reason why you would be playing in the cat litter 🤔


The Tribe Has Spoken
Apparently our resident smart arses Musky_Cheese Musky_Cheese and Papa Papa don’t understand how a metaphor works.



Unconfirmed Member
So overall, until recently, I would say the guys running this place have done an excellent job. I have to say though that AR's protected status and removing the like button from politics are both utterly stupid moves which leave a bad taste in the mouth, akin to chewing a turd. The lack of transparency on both matters is especially troubling especially when transparency is what has led to this place being the excellent venue for discussion we see today. Come on guys, get back to your former lofty standards please.


I'm beginning to think Nymphae Nymphae is right in wanting the ability to hide specific threads.

Seeing that semen injection back pain one in off-topic every time be like

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I'm beginning to think Nymphae Nymphae is right in wanting the ability to hide specific threads.

Seeing that semen injection back pain one in off-topic every time be like


I think giving users filtering options is ideal, for the thread issue and the Likes in Politics issue.

I have yet to see anyone here give a reason why these solutions won't work. DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi did say that manual thread ignores would not stop the thread spam from appearing to non-members, which frankly, I don't really care about. The site shouldn't be catered to people who can't be bothered to join the community. If you aren't a member, too bad, you'll have to view what the community is doing if you want to view the boards.

But as a member, I should be able to filter things out I think. Ignoring threads could work exactly like watching them does. The user initiates the action. Win win, people can post what they want, and I can filter threads I don't want to see.

Same for Likes, many people want them, many people do not. Rather than force one option on everyone, why not make this something users can opt in or out of? Those who prefer to see likes can turn on the preference, and those who would rather not see them can turn it off.
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I think giving users filtering options is ideal, for the thread issue and the Likes in Politics issue.

I have yet to see anyone here give a reason why these solutions won't work. DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi did say that manual thread ignores would not stop the thread spam from appearing to non-members, which frankly, I don't really care about. The site shouldn't be catered to people who can't be bothered to join the community. If you aren't a member, too bad, you'll have to view what the community is doing if you want to view the boards.
It's not a matter of catering towards non-members (lurkers). It's a matter of what sort of content do you want your community to be filled to the brim with.

But as a member, I should be able to filter things out I think. Ignoring threads could work exactly like watching them does. The user initiates the action. Win win, people can post what they want, and I can filter threads I don't want to see.

Same for Likes, many people want them, many people do not. Rather than force one option on everyone, why not make this something users can opt in or out of? Those who prefer to see likes can turn on the preference, and those who would rather not see them can turn it off.
The ability to filter is nice for people who choose to investigate those options. Most won't. Most will see the spam, will get tired of it, and then leave the site. Worse yet, some will see the spam and decide they like the whole "system wars" vibe we have going on at GAF, resulting them joining the site to leap into the fray. I believe we already suffer from the problem of new users joining the site just to argue and troll in the Politics section. Let's not turn the rest of the site into that, shall we?

I'm a fan of the ignore button, believe me, but it's not a solution if the board itself is getting spammed by threads. All you're doing is backing yourself into a smaller and smaller sub-niche of the GAF community while the community at large continues to devolve.

To me, this is very similar to the discussion surrounding hostility/harassment in online voice chats. "You can mute them" is valid, but the company that runs the game can also take some action to ensure their customers are receiving a baseline experience.

Dr. Claus

So overall, until recently, I would say the guys running this place have done an excellent job. I have to say though that AR's protected status and removing the like button from politics are both utterly stupid moves which leave a bad taste in the mouth, akin to chewing a turd. The lack of transparency on both matters is especially troubling especially when transparency is what has led to this place being the excellent venue for discussion we see today. Come on guys, get back to your former lofty standards please.

Curious where you got the idea that AR is protected. Pretty sure the user has been moderated/warned before. If you don't like his threads, simply don't contribute, or just ignore the polls in them. Not to mention it is incredibly easy to just create threads you want to see.


It's a matter of what sort of content do you want your community to be filled to the brim with.

Sure. I don't see much harm in allowing members to be able to filter out stuff they think is a problem when the people running the place aren't doing it. Your only filtering option right now is to completely remove someone from the board essentially. You cannot control the content that this community is filled to the brim with. But you should be able to filter what you see on your end.

The ability to filter is nice for people who choose to investigate those options

Great, so let's add the functionality.

Most won't. Most will see the spam, will get tired of it, and then leave the site. Worse yet, some will see the spam and decide they like the whole "system wars" vibe we have going on at GAF, resulting them joining the site to leap into the fray. I believe we already suffer from the problem of new users joining the site just to argue and troll in the Politics section. Let's not turn the rest of the site into that, shall we?

Again, I'm offering solutions to people who don't want to see this spam, and you're telling me "That's a good idea, but some people won't use it." So? Implement good ideas. I don't know how you stop that issue aside from vigilant mods, but this functionality would let me clean up my end.

