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He'll be back in about 6 hours or so. Teenage Rambo having a one sided flame war won't be able to resist.

Ionian Ionian I was about three hours out, I can see him working through the topic giving me empathy reactions right now.


Hi safeoralone!


Neighbours from Hell
An overwhelming feeling of dread or doom is a big sign of generalised anxiety. As are mood swings like you've stated. Go and talk to your doctor and see what they have to say. It's good that you're already booked in to see them.

I spent ages not dealing with my own issues before they sort of swallowed me up and I'd hate to see that happen to someone else.

Can you link any big life events that may have made you feel this way?

If there's anything you need to get off your chest or are worried about don't be afraid to hit up my DM's, as a person diagnosed with depression and anxiety I might be able to put your mind at ease. (or just bombard you with star wars gifs)
Really appreciate that.

I really have had nothing to make me feel that way and I'm not bummed out or in a bad place psychologically. Like, it hasn't affected my day to day life other than my general enthusiasm. I've always been someone psychologically aware, and I haven't been able to pinpoint what's been causing it. I've been dealing with some medical stuff that has been a bitch to deal with not related to anything psychological. I'm guessing right now the stress of dealing with that has probably caught up to me and hopefully over time the dread feeling subsides. The good news is it hasn't really affected my ability to do anything on a daily basis.
Really appreciate that.

I really have had nothing to make me feel that way and I'm not bummed out or in a bad place psychologically. Like, it hasn't affected my day to day life other than my general enthusiasm. I've always been someone psychologically aware, and I haven't been able to pinpoint what's been causing it. I've been dealing with some medical stuff that has been a bitch to deal with not related to anything psychological. I'm guessing right now the stress of dealing with that has probably caught up to me and hopefully over time the dread feeling subsides. The good news is it hasn't really affected my ability to do anything on a daily basis.
Stress can be such a trigger for a number of things, and as you said, you've been having a bit of a time with some medical stuff, that could also be something that leads to it. I'm glad you seem to be on top of it and very aware of your mental health though.

A big thing that helped me was to keep a mood journal, just keep a day to day about how you're feeling and what you did and you might be able to find a trigger for it. (I know it sounds silly but it really did help me identify some issues)

I should probably mention I am not a licensed medical professional, but I am someone who cares about my felllow GAFfers :messenger_heart:


Stress can be such a trigger for a number of things, and as you said, you've been having a bit of a time with some medical stuff, that could also be something that leads to it. I'm glad you seem to be on top of it and very aware of your mental health though.

A big thing that helped me was to keep a mood journal, just keep a day to day about how you're feeling and what you did and you might be able to find a trigger for it. (I know it sounds silly but it really did help me identify some issues)

I should probably mention I am not a licensed medical professional, but I am someone who cares about my felllow GAFfers :messenger_heart:

Did Cognitive therapy years ago, was having panic attacks as the boss committed suicide and I had massive responsibility for the team. The woman couldn't understand how I wasn't crying or how I never would in our meetings. I just didn't, was like she wanted me to.

She's a famous author too, she just wondered why I was there. She wasn't cheap I can tell you that. She spent more time talking about herself than me. Also I watched the clock and got short changed every time. She starts late, tough shit as new client on the X time.

As for the cognative therapy, did it myself. It works, no shame in it all. Just need to be guided in the right direction.
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Neighbours from Hell
Stress can be such a trigger for a number of things, and as you said, you've been having a bit of a time with some medical stuff, that could also be something that leads to it. I'm glad you seem to be on top of it and very aware of your mental health though.

A big thing that helped me was to keep a mood journal, just keep a day to day about how you're feeling and what you did and you might be able to find a trigger for it. (I know it sounds silly but it really did help me identify some issues)

I should probably mention I am not a licensed medical professional, but I am someone who cares about my felllow GAFfers :messenger_heart:
Stress is a big trigger for eczema breakouts that I get. Stress is the worst. I am interested in studying my own psychology and finding out the ways it has impacted me in ways I don't even realize. I wonder if those few months of me being short tempered and frustrated was because of stress or if it was something else. I'm guessing it was. I deal with stress often, but very rarely depression. Which I am grateful for because depression can be crippling.
Did Cognitive therapy years ago, was having panic attacks as the boss committed suicde and I had massive responsibility for the team. The woman couldn't understand how I wasn't crying or how I never would in our meetings. I just didn't, was like she wanted me to.

