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Metalocalypse creator gets a "hard no" on reviving series

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No arguments there, but could you honestly watch Adult Swim TONIGHT and get any enjoyment out of it? Would you even want to?l

They still play King of the Hill and American Dad, and, depending on where it is in re-run rotation, Family guy and Robot Chicken might also be enjoyable or at least watchable.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Boondocks was good up until they made the fourth season without Aaron MacGruber. That season was a mess.

No one in their right mind would argue otherwise. Still those first 3 seasons were all pretty damn good and some episodes like the MLK one were all time greats.
I'm Still so pissed off about the cancellation, I was desperate to see where the story ended up.

Still listen to doomstar requiem, it was a fantastic way to build on the development of the characters, set us up for the next stage of the story and was just damn great fun too.


So you are banking on AS living off of nostalgia?

No arguments there, but could you honestly watch Adult Swim TONIGHT and get any enjoyment out of it? Would you even want to?

Nick is ass, and Disney prints money. These are both true statements, and these statements don't take away anything about what Adult Swim is now.

Cartoon Network was able to strike gold with teen titans go, a show they still broadcast to death, to paper over the cracks in their lineup for a time. Does Adult Swim have anything like that right now? Whats keeping people there during the likes of poor programming? Increasingly unfunny Robot Chicken parodies of stuff from the 80's nobody gives two fuck about? lol
Right. If you're talking about success of shows, that's one thing. If you're talking about the quality of the shows, I stand by my statement. TTG is shit. Shit that makes money, but shit nonetheless. After CN, AS is the most successful animated network in terms of quality, and I could see the argument being made either way.

As for who watches it? Tons of people watch Rick and Morty, Venture Bros, Eric and Andre, and Toonami. Guaranteed, lots are going to watch Samurai Jack. They may not pull in CN money, but they were never trying to.
I'm Still so pissed off about the cancellation, I was desperate to see where the story ended up.

Still listen to doomstar requiem, it was a fantastic way to build on the development of the characters, set us up for the next stage of the story and was just damn great fun too.

Doomstar Requiem is probably my second favorite Dethklok album behind the first Dethalbum. Some amazing stuff in there.


Good, I'm sorry but the show became terrible after they extended the length of the episodes, so much filler and drawn out jokes.

Yeah, I was pretty much "over" Metalocalypse once they tried half hour episodes, and it never managed to pull me back in.

The show just couldn't stretch itself over 24 minutes. It wore thin incredibly fast.
Loved Metalocalypse! Sad that we'll likely never see it again :( . Adult Swim still has some great programs...but their leadership are pieces of shit. Wish someone a but more passionate and willing to listen to fans was in charge.


Not really, he's basically saying [as] suck and are idiots and thus when actual fans made demands, [as] lost it. [as] haven't made anything remotely entertaining since squidbillies and aqua teen, both shows that are more than a decade old at this point.
World peace is legit tho!


Wish Toonami would go back to CN. Adult Swim fucking sucks. Though I understand finding apprpriate content would be harder


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Rick and Morty and Venture Bros. are the only shows left worth watching for me.


The group running Toonami seem kinda decent, at least. I mean they got us Samurai Jack another season and FLCL too.

But yeah the rest of AS...

Though the whole fax machine to a recycle bin thing is classic Adult Swim.

I mean, they still have Venture Bros., Rick & Morty, & Venture Bros. but they need to purge themselves of Lazzo; I'm tired of them funding hot garbage and acting like brats when people tell them they're doing a shitty job. And Lazzo's currently the face of the whole thing.

World peace is legit tho!

The show with the blackface sketches created by staunch alt-righters that's like a terrible attempt to replicate Eric Andre while also devolving into yet another sketch show? It most certainly isn't.
I liked the show at first but as the seasons went on my interest faded more and more. Don't blame them for putting the brakes on this series.
I wouldn't be surprised if at least two of these get cancelled out of spite at some point.

Well, Eric is saying that he might end his show after Season 5.

And if we did a fifth season, I would do like, a Japanese game show kind of theme. And I would make my head bald and gain a bunch of weight and get really tan and wear colored contacts. [If we get renewed] the fifth season would be the last one; it's a nice round number.


Aside from Alan Resniks stuff, AS is just garbage right now. Nothing new or exciting happening. A lot of just really dumb shit.

Plus, Resnick and the Wham City Comedy group can just do it online. It won't have the same effect as airing a show on at 4 AM instead of an expected rerun, of course, but if there's no other reason to watch the channel, then why bother trying to be surprised at 4 AM?

