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Michael Schiavo was right

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I read the news on CNN before i read this post but I found the idea that her brain had shrunk in size and she was still alive to be horrific. Its like.. the body is this shell that just functions. Sure made me think about how the human body functioned and what we as an entity existed

What about that video where she was following a baloon with her eyes as they moved it around? Could it be that the baloon was being moved in response to her random eye movement, and not the other way around? Like when Bart Simpson was telling Santa's Little Helper to go over there and sniff the other dog's butt, as evidence he could follow commands?
Justin Bailey said:
Nah, all he has to do is go on a smear campaign against the doctor that performed the autopsy. Just prove that he's a democrat or find out he smoked pot in college and there ya go, he's done.

I imagine. I'd still like to know how he can explain how her brain was only half there. Then again, its Hannity. Without Bush, the Bible, and Byrd, he would have nothing.
Incognito said:
I agree mostly, JC. Still, it would have been nice to a Democratic spokesman out there or something to counteract the amount of pure drivel being shat out by these idiots. But who knows, maybe the Democrats actually thought this through and decided to give the Republicans all the rope they needed to hang themselves? I doubt it.

The general election of 2004 scared the shit out of them because it seemed as if they were losing their moral touch so they hid in the bushes when push came to shove. What is funny, though, is that more Americans side with Democrats on the poll of moral issues than Republicans. Hopefully, we'll see that turned into some sort of classic Republican wedge-issue for election 2006.
I wonder. Will Delay, Santorum, Frist, and the Bushes take personal responsibility for statements about the Schiavo case that are wrong? Statements that helped to whip up the right and worsen a situation.


Hammy said:
I wonder. Will Delay, Santorum, Frist, and the Bushes take personal responsibility for statements about the Schiavo case that are wrong? Statements that helped to whip up the right and worsen a situation.

Of course not. The White House was already called on it, and they gave a standard, canned answer of "the President believes in promoting a culture of life." Yes, the same man who had a conga line to the electric chair when he was governor of Texas now believes in the "culture of life." That's fascinating, really.
:lol its funny now seeing the the parents' lawyers and right to live douchebags now changing their tune from "She's alive" to "Ok...BUT HOW did she become braindead? OMG MICHAEL SCHIAVO IS A KILLER!" I hope he fucks these people over for slander or something.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
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Can't wait to hear this news publicly called the work of the devil or some other such conclusion. Props to Michael Schiavo for sticking to what was obvious.


f_elz said:
They just want money. Eh.

From who? Everyone who was screaming the truth to their face for the past ten years? What, is it now illegal to tell people that they're wrong?


I was all for being absolutely sure she had no chance to make any recovery (like everyone else). Ironic, however, that we found out after she died.


Setec Astronomer
I was all for being <i>absolutely sure</i> she had no chance to make any recovery (like everyone else). Ironic, however, that we found out after she died.
CAT scan.


Space Age Playboy said:
What about that video where she was following a baloon with her eyes as they moved it around? Could it be that the baloon was being moved in response to her random eye movement, and not the other way around? Like when Bart Simpson was telling Santa's Little Helper to go over there and sniff the other dog's butt, as evidence he could follow commands?

That footage, that was exploited for what it was worth, was filmed years ago.. Sometime from then til she dies, she lost her sight.

its funny now seeing the the parents' lawyers and right to live douchebags now changing their tune from "She's alive" to "Ok...BUT HOW did she become braindead? OMG MICHAEL SCHIAVO IS A KILLER!" I hope he fucks these people over for slander or something.

Tuned into FOX News when this madnesses was going on.. Some "friend" of Terri's was basically saying he was an abusive husband.. Guess its ok while his paying the doctors bills.


I was all for being <i>absolutely sure</i> she had no chance to make any recovery (like everyone else). Ironic, however, that we found out after she died.

We didn't just find out. Doctor after doctor after doctor said that she had no chance of recovery over the course of the past several years. The only ones who said otherwise were people hired by her parents.

Red Scarlet

What's weird is they played that PSP South Park the night before she died..and now it's on the day after this was found out. Coincidence?!?


Someone else said this to me today:

So I guess when she said "AAAAAAAH," that's really what she meant...

I think the whole case is exceptionally sad, but I think I'll soon be past the point of compassion for the Schindlers and just annoyed at them, if I'm not already... I always felt there seemed to be little good reason to keep her alive other than to keep the family living in a happy world of denial. I think they're still there... it's just a little less happy today.