She's a famous author too, she just wondered why I was there. She wasn't cheap I can tell you that. She spent more time talking about herself than me. Also I watched the clock and got short changed every time. She starts late, tough shit as new client on the X time.

As for the cognative therapy, just did it myself. It works, no shame in it all. Just need to be guided in the right direction.
Truth. Cognitive Therapy did wonders for me.

It's amazing what you learn about yourself too. And of course, regular exercise, socialising and diet were all key components of pulling myself back together.


Neighbours from Hell
Just a thought also DragoonKain DragoonKain my FIL suffers with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe that might be something you could look into? That can lead to depressive-like symptoms.
I've never even heard of that. I may have that. I get really bummed whenever the winter is over and spring gets here because I love the winter. But I don't usually get it after the summer because I hate the summer and I look forward to fall and then winter all year round. This year I haven't been able to enjoy fall because I've been stressed out.

I can't relax when I have obligations and I just have so many appointments lined up and constantly thinking about them triggers me. As I start to knock off those appointments one by one, I'll monitor my mood and see if it gradually changes as those obligations become fewer and fewer.
I've never even heard of that. I may have that. I get really bummed whenever the winter is over and spring gets here because I love the winter. But I don't usually get it after the summer because I hate the summer and I look forward to fall and then winter all year round. This year I haven't been able to enjoy fall because I've been stressed out.

I can't relax when I have obligations and I just have so many appointments lined up and constantly thinking about them triggers me. As I start to knock off those appointments one by one, I'll monitor my mood and see if it gradually changes as those obligations become fewer and fewer.
Might be worth mentioning with your GP. My FIL gets it bad over the winter, but I know it can affect folks in the summer too.


Neighbours from Hell
Might be worth mentioning with your GP. My FIL gets it bad over the winter, but I know it can affect folks in the summer too.
That's one of the things, I hate my primary. He sucks. He's rude and misdiagnosed me with something. I'm looking for a new one. I found one that came highly recommended, but I called his office and they told me he's very busy right now and may not be accepting new patients at the moment. But they put a note on his desk and they said if he's willing to take on a new patient someone would call me. They never did, so I guess not. Kind of in limbo with that situation at the moment.

Finding a new primary care doctor is harder than a specialist, because with your primary bedside manner is so much more important, because a lot of those visits are just talking and catching up on your general health and situation. My current primary has the worst bedside manners of any doctor I've ever encountered. So fucking rude, I hate this guy.
That's one of the things, I hate my primary. He sucks. He's rude and misdiagnosed me with something. I'm looking for a new one. I found one that came highly recommended, but I called his office and they told me he's very busy right now and may not be accepting new patients at the moment. But they put a note on his desk and they said if he's willing to take on a new patient someone would call me. They never did, so I guess not. Kind of in limbo with that situation at the moment.

Finding a new primary care doctor is harder than a specialist, because with your primary bedside manner is so much more important, because a lot of those visits are just talking and catching up on your general health and situation. My current primary has the worst bedside manners of any doctor I've ever encountered. So fucking rude, I hate this guy.
Yeah, that's shit. Care, understanding and empathy should go hand in hand. Someone who is rude or otherwise aloof is hardly going to reassure and calm their patients.


Truth. Cognitive Therapy did wonders for me.

It's amazing what you learn about yourself too. And of course, regular exercise, socialising and diet were all key components of pulling myself back together.

It truly is, did so much for me.

Brought me back down to ground level, got a woman I loved etc.

She was shocked, I just needed a kick up the arse.

It wasn't easy that's for sure but I left the office every time feeling like a new person. There's no shame in it as I said, I felt alone and it built me up. Still have it to this day. All she did was listen and question, nothing else and I'm against all of that but was really eye-opening. It changed the way I think, doesn't mean I wasn't an idiot after though.
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