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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Gold Member
Third console arrogance indeed. I'm going to wait for word from the official horse's mouth but this is the most damning thing yet on where MS is taking this thing.


It is likely that this creative director will be terminated from his job very, very soon. This fool let his emotions get the best of him and that will probably come back to bite him. Most companies tend to act swiftly and decisively in handling such incidents. Usually by getting rid of the person.

Actually, I've noticed the exact opposite happens 99% of the time.
What does a vacuum cleaner and always-online have in common?

They both suck.

I'll see myself out.

Forgive me if I'm wrong or things have changed, but you have to be online to go into offline mode? Like you have to know you are going to lose internet soon and put Steam in offline mode. If the internet suddenly stops working you are screwed with Steam, no?

No this is no longer the case. If you net drops you can restart steam and be in offline mode. Be aware that there is a difference between "being online and can't connect to steam" and "being offline".

Note that of course there are still "always online" type games on steam.


Microsoft jumping out of the gaming race confirmed. Entertainment only.

Also, my vacuum has 4G bro.


First they canceled the family plan now this shit? I guess MS really doesn't want this famliy man, that currently owns 3 360's and has purchased over 250 games but lives in a rural area, to buy anything from them next gen.

My daughter spent a year in a dorm at college where she couldn't get online because the school didn't allow it with their firewall. I've also taken one of my 360's on trips where even if I had internet available at the hotel/timeshare unit I wouldn't want to pay to hook it up. He needs to get out his ivory tower and see how the rest of the world lives.

But that's ok, I can deal with it. I have a pretty nice gaming PC and a huge backlog of games to play that will work just fine on my current offline consoles.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I'm not sure how Microsoft being an American company explains anything. North America is among the worst of industrialized areas for bandwith speeds, caps, etc.

Unless being an American company means... they are targeting Sweden and South Korea?

Yeah, this stuck out to me as well.

Compared to smaller countries/areas, most of NA has relatively terrible connection capability/bandwidth.

There are huge swaths of less urban areas with spotty/shitty/no service due to the scarcity/monopolistic hold of the telecommunications companies.

So should we take this as OMFG Durango is mobile =O, or OMG it's a new Microsoft console so we'll buy it no matter what? If he's applying his "logic" that way =P


Wow, dude seems like a bit of an asshole. I live in a very connected area and sometimes my router decides to stop working while I'm playing a game. Does that mean I deserve to not be able to play the games that I pay $60 dollars for?

Not sure if you're aware, but MS's policy (for any game with online functionality) is already no. (Gold is the worst)


Forgive me if I'm wrong or things have changed, but you have to be online to go into offline mode? Like you have to know you are going to lose internet soon and put Steam in offline mode. If the internet suddenly stops working you are screwed with Steam, no?

I don't believe so. At least the games I play, I have been able to play offline if my connection has shat out for a day or two. The report from Durango today claimed games wouldn't even boot without a connection and last only three minutes with offline play.


So this box doesn't play used games and it needs to be online all the time. What is Microsoft thinking here? There's nothing appealing about this system thus far.

I hope they'll at least have exclusive games to make up for this disaster.
He expressed it like a douche, but he has a point. I don't think this will create the kind of outrage and backlash people are expecting. Most people do have fairly stable internet connections, and most people are used to being connected all the time to use their phones/laptops/tablets.


I wonder if Sony do the same.

It won't be anywhere near as bad as people are worried about. I imagine it'll be akin to how the steam store operates. With an offline mode. MS can't be THAT stupid .. right? I bloody hope not or it may force me to switch platforms.


Wow, This pretty much confirm the rumor then, This is pretty unprofessional on MS's part the response is beyond immature, I wont be surprised if he gets axed after this.
Even if I despise some of Microsoft decisions with X360, I can't believe they are going with the always online route. I'll have to see with my own eyes..


Well. PS4 sounds pretty darn good right about now.

