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Michael Jackson to Be Father of Quadruplets

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This reminds me of a great joke that I heard the other day.

What's the difference between a penguin and Michael Jackson?

The penguin is black and white. Michael Jackson is a child molester.
Raoul Duke said:
This reminds me of a great joke that I heard the other day.

What's the difference between a penguin and Michael Jackson?

The penguin is black and white. Michael Jackson is a child molester.

Wrong, the correct joke is:

Whats the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.... Michael Jackson has sex with little boys.

Well, really, they are one in the same, but still....


And how did he meet her? She sent him a letter offering him support because of the whole trial thing going on. He replied with "Want to have my babies?" They fertilised 4 eggs, shoved them in that oven, et voila.
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