Haha, wow. The undertones here are incredibly arrogant, condescending, and blatantly shitting on small town America. What a great representative of MS's corporate image.
There are Xbox 720 games announced?
I see you're banned but speaking for myself: Hell no I wouldn't defend it, I'd be just as displeased. It would delay my purchase for a year or two, until they get their infrastructure right, or possibly mean skipping entirely.
Valve's had ~9 years to get Steam sorted, and I'm more comfortable spending money on digital only purchases with them than I am with either MS or Sony.
Hopefully this Adam Ortho guy is just trolling, I guess we'll know soon enough.
His updated those tweets saying that Orth was joking about the City ones. Can someone put that in first post.
Oh I'm sure someone will mod a way for it to work offline.Wii U can probably turn itself around eventually. Maybe MS can as well. Is this something that can be removed with an update?
So Creative Director basically confirms next box will be always on-line.
Some of GAF reacts as if this somehow confirms it must be on-line TO PLAY GAMES.
OR am I missing something here?
Note, I'm not defending the manner in which he had his meltdown. But those are separate conversations I think.
Man, fuck getting a second job to buy a PS3.
You will have to fucking move to get a 720.
Oh I'm sure someone will mod a way for it to work offline.
You guys wanted confirmation?
I would much prefer a console I could actually play versus one that I could not.OK so what's worse.
These MS DRM rumours, or the Wii U?
Oh I'm sure someone will mod a way for it to work offline.
I don't care what anyone says, always online is utter bullshit and no one should support it. Last semester at school our dorm Internet would drop out for several hours a day. Probably 50% of the time I was there the Internet was out. We would system link when that happened but at least we could still play. Always online has to be a joke.
Manveer Heir ‏@manveerheir 4m
If anyone wants to post my last two tweets up on NeoGAF up for context for the GAFers it would be appreciated. Just want to provide context.
All those tweets you are seeing about the city being superior. That's him just trolling me. And I fell for it. Don't bust his balls on that.
So @adam_orth got NeoGAFed. You should know we are good friends who joke around with one another. Don't read too much into our back & forth.
This made me laugh - good show.Man, fuck getting a second job to buy a PS3.
You will have to fucking move to get a 720.
His updated those tweets saying that Orth was joking about the City ones. Can someone put that in first post.
Uh why would the "if electricity will go out I won't buy a TV" point be good enough for you? That makes literally zero sense in this context because electricity is required for any TV to function. This is the same for a vacuum unless there's a handcrank vacuum out there I don't know about. Online is not required for any console to function.
His updated those tweets saying that Orth was joking about the City ones. Can someone put that in first post.
Stephen Totilo ‏@stephentotilo
@manveerheir Speaking of Internet in cities... http://chattanoogagig.com/ 1Gb/sec, for only $350 a month.
OK so what's worse.
These MS DRM rumours, or the Wii U?
Apparently the anti small town joke is being taken out of context.
He's responding to the reactions of the kotaku rumor posted today, which does say you will need to be online to play games and use apps.
His updated those tweets saying that Orth was joking about the City ones. Can someone put that in first post.
Human history has shown the masses don't really think for themselves and act in a mob mentality. It goes far beyond consumer choices, but how people buy into brands, cultural ideas, and world views.
That sums up why the Wii sold so well.
Can someone put these tweets first post.
I know Janesville is bad, but I dont think its that bad!
His updated those tweets saying that Orth was joking about the City ones. Can someone put that in first post.
MS easily. The Wii-U will at least have some good games eventually, and I won't need an internet connection to play.
When did he make his Twitter account private?
Man, fuck getting a second job to buy a PS3.
You will have to fucking move to get a 720.