Microsoft / Activision Deal Approval Watch |OT| (MS/ABK close)

Do you believe the deal will be approved?

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Gold Member
Corporate shills can only be useful in a society where people are completely unable to think for themselves. Have reached that low already?

Well the documents that Banjo64 Banjo64 dug up revealed all.

It's all about pushing a narrative, above all else. Which is why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with these people. Even when you present them with facts that debunk the arguments they put forward they just ignore and dismiss them out of hand. You can't change their mind or way of thinking because what is being presented doesn't come from them as an individual, it comes from a corporation and they are simply instructed to repeat that message.

It's exactly the same thing Florian did here when we talked about Microsoft's continued activity in Russia. I used to think that I'm dealing with really dense, stupid people when engaging with them, but the reality is that it's not that simple. These people are doing a job, to them it doesn't matter how they come across.
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With all due respect, anyone who believes this deal should be blocked because of Cloud Gaming is a moron.
It's politically motivated, cloud is less than 2% of marketshare at best, and they know big companies who could afford it never made a lasting effort at all except for MS and Nvidia. Smaller stuff like that needs big companies to create an industry around it, for example, if Facebook quits VR, that industry is pretty much dead unless other competitors manage to increase their share to make into a viable market without Quest.

Giving COD and other MS games to other cloud competitors means they're getting to the fifth gear from the start, rather than begging and having to pay a fortune to have these titles, if nothing changes in 10 years, it means, as the VR, it as a market that hardly had a growth.
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Confused Courtroom GIF by Oi


Gold Member
It's politically motivated, cloud is less than 2% of marketshare at best, and they know big companies who could afford it never made a lasting effort at all except for MS and Nvidia. Smaller stuff like that needs big companies to create an industry around it,

Tell me you know nothing about small businesses without telling me you know nothing about small businesses.

Without large players with disproportionate resources dominating an industry, particularly one which is growing, it becomes easier for small businesses to get up and running, make their mark and get funding.

This idea that you need big players to first dominate an industry in order to create some kind of proof of concept for smaller players to then be able to get involved is so backwards it's unreal. If there is demand then there is demand and start ups will still be able to capture that even with the absence of megacorps doing everything they can to dominate an industry and squeeze smaller players out. The whole essense of small businesses and start ups is about identifying gaps in markets and then penetrating, you cannot penetrate where there is no gap.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Can someone share a direct link for the stream please, I can't seem to find it on the tribunal website via the twitter link.


Tell me you know nothing about small businesses without telling me you know nothing about small businesses.

Without large players with disproportionate resources dominating an industry, particularly one which is growing, it becomes easier for small businesses to get up and running, make their mark and get funding.

This idea that you need big players to first dominate an industry in order to create some kind of proof of concept for smaller players to then be able to get involved us so backwards it's unreal. If there is demand then there is demand and start ups will still be able to capture that even with the absence of megacorps doing everything they can to dominate an industry and squeeze smaller players out.
This is what people don't understand about the potential of Cloud gaming: It's potentially a whole new frontier for all players big and small, allowing Microsoft (or Sony, or Amazon) to pre-capture it before all the various players can even try is essentially killing the market.


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Gold Member
This is what people don't understand about the potential of Cloud gaming: It's potentially a whole new frontier for all players big and small, allowing Microsoft (or Sony, or Amazon) to pre-capture it before all the various players can even try is essentially killing the market.

Literally all the biggest hurdles I've encountered over the last ~7 years in running my own businesses have come about because the biggest players have cornered certain segments (or clients of the size that would single handedly be able to sustain a business like mine and then some) through ridiculous contractual agreements that were drawn up when the markets were in their infancy.

If the cloud industry is dominated by the likes of Microsoft and Nvidia, to such an extent that even Google found it difficult find reason to continue then what hope does that give even smaller players or even startups? And to make matters worse, the likes of Microsoft and Amazon also control a large proportion of the infrastructure and then Nvidia on the hardware side. When strictly looking at this deal it also gives Microsoft control of a lot of the software. So for a small startup wanting to get involved they need to go begging to Microsoft not only for infrastructure, but also for software? It's a joke scenario for anyone that isn't Microsoft or someone like Amazon who has the resources to go toe to toe.

People are kidding themselves if they think this deal will make things more favourable for startups/small businesses seeking to get a foothold in the cloud gaming industry.
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Nope, not necessarily, they probably just want to starve the CMA re timing.

Of course the sooner is the better for them but it's not like the July date is random.
They state that the deal is at risk of being jeopardized.
It's true and what many people here already observed. Going through a renegotiation phase with Activision with higher breakup fees and higher $/share price could kill the deal in July.
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Of course the sooner is the better for them but it's not like the July date is random.
They state that the deal is at risk of being jeopardized.
It's true and what many people here already observed. Going through a renegotiation phase could kill the deal in July.
I think they used it cause it wasn't random, they are using that argument (deal jeopardized) as why the judge should expedite it.

I just saying that it is not the only potential motivation for that date/month.
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Tell me you know nothing about small businesses without telling me you know nothing about small businesses.