I'm a fan of the ignore button, believe me, but it's not a solution if the board itself is getting spammed by threads. All you're doing is backing yourself into a smaller and smaller sub-niche of the GAF community while the community at large continues to devolve.

I'm not a fan of it at all, I don't like having members entirely silenced. I tried putting AR on ignore, and yeah, it was so nice to not see the Gaming forum littered with threads I don't care about, but it irked me that I wasn't seeing his posts elsewhere. I think allowing people to "hide" threads solves this problem for individual users much better than ignoring a member outright. It's not me backing into a sub niche at all to want to, say, hide the cum injection thread because it disgusts me to see it every time I hit up that board. I'm not silencing anyone or ignoring something I wasn't already totally uninterested in. I'm just not subject to seeing the thread in the list every time I come.

Curious where you got the idea that AR is protected. Pretty sure the user has been moderated/warned before. If you don't like his threads, simply don't contribute, or just ignore the polls in them. Not to mention it is incredibly easy to just create threads you want to see.

A user mentioned that they were spoken to after criticizing one of AR's threads, which I found kind of odd. Not sure what the context of the comments was.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
He's not the only one. Some posters apparently have license to follow users around and make personal attacks under the most specious of reasons.
If you are a one-trick pony, you will be called out. Take it on the chin. Or if you don’t like it, you can always try contribution instead of activism.


The Tribe Has Spoken
So, Killer751 lasted less than a day back from his ban. He couldn’t stay away from the light, lol. Great ban explanation btw, one of the best.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Nah man let’s not do that. Jare is a good dude, I just think he’s letting emotions get the better of him in the Smollett thread.

My bad. I was only ribbing him for his impressive output in OT. I wasn't aware of anything going on in PoliGAF.


Spoiler Tag Abuser
I'll just throw out a blanket comment that no users have "protected status" amongst the mods. And for its worth we have extremely active conversations related to AR's contribution to the site.

At the end of the day, we need more people willing to be "content creators" instead of just participants to keep the site healthy, so there's a fine line between muting someone's ability to contribute new discussions to the site and that user overstepping what is "acceptable".

ARs threads have generated some good discussions, but I think we'd agree that the poll options or the phrasing/defending of the threads haven't always been the best.

Also, if someone is actively chasing you around the board to antagonize your posts, definitely make a report for it...and be as explicit about what you're reporting as you can. When a report comes in, it isn't always obvious to us that there's actually a more macro-issue going on between a couple users across threads.

"This person is a troll" will more than likely get me to look at their participation in that specific thread, and potentially a few others depending on what the reported post/content was.

"This person has been going into every single <console> thread and just shitting all over <console> in random drive-by posts" is going to have me do a much deeper inspection on what's going on.

So overall, until recently, I would say the guys running this place have done an excellent job. I have to say though that AR's protected status and removing the like button from politics are both utterly stupid moves which leave a bad taste in the mouth, akin to chewing a turd. The lack of transparency on both matters is especially troubling especially when transparency is what has led to this place being the excellent venue for discussion we see today. Come on guys, get back to your former lofty standards please.
In regards to the likes thing, we did have a thread at least announcing the effort here:

...the functionality was ultimately restored after hearing everyone's feedback and observing the impact.

We're definitely not perfect as a staff, but transparency is definitely something we strive for so the userbase can trust that we have your best interest in mind and call us out if there's something that isn't panning out well.

I wrote the ban message for Killer571...it was either going to be the Pulp Fiction bible verse or the Game of Thrones "Nintendo sends their regards..." but kind of was feeling the over dramaticism of Samuel L for that one.


Nah man let’s not do that. Jare is a good dude, I just think he’s letting emotions get the better of him in the Smollett thread.

I had a decent opinion of the guy until he threw me on ignore for I have no idea what. I never got into any arguments with him or anything, even defended him in this thread when he banned himself. I can only assume he disagreed with me on something in a random thread, and put me on ignore. Not saying he's necessarily a "bad dude", but I don't understand the love tbh and don't have much respect for people who will filter users from a discussion forum based on their opinions. Also I find his constant gif posts after his resurrection to be rather annoying.
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Dr. Claus

Microsofts Hunert Smoke getting permed seems a bit harsh. Sure he seems a bit over excited about CD3, but its MS first major exclusive for a long while. Can't fault the guy for going a bit overboard on it.

The dude had a long history of alts and console warring. Plus the continued whining about getting his account back to the mod team every day didn't really help his case.
Ahhh OK. That makes sense. Thanks

No it doesnt make any sense. He got his account fused by the mods so clearly the mods didn't mind doing so. All that effort to fuse his account together just to perm him seems like a waste of resources but that's just me.

Edit: but it's pointless to really talk about it, seems it's been decided.

I'd recommend not having company names on an account username for any new users. Well unless it's your company.
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