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Your liking was restored earlier today.

I mean it‘s nice that this was done, but seriously, what evilness can someone exercise upon this board with liking posts? Like for real? The fact that this dude was prevented from liking post is a bit ridiculous, isn’t it?
Yoshi Yoshi all you're doing is convincing me that you draw your conclusions based on ideology instead of based on consistency.

I applaud your mental gymnastics, but once again I am left with the question of why you go to such great lengths to defend NI while calling out none of the inconsistencies? In fact, you'll go as claiming I am only disagreeing (not only me, but the other GAFers who disagree, too) because I disagree on ideological grounds. Furthermore, I can't understand because your shared ideology is "too foreign" to me. All of these are plausible, I admit! However, you have no proof for these accusations.

I've offered my own side (which you dismiss and break apart further) but you still don't walk back or address the things I asked for. This makes it feel very one-sided, and it brings us back to why I called NI a troll.

Running in circles is not the same thing as winning the argument. Dodging a question, feigning skepticism toward everything the other person said, or nitpicking one specific phrase while ignoring whole paragraphs is not a debate. I am beginning to remember why I stopped engaging you on these topics: because they go nowhere. You never answer direct questions when asked for proof. You never concede contradictions, merely throwing up your hands and saying "well I didn't witness this, I've yet to see that, I see no evidence for that". I can provide links and you merely play contrarian again: oh, this is just being open to new information, these duplicitous statements don't contradict one another if you only consider it from this specific perspective.

Maybe I'm just a bit jealous that you can never seem to extend this gratuitous benefit of the doubt to me and my posts or anyone else on the forum. :messenger_loudly_crying: It is always specific posters and specific viewpoints who you rush to defend, even when there are contradictions. Since your support appears based on ideology and not evidence, that is why I say you are unqualified to comment about NI's truthfulness and reliability.

This circles back to the issue of honesty and "arguing in good faith". I do not appreciate the backpedaling, the misrepresenting of what the other person is saying, or the assumptions about what they I am really thinking. I'm very familiar with the tactic. Then you have the gall to turn around and say "but what's your proof?" after either ignoring or casting aside the very proof you asked for. Gaslight much?

I'm not asking you to turn on your buddy, or even to agree with me and disagree with them. I'm pointing out how your standards will bend depending on the person and the ideology. When you say "I don't see how there's any inconsistency at all", it boggles my mind.

Perhaps you are right: this ideology is "too foreign" to me and I just don't understand it. I am unable to rationalize the intricate web of inconsistencies with the same fervor and faith as you.

DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi
So no. I haven't moved jack shit when it comes to Mueller. I have been consistent in my expectations of the Mueller report since I got here. I never thought impeachment was a realistic possibility. In fact all I wanted was the investigation to uncover as many negative things as it could about Trump and his inner circle so it could be used to obstruct his agenda. And thats exactly what it did. So me saying I am satisfied is not me moving goalposts. It fits perfectly in line with my stated expectations and desires.

Now you can argue that its a petulant outlook or that its a shitty outlook, but its a consistent one. One that I have maintained my entire time here. So i would appreciate it if you are gonna accuse me of shit at least make sure its shit I have actually done please.
Hey, I'm glad you can finally admit this. My issue isn't so much that you slowly backed away from the conclusions you made earlier in the investigations. It's that you will champion for something merely based on obstructing the agenda of a political opponent. Since truth isn't important to you, I don't see why anyone should take your viewpoints seriously.

Consistently dismissing the importance of the truth is not something I would boast about.

I guess it's up to you: maybe I was wrong about you being a troll, you just have zero substance to your character. If you'll approve of dishonest treatment towards politicians because a righteous agenda is served, I cannot help but wonder how willing you are to misrepresent yourself here on NeoGAF as long as you believe it is for a good cause.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Hey, I'm glad you can finally admit this. My issue isn't so much that you slowly backed away from the conclusions you made earlier in the investigations. It's that you will champion for something merely based on obstructing the agenda of a political opponent. Since truth isn't important to you, I don't see why anyone should take your viewpoints seriously.