I was reading that article and no one mentioned in the article what popped in my head. Couldn't all of that extensive brain damage happened from the multiple times they tried to pull the plug on her and left her for a week at a time? I think there is way too many variables to say that damage was from the original problem she had.


Ponn01 said:
I was reading that article and no one mentioned in the article what popped in my head. Couldn't all of that extensive brain damage happened from the multiple times they tried to pull the plug on her and left her for a week at a time?



Ponn01 said:
I was reading that article and no one mentioned in the article what popped in my head. Couldn't all of that extensive brain damage happened from the multiple times they tried to pull the plug on her and left her for a week at a time? I think there is way too many variables to say that damage was from the original problem she had.

While you're at it you may as well mail NASA those plans for a warp drive propulsion system that you've designed.


Ponn01 said:
Couldn't all of that extensive brain damage happened from the multiple times they tried to pull the plug on her and left her for a week at a time?
Starving causes brain damage?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ponn01 said:
I was reading that article and no one mentioned in the article what popped in my head. Couldn't all of that extensive brain damage happened from the multiple times they tried to pull the plug on her and left her for a week at a time? I think there is way too many variables to say that damage was from the original problem she had.

What grade are you in? Go back at least 2 grades.


Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here. The autopsy just says how she died, and doesn't clarify from what time her brain damage became extensive. Her brain was starving on more then one occasion from having the plug pulled and you don't think that had any further effect on her brain? Have any of you seen the videos and explaination from way back when they were first pulling the plug on how exactly starving worked? Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.

The point is I read this article in my paper and nowhere does it say this was from the original problem so I don't understand why they are saying they were vindicated in saying her brain damage was irreversable to begin with. I agree that the plug should have been pulled, especially after the first time when it just worsened her condition. There was just too many politics involved in this case period and the poor woman was just caught in the middle. And it's sad that either side is still trying to declare this tragedy a victory in any sense or trying to carry it on as blame.


The truly pathetic (in the you-have-to-pity-them way) and totally expected response from the Schindler's combined with the willful ignorance and repulsive duplicity of the politicos (Gov Bush's self serving PR release) and pro life dick-hangers around the fringes just depresses the hell out of me. As much as I want to knee Bill Frist, Super-Doctor and his friends in the balls for a solid hour something about the sheer denial of the parents makes me pity them even as they continue using their lawyers to whisper awful unfounded allegations about Michael Schiavo.


Dehydration and starving do not cause brain tissue attrophy, lack of blood flow does. Starving and dehydration (and she died from dehydration not starving) have nothing to do with reduction or liquification of brain tissue. Here's a link to a study concerning starving and fasting post-mortem results:


Of note from there:

One fact of significance shown in the post mortem findings and in the comparison noted above is that, no matter how general were the defects in other organs, nor how emaciated the body, unless they themselves were organically imperfect, the heart, the lungs, and the brain were normal in size and in functioning ability. It may be added that, although not always specifically stated, the brain in each instance in the cases cited was thoroughly dissected.

You obviously have been listening to Michael Savage because he was apparently on there trying to make these same arguments and even trying to say that she went blind because of lack of food and water. Damn, we need the rolleyes back badly.


Ponn01 said:
Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.
Of all the stories you heard about people being stranded in the woods or the mountains but somehow survived, how many of them came back with irreversible brain damamge?


Ponn01 said:
Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here.
I'm TRYING to reason, but it's getting close to lunchtime, and I can feel my brain melting.
Fasting for weeks is not unheard of.

Edit: Remember the CAT scans? IIRC, they were done before the tubes began going in and out.
(Dr.)Ponn01, do youself a favor and just back away from the forum nice and slowly. Stay away for a few days so everyone can forget about the massive owning that the posts followings yours have done.


Now lets pulls the plug on Ponn so he can starve and get irreversible brain damage.

Although hisposts, already suggest that may have already happened.


-jinx- said:
I'm TRYING to reason, but it's getting close to lunchtime, and I can feel my brain melting.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

To be fair, Ponn made a somewhat logical point, it just wasn't thought through well.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ponn01 said:
Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here. The autopsy just says how she died, and doesn't clarify from what time her brain damage became extensive. Her brain was starving on more then one occasion from having the plug pulled and you don't think that had any further effect on her brain? Have any of you seen the videos and explaination from way back when they were first pulling the plug on how exactly starving worked? Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.

