JareBear: Remastered

Michael Bay Is Working On A Pandemic Thriller Movie, Because Of Course He Is
Bay will produce Songbird, a movie about paranoia and conspiracy set in a pandemic-ravaged world.
Michael Bay is getting to work on a "pandemic-themed thriller" titled Songbird. Production is set to begin in just five weeks with actors receiving "remote training" before actually beginning to shoot in Los Angeles. The fast tracked timeline may make Songbird the first movie to shoot in the city post-pandemic.
Interestingly, no one involved in Songbird would comment on exactly how the movie plans to shoot during a time with such strict safety protocols in place, or exactly what the production's own safety plans would be
Tonally, Songbird is being compared to Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield, implying that it will be found footage. It will be set two years in the future, in a world where the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has not dissipated, and the virus has continued to mutate beyond control.
It's almost as if, in Bay's vision, the virus has.........Transformed.