Consistently dismissing the importance of the truth is not something I would boast about.

I guess it's up to you: maybe I was wrong about you being a troll, you just have zero substance to your character. If you'll approve of dishonest treatment towards politicians because a righteous agenda is served, I cannot help but wonder how willing you are to misrepresent yourself here on NeoGAF as long as you believe it is for a good cause.

And you just go right back to twisting my words and misrepresenting what I have said. I'm done. You can accuse me of what you want and say whatever you want about me. I am done trying to explain myself to you. You present yourself as someone who wants to have a serious discussion and whatnot but even when I show you how you are wrong or when I explicitly explain where I am coming from on the issues you bring up you still choose to focus on what is convenient for you and you ignore the parts that are not.

You say I dismiss the importance of truth? I said that I wanted Trumps agenda slowed by the investigation because not only was it a harmful agenda in my opinion, but also Trump was indeed surrounded by crooks and con-men in my opinion. And it turns out both were true. Mueller found several people close to Trump guilty of various crimes. And as for his Agenda there were various things he was trying to do that were proven to be harmful to America if they had gone through. Especially his repeal of Obamacare. Millions would have been left without healthcare. Thats the truth of the matter. Thats not even mentioning his various executive orders regarding environmental regulations that are harmful to the world and not just America.

But you skipped those parts. You ignore those parts because they don't fit into your narrative and instead just focus on the things you wanna see. Instead of simply asking me what I mean or asking me to clarify my positions you just take bits and pieces of what I have to say from various threads and topics and then cobble them together and just guess and accuse at what I mean or where I stand and I'm tired of it. Its gotten old. Especially with how often you accuse me of shit that I haven't even done like in the case of me "moving goalposts" on Mueller when I have clearly done no such thing and I have shown as much. I'mjust done with you and your crap.

Yoshi Yoshi I really do appreciate the gesture, but I would feel alot better if you stopped wasting your time. Its clear at this point that he (and others) is gonna hate me regardless of what you or I say. And he is gonna think what he wants to think about me regardless of what you or I say. Your effort and energy would be better served in the various threads around the forum that could take that same energy and put it to good use.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I applaud your mental gymnastics, but once again I am left with the question of why you go to such great lengths to defend NI while calling out none of the inconsistencies? In fact, you'll go as claiming I am only disagreeing (not only me, but the other GAFers who disagree, too) because I disagree on ideological grounds. Furthermore, I can't understand because your shared ideology is "too foreign" to me. All of these are plausible, I admit! However, you have no proof for these accusations.
Yes, I cannot prove this and it is something that cannot be proven in principle. I mean, maybe a psychologist having access to us three could? I don't know. If you have any ideas how I would go about proving that, please, let me know. I have given you, what I consider the easiest way of convincing me of your standpoint, though I admit, sometimes valuations of what is proven wrong can differ (e.g. Trump's collusion or Kavanaugh's rape allegations? It is unknown based on my information if they are true, but I have seen people treat them as proven wrong here), but maybe that could still lead to a better understanding of our cognitive dissonance.
but you still don't walk back or address the things I asked for
OK, I may have missed something, I thought I addressed everything important. Please show to me what parts you feel are underaddressed and I will do my best to give a proper response.
Running in circles is not the same thing as winning the argument. Dodging a question, feigning skepticism toward everything the other person said, or nitpicking one specific phrase while ignoring whole paragraphs is not a debate. I am beginning to remember why I stopped engaging you on these topics: because they go nowhere. You never answer direct questions when asked for proof. You never concede contradictions, merely throwing up your hands and saying "well I didn't witness this, I've yet to see that, I see no evidence for that". I can provide links and you merely play contrarian again: oh, this is just being open to new information, these duplicitous statements don't contradict one another if you only consider it from this specific perspective.
Do you feel I misrepresent what Nobody_Important Nobody_Important said there? I am really being serious, I see no indication of inconsistency. But before clicking submit I also double checked with my wife (she is left of me in terms of social justice, but she is not involved in discussions here and does not feel one way or the other about you or NI; in fact, she has only heard about you before for recommending her current favourite game ;)) and she only found one point that one could, in her eyes, perceive as contradictory, because NI fell for the Convington boys thing yet still was not in favour of banning it; she said she would have expected him to be more critical of it, since he observed with himself that careless reporting can be dangerous; she'd advocate for a ban on naming / showing minors when reporting on misbehaviour or crimes, as it is common in Germany. But she also said that this is more of an incsonsistency with her expectations of reflective behaviour, not one that indicates dishonesty. Of course, she may be biased because she could read my posting, but she knew I was interested in her genuine opinion.