The point is I read this article in my paper and nowhere does it say this was from the original problem so I don't understand why they are saying they were vindicated in saying her brain damage was irreversable to begin with. I agree that the plug should have been pulled, especially after the first time when it just worsened her condition. There was just too many politics involved in this case period and the poor woman was just caught in the middle. And it's sad that either side is still trying to declare this tragedy a victory in any sense or trying to carry it on as blame.

Ok you know what? You need to step back from this topic. Terri and you father's situation have nothing in common.

As everyone else has pointed out dehydration does not cause your brain to shrink.... and you still need to go back two grades.

Bat said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

To be fair, Ponn made a somewhat logical point, it just wasn't thought through well.



Jesus Christ, Border. You're really an A-hole. Gimme your address so if you die anytime soon, I can piss on your grave. :)
border said:
No wonder Ghandi was such a nut -- he must've had been brain damaged from all that fasting ;)

I must admit, the latter of that line has run through my head each time I've seen this thread title...
DarienA said:
As everyone else has pointed out dehydration does not cause your brain to shrink.... and you still need to go back two grades.
I think he used the word "starvation", not "dehydration". That makes the post a heck a lot easier to make fun of.

Anyway, is this the best GAF can come up with? I'm still waiting for the likes of olimario, heezzi or kobun heat to come into this thread and spin.


Already been covered in humorous depth but once again...

Dehydration and starving do not cause brain tissue atrophy

Now we know this because a whole bunch of people who got severly starved and dehydrated during a little puffball in the annals history called the Holocaust are still alive today and were able to tell us in great detail their ordeals. An act not possible with an atrophied brain.

Ponn01 said:
Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here. The autopsy just says how she died, and doesn't clarify from what time her brain damage became extensive. Her brain was starving on more then one occasion from having the plug pulled and you don't think that had any further effect on her brain? Have any of you seen the videos and explaination from way back when they were first pulling the plug on how exactly starving worked? Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.

The point is I read this article in my paper and nowhere does it say this was from the original problem so I don't understand why they are saying they were vindicated in saying her brain damage was irreversable to begin with. I agree that the plug should have been pulled, especially after the first time when it just worsened her condition. There was just too many politics involved in this case period and the poor woman was just caught in the middle. And it's sad that either side is still trying to declare this tragedy a victory in any sense or trying to carry it on as blame.

Good God.


I'm gonna try and put this to rest. This is not how the body works. Even though Schiavo died of dehydration, I'll humor you. Yes your body will start breaking down the tissue in your body during starvation. You know where this energy is going? The places that need it the most, i.e. your muscles for basic movement so you can get around, your heart, and primarily and most importantly, your BRAIN.

When you're starving, you no longer have an intake of energy to use (for our purposes, it's glucose) so your body starts making glucose from the fat initially and then if things gety worse, your protein. Your body is re-creating glucose in order to feed the areas talked about above... in essence your body has gone into panic mode and is doing the bare essentials to survive i.e. feed the brain and heart. Your body is smart, it will not start eating away at it's brain in order to feed its brain.

Atrophy of the brain as in the Schiavo case is due to a lack of blood, and the oxygen its carrying. If there's an occlusion or a hemorrhage of a blood vessel in the brain, then that part of the brain goes bye-bye. This is what happens in stroke patients.

So to reiterate... your body will not start suddenly "eat brains" to survive, since the things it's breaking down such as fats and proteins ARE being broken down in order to FEED your brain.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ponn01 said:
Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here. The autopsy just says how she died, and doesn't clarify from what time her brain damage became extensive. Her brain was starving on more then one occasion from having the plug pulled and you don't think that had any further effect on her brain? Have any of you seen the videos and explaination from way back when they were first pulling the plug on how exactly starving worked? Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.

The point is I read this article in my paper and nowhere does it say this was from the original problem so I don't understand why they are saying they were vindicated in saying her brain damage was irreversable to begin with. I agree that the plug should have been pulled, especially after the first time when it just worsened her condition. There was just too many politics involved in this case period and the poor woman was just caught in the middle. And it's sad that either side is still trying to declare this tragedy a victory in any sense or trying to carry it on as blame.
I'm going to have nightmares tonight of you going to med school and becoming my doctor.

Her brain was HALF ITS ORIGINAL FUCKING SIZE. You're saying that happened from fasting as long as some normally living people have? That's fucking insane, and so is this absurdly disgusting never-ending attack on the humane and medically/scientifically justified decision of letting the woman's body just die naturally instead of living out the rest of its life as a vegetable. Shut the fuck up.
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