Well, Eric is saying that he might end his show after Season 5.

I knew S5 was probably the end, but I didn't know about the Japanese Game Show motif (I wonder if it'll be as noticeable as the Twin Peaks meets Eraserhead vibe that was supposed to be there this past season?). ... Either way, that sounds about right for the show's trajectory. They've already flirted with the idea between Rapper Warrior Ninja and that Japanese Game Show bit a couple seasons back.

And yeah, as someone else has said, MTM/Rick & Morty/Venture Bros. are always at risk of a spite-based cancellation because the channel's current fueled by Lazzo's pettiness. I mean, it's unclear how much steam any of the 3 have left in them. Plus, MTM's very niche (I don't know if it's doing well, but it's audience seems limited), Rick & Morty is run by Dan Harmon (Who often bites down hard on the hand that feeds, and [as] deserves it) and Justin Roiland (Who seems more interested in VR right now, anyway), and Venture Bros. takes years between seasons. It's my favorite show of all time, but it's easy to forget it's still going because of how long its gaps are, and how much shorter the seasons are getting. It could easily just get dropped based on how long it takes Doc & Jackson to finish the Season 7 premiere (Which is supposed to be a seasonal bridge like the Halloween & Gargantua specials).


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
But a second season of Mr.Pickles was cool? Whoever's in charge needs to go.

Hey now, Mr. Pickles is awesome.

I need to watch Metalocalypse sometime. Even though I like metal I would love something that pokes fun of the cheese and stupidity of metal culture.


Just let The Venture Bros end itself nicely and ride off into the sunset, [as]

I mean, it's still up in the air how much steam Rick & Morty has in it, but it at least has this next season left in it. Plus, I love the idea behind [as]. It doesn't need to die. It just needs a huge purge of its current management/content, with Lazzo being at the center of it all.

Again, I guarantee you that if any of their remaining good shows leave, it's his fault.

Hey now, Mr. Pickles is awesome.

I need to watch Metalocalypse sometime. Even though I like metal I would love something that pokes fun of the cheese and stupidity of metal culture.

Is there any particular reason you feel this way about Mr. Pickles? I'm just curious because out of the few times I've heard positive feedback towards the show, it's either A.) just calling the show "good," or B.) saying that the people who find it disgusting (Be it due to the art style, the gratuitous violence done in a way that isn't fun, the gratuitous sexuality done in a way that isn't fun, the fact that neither of those should be put together and yet they are with predictable results, and the fact that there are zero redeemable characters (Even ignoring the fact that the show appears to be torture porn, for all intents and purposes, meaning that the show wants you to hate most of the supporting cast)...

I see nothing redeemable about the show, and am almost certain it got a 2nd season solely because of negative feedback. Because it's obvious at this point that some shows on [as] are only up for renewal because they don't care what they put on, and what shows are renewed are chosen out of laziness and spite.

That said, if you like Mr. Pickles, you'll love Metalocalypse. It's just as violent/morbid, but in a show that's actually... good. Plus the music's good, too.
I understand the sentiment, but come on, they still have Venture Bros. and Rick & Morty.

Not sure I would trust a series with Venture Bros. production and release schedule to keep a programming block fresh and interesting.

Stagnation at [as] is always a risk but I don't think Metalocalypse was going to shake things up that much.


Now now, there's plenty of AS shows we've all watched and loved, no need to get all up in arms when people like an AS show that's not as well received.

I remember telling my friend that I loved 12 oz. Mouse and Perfect Hair Forever and they gave me shit for like a week.

So someone liked Mr. Pickles, that's fine.
Now now, there's plenty of AS shows we've all watched and loved, no need to get all up in arms when people like an AS show that's not as well received.

I remember telling my friend that I loved 12 oz. Mouse and Perfect Hair Forever and they gave me shit for like a week.

So someone liked Mr. Pickles, that's fine.

But..... You're a dog. We can't allow a dog to tell us whether it's fine if people liked a show or not! Not serious. I also enjoyed catman. Shit was hilarious lol.

I never really got into Metalocalypse but I did enjoy it fwiw. These new shows they are showing don't appeal to me but I can see why some folks like their current lineup, sort of.

I don't think AS is done done, more like they want to see how and where these shows are going. GAF doesn't like it but I don't know how the public populace feels.
Dude, are they still airing Mr. Pickles? Show is the wrong kind of raunchy. AS going way out there. They need to be reign back in.
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