I really am not contrarian on purpose or anything, I feel NI's positions stated in your quotes are absolutely consistent and believable. Both, when I agree and when I disagree.
Maybe I'm just a bit jealous that you can never seem to extend this gratuitous benefit of the doubt to me and my posts or anyone else on the forum. :messenger_loudly_crying: It is always specific posters and specific viewpoints who you rush to defend, even when there are contradictions. Since your support appears based on ideology and not evidence, that is why I say you are unqualified to comment about NI's truthfulness and reliability.
Well, have you been attacked like this? Called a known troll and called for being banned? Attacked by an angry mob at numerous occasions. If you have, then I am truly sorry to not have said anything about it. But it is not true that I wouldn't go to aid for people who have opinions to the right of myself. What do you think got me involved in so many warnings / bans on Resetera? If I see someone being treated unfairly and have any time to spare, I will always try my best to intervene. Yes, I like Nobody_Important, so maybe he gets more of my support than others. But I also like you. If you were attacked in similar ways and I'd see it I would definitely speak against that as well.
And you just go right back to twisting my words and misrepresenting what I have said. I'm done. You can accuse me of what you want and say whatever you want about me. I am done trying to explain myself to you. You present yourself as someone who wants to have a serious discussion and whatnot but even when I show you how you are wrong or when I explicitly explain where I am coming from on the issues you bring up you still choose to focus on what is convenient for you and you ignore the parts that are not.

You say I dismiss the importance of truth? I said that I wanted Trumps agenda slowed by the investigation because not only was it a harmful agenda in my opinion, but also Trump was indeed surrounded by crooks and con-men in my opinion. And it turns out both were true. Mueller found several people close to Trump guilty of various crimes. And as for his Agenda there were various things he was trying to do that were proven to be harmful to America if they had gone through. Especially his repeal of Obamacare. Millions would have been left without healthcare. Thats the truth of the matter. Thats not even mentioning his various executive orders regarding environmental regulations that are harmful to the world and not just America.

But you skipped those parts. You ignore those parts because they don't fit into your narrative and instead just focus on the things you wanna see. Instead of simply asking me what I mean or asking me to clarify my positions you just take bits and pieces of what I have to say from various threads and topics and then cobble them together and just guess and accuse at what I mean or where I stand and I'm tired of it. Its gotten old. Especially with how often you accuse me of shit that I haven't even done like in the case of me "moving goalposts" on Mueller when I have clearly done no such thing and I have shown as much. I'mjust done with you and your crap.

Yoshi Yoshi I really do appreciate the gesture, but I would feel alot better if you stopped wasting your time. Its clear at this point that he (and others) is gonna hate me regardless of what you or I say. And he is gonna think what he wants to think about me regardless of what you or I say. Your effort and energy would be better served in the various threads around the forum that could take that same energy and put it to good use.
Sounds like you don't like getting called out, that's really all I can draw from emotional tirade.

You said earlier "In fact all I wanted was the investigation to uncover as many negative things as it could about Trump and his inner circle so it could be used to obstruct his agenda. And thats exactly what it did. So me saying I am satisfied is not me moving goalposts. It fits perfectly in line with my stated expectations and desires.

Now you can argue that its a petulant outlook or that its a shitty outlook, but its a consistent one."

