And if you want to get hear it straight from the horses ass
This state consistently produces just asscheek politicians.
The sentiment was unanimous in the state House of Representatives on Thursday: The Legislature and governor's office should be subject to the Freedom of Information Act, which provides access to records.
Michigan is one of only two states in the nation that exempt the Legislature and governor from open-records laws and during Sunshine Week, which celebrates transparency in government, the 10-bill package passed 108-0.
"We shouldnt be satisfied that 48 other states have figured out how to make transparency work," said state Rep. Jeremy Moss, D-Southfield. "We rank 50 out of 50 states by the Center of Public integrity. No one should boast that we run a transparent government."
But the House will be hard-pressed to get a consensus or even a hearing on the bills in the state Senate. Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, said he doesn't support the legislation and there is little appetite for the bills in the Senate.
Two members of his Republican caucus Sens. Rick Jones of Grand Ledge and Tonya Schuitmaker of Lawton have introduced similar bills, but Meekhof has assigned them to the Government Operations committee, which he chairs. It's a place where bills go to either be taken up quickly or die.
"Im not planning any hearings on the bills," Meekhof said. "Theres not overwhelming support in the caucus. And theres no support over here for (the House bills), either."
Speaking to journalists from all over the state, the Republican Senate leader from West Olive was unrepentant.
"You guys are the only people who care about this," he said.
And if you want to get hear it straight from the horses ass
This state consistently produces just asscheek politicians.