Roger & Me is a great movie. Moore does spin some things in it, like alternating between people getting evicted on Christmas and GM's President giving a hearty Christmas speech to the higher ups in his company (the two events didn't occur simaltaneously, and luckily, most people will figure that out and understand the statement he's making), but it's still a great look on what happened to Flint, and to a larger extent, America after the auto industry turned its back on them.
It has none of the complete, utter bullshit found in Columbine (I absolutely loved this movie because of its humour and the fact that I'm 100% behind the message it's trying to convey -- until I learned about all the lies, half truths, and spins he pulled off) and lacks the boring retread into shit we already know in Fahrenheit 9/11.
Overall, it's a much more balanced film that benefits from Moore's flair for sensationalizing. In some ways, he's doing for documentaries what Hunter S. Thomspon did for journalism: painting a picture that, while not 100% true to reality, is accurate to the emotions of the filmmaker and connects with the audience in a way pure facts simply don't.
If you walk in knowing you're going to be manipulated, you'll have a much better experience with his last two films than I did.