Yeah, it's a petulant and shitty outlook. That's exactly what I'm calling out, but now you are acting like I'm ignoring your virtues when I call this out. Give it a rest. It's definitely not consistent when you judged some kids inner thoughts based on their headwear, and it's definitely not consistent when you make excuses for the media while mocking people who make the same excuses for Trump, and it's definitely not consistent when you malign political opponents as being alcoholics but cry when someone makes a rape joke about a hoaxer.

You are lying about your earlier stance on the investigations against Trump, but I must've misunderstood that too, as I'm sure Yoshi will clarify.

And then of course, no fake-victim is complete without an appeal to being the target of a narrative. "Boo hoo! I don't like my own words shoved in my face. You're pushing a narrative about me and no amount of help from Yoshi will change this narrative."

"Consistency" is the last word I would use to describe your posting history, but the fact that I could wring full paragraphs out of you with very little effort demonstrates that I've hit a nerve.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You are lying about your earlier stance on the investigations against Trump, but I must've misunderstood that too, as I'm sure Yoshi will clarify.

Neither of the posts you linked prove anything unless I am missing something, but considering its you I am hardly surprised. As i said before though. You can believe what you want.


I hope not. If you want to ignore a thread, don't click on it. Really isn't that difficult.

While I generally take issue with the idea of hiding users via the ignore feature on a discussion forum, I really do not see how allowing me to hide threads I don't care to participate in is a bad thing.

For example, I had no intention of contributing to the botched circumcision thread awhile back, and didn't really care to be reminded of it every time I went into Off Topic. Let me hide it.

lol bit of a tangent sorry, I'm still hung up on ignoring threads
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While I generally take issue with the idea of hiding users via the ignore feature on a discussion forum, I really do not see how allowing me to hide threads I don't care to participate in is a bad thing.

For example, I had no intention of contributing to the botched circumcision thread awhile back, and didn't really care to be reminded of it every time I went into Off Topic. Let me hide it.

lol bit of a tangent sorry, I'm still hung up on ignoring threads

You never responded to my apology earlier.

That’s cold, man. Ice cold
Ignore thread sounds dope. +1

I honestly don’t see a downside to it, other than not knowing if it’s possible to program into the site or not: I know nothing about how this all works.

I do know they can take away individual permissions like sending PM’, reporting (Lol?), likes, thread replies, etc, so I figure they can pretty much do anything.
By the way, I feel the NI ban is pretty weak. Sorry, but that’s my honest opinion.

We say we don’t want an echoc hamber, like the other site, but all I see is left wing posters leaving or being stifled, it seems. I could be wrong. I want GAF to be GAF, not ReverseEra
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By the way, I feel the NI ban is pretty weak. Sorry, but that’s my honest opinion.

We say we don’t want an echoc hamber, like the other site, but all I see is left wing posters leaving or being stifled, it seems. I could be wrong. I want GAF to be GAF, not ReverseEra
Duh. We don't have many right wing posters here so of course a lot of left wing accounts are getting banned.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
By the way, I feel the NI ban is pretty weak. Sorry, but that’s my honest opinion.

We say we don’t want an echoc hamber, like the other site, but all I see is left wing posters leaving or being stifled, it seems. I could be wrong. I want GAF to be GAF, not ReverseEra
I'll try to put in more work then but this board might be too normie for some of my views.


By the way, I feel the NI ban is pretty weak. Sorry, but that’s my honest opinion.

We say we don’t want an echoc hamber, like the other site, but all I see is left wing posters leaving or being stifled, it seems. I could be wrong. I want GAF to be GAF, not ReverseEra

Stop looking at political alignment and instead look at behaviour. He has been shitting up threads with his narcissistic TDS bullshit for nearly a year now. He’s had plenty of feedback and opportunities to improve his behaviour but has shown zero signs of improvement. In fact, he’s worse now. Perhaps this can serve as the timeout his single mother never gave him.


I'll try to put in more work then but this board might be too normie for some of my views.