Without large players with disproportionate resources dominating an industry, particularly one which is growing, it becomes easier for small businesses to get up and running, make their mark and get funding.

This idea that you need big players to first dominate an industry in order to create some kind of proof of concept for smaller players to then be able to get involved is so backwards it's unreal. If there is demand then there is demand and start ups will still be able to capture that even with the absence of megacorps doing everything they can to dominate an industry and squeeze smaller players out. The whole essense of small businesses and start ups is about identifying gaps in markets and then penetrating, you cannot penetrate where there is no gap.
Sometimes there are industries who needs big companies to promote them, VR without Facebook would be regarded as an ultra niche laggy growth because it would be too expensive to have an entry point, Quest and Quest 2 represented the bulk of sales share because they were by far the cheapest option that ran on PC and standalone, and fast foward, here we are, a struggling to grow market, too expensive to keep footing the bill, and too expensive to put the costs into customers.

Cloud gaming has been here for more than 10 years, with Onlive, Gaikai and PS Now for PS4, none of them did catch traction because of several issues not only to the internet, but how you're supposed to get into it. PS Now was not well marketed, didn't have a mass availability and the PS3 rental titles were expensive like 3-5 dollars for a few hours. Stadia which had a great quality was marred down by poor marketing and Google known's poor effort and almost zero spending policy when they had deep pockets for that. Microsoft managed to snag because it is a technically freebie for Game Pass Ultimate with a library that got bigger with the time, all it took was someone with the pockets to do... an effort.


People are kidding themselves if they think this deal will make things more favourable for startups/small businesses seeking to get a foothold in the cloud gaming industry.
It doesn't make it worse either, small startups don't have a chance in hell now, they don't have chance if this goes through or not. They can't afford to pay what the big boys can for 3rd party content. Just wait for amazon to setup luna through twitch so you just click a play this game now button on a stream and it launches you into luna all covered by your amazon prime sub.


Literally all the biggest hurdles I've encountered over the last ~7 years in running my own businesses have come about because the biggest players have cornered certain segments (or clients of the size that would single handedly be able to sustain a business like mine and then some) through ridiculous contractual agreements that were drawn up when the markets were in their infancy.

If the cloud industry is dominated by the likes of Microsoft and Nvidia, to such an extent that even Google found it difficult find reason to continue then what hope does that give even smaller players or even startups? And to make matters worse, the likes of Microsoft and Amazon also control a large proportion of the infrastructure and then Nvidia on the hardware side. People are kidding themselves if they think this deal will make things more favourable for startups/small businesses seeking to get a foothold in the cloud gaming industry.
This decision also gives back the power to other big companies to start competing in the gaming service space when the current Console business model is unattractive to them. If you are Meta or Amazon, and you see the console market not being a thing you can feasibly compete in, the cloud market is a 2nd chance for you to come in.

The likes of Boosteroid would not even be a thing if Cloud Gaming was as much of a red ocean as console gaming is (console gaming ocean is so fucking red, even companies like Microsoft thought about cutting their losses)

Devs can make more money by licensing to a larger host of cloud gaming providers instead of only 1 or 2. Customers get far greater choice of providers with almost minimal switching costs (sub to Sony's service when the new GOW comes out, then cut and move to Xbox's when their stuff comes out etc).

In the event that cloud gaming becomes a thing (YMMV here), the CMA decision becomes a major positive for all companies and all gamers, it's a huge shame that a lot of us don't see that yet.


Back to defining markets for the cat judge. Not sure why but ehh.

Cause the judge asked for it is the answer. He think it is fuzzy line but it's not really likely to have an impact.

Is the hearing coming up with anything interesting?
Not really.
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Why is this guy who said he only has been on it for 2 days taking the lead? He seems to be doing a shit job.

edit: didn't the experts here say no evidence could be added during the appeal? I've been listening while doing some other things so may have missed something, whats this about evidence?
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Gold Member
judge doesn't see the difference between cloud and native gaming

Not quite. The judge simply acknowledged that there isn't a firm definition that separates the two.

Also, this CMA lawyer is an idiot. The counter to Mr. Beard should have been, "The CMA can give a shorter timeframe for Microsoft to respond to the CMA because Microsoft is only dealing with the CMA. The CMA cannot adhere to the same timeframe because the CMA is dealing with many different cases, and we need to allocate proper resources to review each case in an appropriate timeframe."
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Not quite. The judge simply acknowledged that there isn't a firm definition that separates the two.

Also, this CMA lawyer is an idiot. The counter to Mr. Beard should have been, "The CMA can give a shorter timeframe for Microsoft to respond to the CMA because Microsoft is only dealing with the CMA. The CMA cannot adhere to the same timeframe because the CMA is dealing with many different cases, and we need to allocate proper resources to review each case in an appropriate timeframe."
MS almost always has several legal matters at its desk; if not actively, looking at ways to prevent legal issues from occurring. Though there are different teams for various matters.


they want to use experts as evidence

Yeah, MS clearly wants to introduce expert evidence. The judge still yet to decide and listening to the CMA's position.

Judge is talking about CMA's internal economists responding to the new evidence at the moment in person.

The word innovation re court hearings has been used lol.
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