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Micheal Jacksons Dead?

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Dude, I would've fallen for it if I'd been on the net for a day...if even that much. Come on, now.


Speaking of MJ, who watched that horrible VH1 movie? I need and I don't know what to think, part of me says it's one of the absolute worst movies of all time, and another part of me says this was actually the funniest subtle dark comedy ever.

evil ways

I saw a bit of it, I imagined it would be a total damage control fest in favor of Jacko, and that's exactly what it looked like, then I switched into Bravo which was showing Pulp Fiction.

I can't believe Bravo edited the entire "Gimp" scene, they cut it so bad that there's no sight or even mention of The Gimp anywhere.
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