Nah I would like to hear your views, though I suspect I won’t agree with many of them. I at least get the sense you’re honest and open to learning.
By the way, I feel the NI ban is pretty weak. Sorry, but that’s my honest opinion.

We say we don’t want an echo chamber, like the other site, but all I see is left wing posters leaving or being stifled, it seems. I could be wrong. I want GAF to be GAF, not ReverseEra

To claim that NI derailed threads as if each one of his threads isn't immediately derailed by the same people over and over again and to ding him for personal attacks and let other users follow people from thread to thread posting pigeons and not contributing to threads other than to add personal attacks undermines whatever sense of impartiality the mod team is trying to foster. Not my circus, not my monkey though.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Alright ENOUGH!

Someone please explain to me what this new “pigeons” sheep speak means? I’ve seen it posted voraciously over the past week out of nowhere, so I assume it is the latest “trendy” internet term.

It’s hard for an old fella to keep up when the young cool kids keep makin’ up new terms and words out of thin air every other week. I find it hard to internet.

What does “pigeons” mean? Enlighten me.

Dr. Claus

Alright ENOUGH!

Someone please explain to me what this new “pigeons” sheep speak means? I’ve seen it posted voraciously over the past week out of nowhere, so I assume it is the latest “trendy” internet term.

It’s hard for an old fella to keep up when the young cool kids keep makin’ up new terms and words out of thin air every other week. I find it hard to internet.

What does “pigeons” mean? Enlighten me.

UrbanDictionary lists it as "one who is easily fooled". Robido is just angry his little buddy was rightfully banned for continuously ignoring mod warnings.
UrbanDictionary lists it as "one who is easily fooled". Robido is just angry his little buddy was rightfully banned for continuously ignoring mod warnings.
Not sure that definition is related. I've never heard the term before, but using context clues...

and let other users follow people from thread to thread posting pigeons and not contributing to threads

it sounds more likely to be a euphemism for bird shit as a metaphor for post quality.
To claim that NI derailed threads as if each one of his threads isn't immediately derailed by the same people over and over again and to ding him for personal attacks and let other users follow people from thread to thread posting pigeons and not contributing to threads other than to add personal attacks undermines whatever sense of impartiality the mod team is trying to foster. Not my circus, not my monkey though.
I was banned from posting threads for a month as punishment for trolling someone in Gaming section.

NI got off with an easy warning.

Only people with a psychosis-fueled persecution complex (oh, sorry, the politically correct term now would be "oppression") would believe that GAF is being unfair here. Honestly, I'm bummed his trolling didn't catch him a longer ban. His only purpose here (in spite of his occasional honey-tongued posts that feign innocence and earnestness) is to derail.


Unconfirmed Member
Is the pigeon thing not related to the popular meme that some people argue like a pigeon plays chess - shits on the board, knocks all the pieces over and struts around claiming victory?

Dr. Claus

Not sure that definition is related. I've never heard the term before, but using context clues...

it sounds more likely to be a euphemism for bird shit as a metaphor for post quality.

Possibly. I just quickly looked up "Pigeon slang" on google and that was the most common answer. Either way, my other point still stands.


What the hell is all this disrespecting pigeons? I like pigeons. It's slander I tell you. SLANDER! Poor defenceless pigeons.
Is the pigeon thing not related to the popular meme that some people argue like a pigeon plays chess - shits on the board, knocks all the pieces over and struts around claiming victory?
Possibly. I just quickly looked up "Pigeon slang" on google and that was the most common answer. Either way, my other point still stands.
What the hell is all this disrespecting pigeons? I like pigeons. It's slander I tell you. SLANDER! Poor defenceless pigeons.
<+)O Robido O(+> <+)O Robido O(+> the people need to know!


It's kind of surprising he hasn't seen a ban until now. His use of the large fonts is pretty obnoxious sometimes.

