Ponn01 said:
Great smart remarks with no discussion. Good job people. Now pull your heads out and try to reason here. The autopsy just says how she died, and doesn't clarify from what time her brain damage became extensive. Her brain was starving on more then one occasion from having the plug pulled and you don't think that had any further effect on her brain? Have any of you seen the videos and explaination from way back when they were first pulling the plug on how exactly starving worked? Instead of smart remarks why not trying to clarify your position of thoughts. I do have experience with doctors and medical experts covering for each others mistakes. That's why it took years to get any expert to testify against my fathers doctor that killed him because he poked a hold in him during hernia surgery and left him to fill with bile for 3 days and crushed his heart and lungs.
The point is I read this article in my paper and nowhere does it say this was from the original problem so I don't understand why they are saying they were vindicated in saying her brain damage was irreversable to begin with. I agree that the plug should have been pulled, especially after the first time when it just worsened her condition. There was just too many politics involved in this case period and the poor woman was just caught in the middle. And it's sad that either side is still trying to declare this tragedy a victory in any sense or trying to carry it on as blame.
Good God.
I'm gonna try and put this to rest. This is not how the body works. Even though Schiavo died of dehydration, I'll humor you. Yes your body will start breaking down the tissue in your body during starvation. You know where this energy is going? The places that need it the most, i.e. your muscles for basic movement so you can get around, your heart, and primarily and most importantly, your BRAIN.
When you're starving, you no longer have an intake of energy to use (for our purposes, it's glucose) so your body starts making glucose from the fat initially and then if things gety worse, your protein. Your body is re-creating glucose in order to feed the areas talked about above... in essence your body has gone into panic mode and is doing the bare essentials to survive i.e. feed the brain and heart. Your body is smart, it will not start eating away at it's brain in order to feed its brain.
Atrophy of the brain as in the Schiavo case is due to a lack of blood, and the oxygen its carrying. If there's an occlusion or a hemorrhage of a blood vessel in the brain, then that part of the brain goes bye-bye. This is what happens in stroke patients.
So to reiterate... your body will not start suddenly "eat brains" to survive, since the things it's breaking down such as fats and proteins ARE being broken down in order to FEED your brain.