Just let The Venture Bros end itself nicely and ride off into the sunset, [as]
I mean, it's still up in the air how much steam Rick & Morty has in it, but it at least has this next season left in it. Plus, I love the idea behind [as]. It doesn't need to die. It just needs a huge purge of its current management/content, with Lazzo being at the center of it all.
Again, I guarantee you that if any of their remaining good shows leave, it's his fault.
Hey now, Mr. Pickles is awesome.
I need to watch Metalocalypse sometime. Even though I like metal I would love something that pokes fun of the cheese and stupidity of metal culture.
Is there any particular reason you feel this way about Mr. Pickles? I'm just curious because out of the few times I've heard positive feedback towards the show, it's either A.) just calling the show "good," or B.) saying that the people who find it disgusting (Be it due to the art style, the gratuitous violence done in a way that isn't fun, the gratuitous sexuality done in a way that isn't fun, the fact that
neither of those should be put together and yet they are with predictable results, and the fact that there are zero redeemable characters (Even ignoring the fact that the show appears to be torture porn, for all intents and purposes, meaning that the show wants you to hate most of the supporting cast)...
I see nothing redeemable about the show, and am almost certain it got a 2nd season solely because of negative feedback. Because it's obvious at this point that some shows on [as] are only up for renewal because they don't care what they put on, and what shows are renewed are chosen out of laziness and spite.
That said, if you like Mr. Pickles, you'll love Metalocalypse. It's just as violent/morbid, but in a show that's actually... good. Plus the music's good, too.