I genuinely do not understand why someone would want to spend a good percentage of their time on a forum just arguing with the regulars that are not aligned with your beliefs at all. He's not really interested in genuine debate as much as gotchas, lazy trump jokes and pressing people's buttons. I can't count the number of times he's said "I'm done", then continued on anyway. He does not post in the Gaming forum as far as I know. He is quite literally just a shit disturber. I don't know what he gets out of this site besides getting off on the constant notifications.
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I'm using Chrome right now, and I just noticed that if you hover over the area in a forum thread list that says "Replies, Views", a notification tells you how many likes the first post has. Weird.


To claim that NI derailed threads as if each one of his threads isn't immediately derailed by the same people over and over again and to ding him for personal attacks and let other users follow people from thread to thread posting pigeons and not contributing to threads other than to add personal attacks undermines whatever sense of impartiality the mod team is trying to foster. Not my circus, not my monkey though.

Complain about it all you like, but I think the Pigeon meme got the point across and worked as intended. I think AfricanKing AfricanKing is a good contributor these days and is posting much less biased / reactive things. I think he's genuinely making an effort, as we all should be, and for the record, I think BraveOne was too so I was disappointed to see him banned.

Sometimes a humorous jab is what it takes to make a point and you will notice that I haven't called him Pigeon in quite a while. I know you will have noticed because you like to follow me around and vaguely complain about my methods rather than addressing me directly as I have invited you multiple times to do.

You are heavily indoctrinated in Victimology and it shows. When have you ever made a genuine contribution to a thread that isn't just a vague complaint about another's behaviour that doesn't actually address what they're saying? Just one example, please. Perhaps I need to come up with a meme nickname for you too? Courage the Cowardly Victim perhaps?


Gold Member
did you know you can choose which achievement youd like to display in your profile? just discovered that. if you dont select one, i think it defaults to your most recently attained one.


did you know you can choose which achievement youd like to display in your profile? just discovered that. if you dont select one, i think it defaults to your most recently attained one.
Neat, I didn't know that. Sounds kinda like customizing a Steam profile.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
So, do we think OSC is genuinely mentally unwell or is he just on a bunch of PCP or DMT?


So, do we think OSC is genuinely mentally unwell or is he just on a bunch of PCP or DMT?
I'm sticking with my theory that it's a relatively advanced data-collation AI.

Kinda like those ones you see online that can take a webcam feed as input and then cobble together a matching output image from bits and pieces of classical paintings in real-time, just with philosophy and anime instead.
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So, do we think OSC is genuinely mentally unwell or is he just on a bunch of PCP or DMT?
Having argued with OSC on a number of occasions about the nature of reality and the convergence of AI and humanity, the string of posts that led up to their temp-ban was waaaaay more convoluted and "enlightened" than usual.

This isn't meant to offend them, because I like them as as fellow GAFer, but my first impression when I stumbled on those posts was that they were high as a kite.


Unconfirmed Member
Having argued with OSC on a number of occasions about the nature of reality and the convergence of AI and humanity, the string of posts that led up to their temp-ban was waaaaay more convoluted and "enlightened" than usual.

This isn't meant to offend them, because I like them as as fellow GAFer, but my first impression when I stumbled on those posts was that they were high as a kite.

OSC seems harmless enough though s/he does have some odd views - I'd say those posts at the end were the product of a LOT of drugs. I mean a SERIOUS drug collection.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I haven’t seen the posts near the end you guys are talking about, but can’t a shitposter just be a shitposter? Can’t a troll just be a troll?

My first impression of OSC was that it was just another shit-stirrer with too much time on their hands. With a mission to shit up the forum. Like those new accounts that get approved and then immediately necro a bunch of 10 year old threads for no reason. Just a reeeeeefugee with nothing better to do.

Although OSC showed more than the usual application. A real go-getter that one.


The Tribe Has Spoken
No! New GAF isn't shitposting and trolling ...new GAF is having respectful discourse with other members on the site.
It’s interesting when you decide to pop up with a post.

I was referring to people making up backstories of why OSC is doing what they are doing. Rather than just call a troll a troll.

You’d know all about that.


I'm giving @BraveOne another chance.


Thanks for the second chance, going to use the extra life wisely
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