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Michael Moore

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I already heared from this guy, I heared from his movies "Bowling for Colombine" and "Fahrenheit 9/11" but never saw them.. until today.

I saw Bowling for Colombine and was fascinated by his documentary. (the cartoon with America's history was H-I-L-A-R-O-U-S)

I'd like to buy his work, which other movies from him would you recommend me? Fahrenheit 9/11? What else?


tt_deeb said:
He did Supersize Me? I thought that was someone else. Or is it an inside joke?


you make the call


Roger and Me like AeroGod said is great. Fahrenheit 9/11 focuses more on emotion and didn't really tell me something that I didn't already know. Actually I expected from Moore to do a better job and dig deeper.
I'll say one thing, Michael Moore is a talented film maker. Now if only his films were accurate and told the truth. ;)

Roger and Me is his best work for sure. Columbine was thought provoking, but Fareheit 9/11 was a joke. Just full of half-truths and inaccuracies to skew the audience to believe what he was selling. Don't get me wrong, he makes some valid points in the film, but his agenda got in the way, and it is more of a propaganda piece rather than an actual documentary.
I thought Supersize Me was pure utter garbage. Yeah, eating McDonalds everyday is gonna make you sick, no shit sherlock. It didn't do much to explore why people eat that shit all the time, and its not cuz people are stupid. Its just jerking off material for upper class eletists who can't under stand why everyone doesn't eat tofu burgers and drink spring water all the time (not saying this applies to everyone who likes it though).


Hail to the KING baby
FortNinety said:
I thought Supersize Me was pure utter garbage. Yeah, eating McDonalds everyday is gonna make you sick, no shit sherlock. It didn't do much to explore why people eat that shit all the time, and its not cuz people are stupid. Its just jerking off material for upper class eletists who can't under stand why everyone doesn't eat tofu burgers and drink spring water all the time (not saying this applies to everyone who likes it though).

I don't think so. Obviously he compromised some of the seriousness of the topic and adopted a good hook (eat McDonald's all the time) rather than just making a straightforward documentary, but he even admits to this in the movie on several occasions. Somewhat defending the format, he makes a valid point that while people may not eat McDonald's for every meal, there are many, many that eat its nutritional equivalent (just look at any of the 300+ pound people in any crowded fast food restaurant, or in America really anywhere). It obviously wasn't a scientific study, we didn't really know exactly what he ate most of the time, and there's certainly many things thrown in for entertainment, but I thought he did a good job of getting an important point across.


1) pick up the DVD boxset of his Bravo TV show 'the big one'
2) pick up copies of his books 'downsize this' and 'stupid white men'

best Moore IMO

AstroLad said:
I don't think so. Obviously he compromised some of the seriousness of the topic and adopted a good hook (eat McDonald's all the time) rather than just making a straightforward documentary, but he even admits to this in the movie on several occasions. Somewhat defending the format, he makes a valid point that while people may not eat McDonald's for every meal, there are many, many that eat its nutritional equivalent (just look at any of the 300+ pound people in any crowded fast food restaurant, or in America really anywhere). It obviously wasn't a scientific study, we didn't really know exactly what he ate most of the time, and there's certainly many things thrown in for entertainment, but I thought he did a good job of getting an important point across.

Sorry but I just couldn't get over the hackneyed attitude of the guy. If there's one lasting legacy of Michael Moore which I cannot stand is all the copy-cat documentarians who have to be the star of their movie. The whole vomiting scene is what really made me give up on the film, and his nutjob health conscious girlfriend has me seething.

It may have been touched, but not nearly enough, as to why people eat fast food all the time, which is that many are so poor and overworked that at the end of a 12+ day, McDonalds or other fast food joints is the only real answer. Its a socio-ecothing and it wasn't properly touched, aside from the rather derogatory (though I'd hope that it was unintentional) on the street talk with those inner city black youths who were the only ones who were so enthusiastic about eating McDonalds.

Also, the reason why he got so sick is because he had such a healthy lifestyle, and then he ate crappy food. What's the big shock? Though again, him throwing up was purely for the film and insulted my intelligence. Defenders of the movie will point to that doctor who was telling that he should stop his month long plan. Yeah, right? Not saying he wasn't a doctor, but some people shouldn't believe everything they see, even if it's a so-called documentary.


Hail to the KING baby
FortNinety said:
It may have been touched, but not nearly enough, as to why people eat fast food all the time, which is that many are so poor and overworked that at the end of a 12+ day, McDonalds or other fast food joints is the only real answer.

Like I said, it was entertainment and documentary, which most mildly successful documentaries are. The throwing up thing? Cutesy and unnecessary, but I wasn't as profoundly offended by it as you apparently were. It wasn't a documentary on the socio-economic aspects of fast-food culture, nor did it claim to be one; it's readily apparent even from the title that it's more limited in scope (and in some senses broader) than that. AFAIC, putting at least some of the ramifications of the fast-food lifestyle in peoples' faces, even if it's sometimes done in a somewhat over-the-top way (which the movie didn't even do that much, apart from the throwing up and maybe some of the whining about feeling sick). I also refuse to accept your contention that "many are so poor and overworked that at the end of a 12+ day, McDonalds or other fast food joints is the only real answer," mainly b/c my family was poor growing up in Chicago and we rarely ate fast food, and I've worked 16-hour days and actually been able to survive without going to get fast food, for even cheaper than fast food would cost mind you. You blame him for not focusing on this, but imo your contention is more absurd than anything you claim to find faulty with the movie.
Roger & Me is a great movie. Moore does spin some things in it, like alternating between people getting evicted on Christmas and GM's President giving a hearty Christmas speech to the higher ups in his company (the two events didn't occur simaltaneously, and luckily, most people will figure that out and understand the statement he's making), but it's still a great look on what happened to Flint, and to a larger extent, America after the auto industry turned its back on them.

It has none of the complete, utter bullshit found in Columbine (I absolutely loved this movie because of its humour and the fact that I'm 100% behind the message it's trying to convey -- until I learned about all the lies, half truths, and spins he pulled off) and lacks the boring retread into shit we already know in Fahrenheit 9/11.

Overall, it's a much more balanced film that benefits from Moore's flair for sensationalizing. In some ways, he's doing for documentaries what Hunter S. Thomspon did for journalism: painting a picture that, while not 100% true to reality, is accurate to the emotions of the filmmaker and connects with the audience in a way pure facts simply don't.

If you walk in knowing you're going to be manipulated, you'll have a much better experience with his last two films than I did.
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