It would take a lot for me to consider buying a 720 if online is mandatory. Megaton on the level of a Rare revival or Shenmue 3 would be required.


He expressed it like a douche, but he has a point. I don't think this will create the kind of outrage and backlash people are expecting. Most people do have fairly stable internet connections, and most people are used to being connected all the time to use their phones/laptops/tablets.

No, he actually doesn't have a point.


The guy talks about how we live in an "always on" world..............I can still play my iphone games in when it's in airplane mode.

edit: beaten


Damnit, forget everything I said in this morning's thread. Looks like they've gone and done it after all that...
He expressed it like a douche, but he has a point. I don't think this will create the kind of outrage and backlash people are expecting. Most people do have fairly stable internet connections, and most people are used to being connected all the time to use their phones/laptops/tablets.

There are still big swaths of the country using dial up, let alone having good stable broadband

Oh man, if Microsoft pulls a Sony E3 2006 this year. That would be glorious

Well MS has to top E3 2010,11, and 12, they havent had a good one since 2009.
You know you fucked up when you're arguing against an EA employee's anti-online requirement. I can't believe they're doing this. Will the 360's successor only be released in North America?

I've said before. MS failed in europe this gen. Pretty sure I was juniored for that statement but it is true.

They just don't care; they care about the US living room because their a close minded company. Deva care about the world, cause they have to.

Having just listened to the GB cast talk about how devs were worried about Durango because of a strong lack of info...could be an interesting year ahead.


Man, I reaaaaally hope this blows up in MS's face. People - not just those who post on Gaf - need to refuse this idea of always online for content that does not require it.

Force companies to create devices and services that are more flexible, consumer friendly and not tied to a company's server reliability to play (and their desire to sell you new content and close old servers).

I'm not a fool to think MS will leave this space. but I'd love to see this experiment land DOA and a new machine to arise that will not impose such restrictions.
I hope somebody contacts this guy from the top and makes him feel stupid. Their might be slight truths to what he said but the attitude is inexcusable.
The thing that gets to me is his assertion that "that's the world we live in" as if to say you just have to accept always on devices whether you like it or not. I say there's always alternatives, even that eventually means becoming a retro-only gamer. I'm not going to be forced into buying an entertainment product that I don't want.


Xbox 360 was my go to console this gen as well, but if what this guy hints at is true, then I'll be waiting in line for the PS4 now. Very disappointed. And what an asshole response, no respect for the average customer.


It's pretty fascinating that with Nintendo floundering and Microsoft apparently headed down a dark road, Sony is being handed next gen on a silver platter.
That's some straight up PS1 stuff right there (N64 going with cartridges, Sega floundering).


Okay, here is the thing GAF....all of you are going to buy xbox when the next Halo comes out. They have probably done their calculations and they are fine with loosing some folks due to always online. They definitely make a lot of money with Xbox live and they want only those people who are going to pay for live and buy stuff online. That is their business model and I am willing to bet it's going to be more successful then Sony's model.

But as a consumer I really like PS4's model, at least what they have shown of it and also I am Playstation guy! But I would wager that come Christmas time, new Xbox out sells PS4 2 to 1, even with all the online crap! (in North America)


Forgive me if I'm wrong or things have changed, but you have to be online to go into offline mode? Like you have to know you are going to lose internet soon and put Steam in offline mode. If the internet suddenly stops working you are screwed with Steam, no?

Nope. For example, if I shut off my internet right now and then try to connect to steam, it will fail and then give me the option to retry or start in offline mode.


What most people who are "OKAY" with this fail to realize is that you will NOT be OKAY with this when you get home at 12:30 with Halo 5 and you CANT PLAY OFFLINE cause the servers are toast.

Repeat that 10x over the next five years for every major release and trust me, YOU WILL CARE.

Yeah the comparison with the PSN disaster 2 yeas ago is a good example.

You couldn't play games online, but still could play the simple singleplayer campaign. Now imagine this stuff without being able to do anything on the console if something like this would happen again
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