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From updates its website with a new trailer in the Library section:


In case you missed it at TGS, this is the one about the President of the United States blowing shit up in his giant robot.

Presumably From Software feels free to do whatever the fuck they want on Xbox, since the games are probably being funded by Microsoft anyway. Whatever the case, I approve, because this is funnier than hell.



BatiGOOOOOOL said:
Great. As if Bush needed anyone else to give him more stupid ideas. :p

According to the story description, the president in the game is fighting against a coup led by the vice-president. I'm trying to work out whether that's a rib on Dick Cheney, or if I'm just giving From way too much credit.



The Inside Track
WarPig said:
From updates its website with a new trailer in the Library section:


In case you missed it at TGS, this is the one about the President of the United States blowing shit up in his giant robot.

Presumably From Software feels free to do whatever the fuck they want on Xbox, since the games are probably being funded by Microsoft anyway. Whatever the case, I approve, because this is funnier than hell.

Yeah this game is so incredibly cheesy, it's soooo great :)
When the president of the USA is yelling "You're roast chicken !" you know you have everything to make a great game !
For those who might have missed it on the other topic, I did a direct feed video of the whole (4 minutes long) demo from TGS, right there :
Well worth watching I'd say !


Blimblim said:
Yeah this game is so incredibly cheesy, it's soooo great :)
When the president of the USA is yelling "You're roast chicken !" you know you have everything to make a great game !
For those who might have missed it on the other topic, I did a direct feed video of the whole (4 minutes long) demo from TGS, right there :
Well worth watching I'd say !
ok this game is officially badass.

Meier said:
Where does she say that in the trailer? I totally missed it apparently. Game looks rad though for sure.

Also, for those having trouble like Joe:
thank you.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Holy shit, I didn't even look at the game. That's f*cking funny as hell!

OK, based on what I could read...

You play the role of Michael Wilson (47th President of the USA). Apparently, it seems that you are a hardened military badass who won the medal of honor during a world war. Throughout those years, you fought alongside your school friend who would become the vice president (Richard Hawk). They were like brothers in arms!

However, throughout all this, Hawk has always harbored some sort of inferiority complex and always felt as if he was just behind Mike. For example, unlike Mike, he did not win the medal of honor...

When this relationship goes wrong shit goes BOOM!

Sounds like some sort of anime-ish plot, but whatever...you get to play as the f*cking President!

I gotta look over this site some more. Who the hell came up with this shit? Crazy guys over at From...

Ha ha, this is a nice pre-order bonus! An all-American hard rock CD!



Unconfirmed Member
:lol :lol

Coolest game concept ever.

I hope the Sec. of Defense is an unlockable character.

To bad Futurama already did presidential mechs though ;)


Supposedly it's based on the Otogi technology, so I'm thinking a more friendly control scheme is in the offing.



wonder if the game will feature tracks from the president of the united states of america, hell maybe they are big fans of teh band.


The Inside Track
Gantz said:
Destructable environments yay! I hope the controls don't suck like Armored Core.
The controls are quite easy. FPS like controls with both analog sticks, fire weapon on left shoulder with left trigger, same for the right. B+left or right trigger to change the weapon (awesome animation). A for jump, X for boost.


Hmm, this looks cool, if this comes to the US and Silicon Knights makes an Xbox game, I just may have to pick one up eventually.

And if Xbox2 won't be backwards compatible, then I guess I'll have to anyways.


Blimblim said:
The US publisher has not been announced yet.
As in, there is a US publisher who has yet to be announced, or it's not been announced if there will be a US release at all?

edit: Ugh, sorry. I see in the other thread there is talk of it going to the US sometime during their Spring.



You can juggle tanks with bullets in giant Mechs piloted by the president of the US!?



i don't get it... from software, game with personality, does not compute. first otogi, now this! this team should split off and form its own company so from software can go back to being the official most boring developer in the world.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i say again.... otogi 2 engine, same producer.

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