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Microsoft Japan planning secret project


Microsoft’s development studio in Japan is recruiting for a top-secret project on its Web site.

TOKYO--Microsoft Game Studios in Japan is recruiting for developers to work on a new Xbox project. No details are given in the job posting on the company's official Web site, and the new project is labeled as strictly confidential.

Microsoft Game Studios is seeking a total of 10 workers in three areas. The studio is looking for character and background modelers, motion designers, special effects artists, and an art manager for the graphics department. In game programming, the company is looking for software engineers to work on menus, systems, graphic engines, and effects programming. Level designers are also being sought for the secret game.

The Xbox has been less than successful in the Japanese market, one of the issues being the lack of games oriented toward Japanese consumers, with the recent cancellation of True Fantasy Live Online making another dent in Microsoft’s plans to expand the console’s sales in the country.


Considering Xenon's timeline, they should have already started on a traditional RPG for its launch...will they ever learn? Sometimes I get the feeling the fanboys on this forum would do much better job of selling XBox in Japan than the company itself.


Queen of Denmark
I can't imagine what game -- or even hardware peripheral, for that matter -- could possibly make the Xbox worth it to the 99% of Japan who are not currently interested in it, unless said game is a main Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest title.


Gold Member
Maybe they are continuing True Fantasy Live Online with a scaled-down team. It'll be then the Duke Nukem Forever of the 2000s.


Mahjong or Shogi? Why think so small? It could be a killer two-shot of Mahjong AND Shogi! Perhaps with beach volleyball or pachislot thrown in.



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Chittagong said:
Maybe they are continuing True Fantasy Live Online with a scaled-down team. It'll be then the Duke Nukem Forever of the 2000s.

duke nukem forever is the duke nukem forever of the 2000's. its the reigning champ


The Inside Track
Izzy said:
Considering Xenon's timeline, they should have already started on a traditional RPG for its launch...will they ever learn? Sometimes I get the feeling the fanboys on this forum would do much better job of selling XBox in Japan than the company itself.
The Magatama team (team breakout) is said to be working on a RPG for Xenon's launch. With the FF9 main programmer as the producer it "could" be interesting.


op_ivy said:
duke nukem forever is the duke nukem forever of the 2000's. its the reigning champ


Still hasn't been defeated. It almost certainly has to be a "Japanese" RPG, and I agree they should reraise TFLO.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Blimblim said:
The Magatama team (team breakout) is said to be working on a RPG for Xenon's launch. With the FF9 main programmer as the producer it "could" be interesting.

did he produce magatama? that was such a painfull game. looked pretty though


Hmm.. its it possible to turn dead mmorpg into a standard console rpg, or would even best efforts still leaving it feeling inconherent?


Mabye it's another one of those Japan-only games. If the Xbox 2 isn't coming out in Japan until sometime in 2006 then the timeline doesn't seem so unreasonable.


Bad Art ™
What some people don't understand is : There are lots of japanese RPGs made in japan by japaneses that plain suck and bomb hard.

If you aren't FF, DQ or some big japanese RPG franchises YOU BOMB ( ie Baten Kaitos )

edit : and where the fuck is the game with the pizza girl ?


I can only think of very few reasons why any new project would be kept secret. Seems kind of odd to me...but it also seems somewhat common nowadays.


The Inside Track
op_ivy said:
did he produce magatama? that was such a painfull game. looked pretty though
Yup he produced Magatama too. Good engine, pretty graphics, great voice acting... Sucky gameplay. Bleh.
Hopefully a RPG will be something he'll be able to do correctly considering his past experience. He also with the main animation programmer for FF7.


SO how many games are Microsoft Japan working on?


Phantom Dust - Producer of Panzer Dragoon Saga
Magatama - Lead programmer from FF9 (or 7)
Secret Project by Magatama boys
Secret Project by new team

Anything else?
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