WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!It's the top story on front page Reddit right now, ahead of Roger Ebert's death, that's a feat itself
Oh no!
At least I still have my film idol #1 Nigel Andrews.
WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!It's the top story on front page Reddit right now, ahead of Roger Ebert's death, that's a feat itself
It's the top story on front page Reddit right now, ahead of Roger Ebert's death, that's a feat itself
What the shit. Is this some attempt at reverse PR?If a high enough percentage of consumers opt-out like Playstation Home then all the money Sony invested in those features was a waste. The system would then be seen by rising mobile developers, the few remaining console publishers and investors, as a device stuck in the past with low value consumers who aren't connected to the Internet with a credit card on tap.
What's more likely to happen rather than people saying they won't buy a 720 or Apple TV or Roku or Steambox because Internet might go out is that half of the 40% Xbox owners who never saw a reason to connect their console to the Internet will finally give in and finally connect the box to the Internet. The idea that there is going to be a widespread mainstream backlash against entertainment boxes that require online is ridiculous. Apple TV sold over 2 million units last quarter and it's entertainment offering is a complete joke next to an Xbox.
Polygon don't deal with rumors. Only official PR from MS or EA are accepted.
No, you can still play them offline.I don't understand :/ Does that mean you can't play singleplayer games offline?
I googled it and got the wrong price point completely, I'll edit it to fix it. (I thought that AppleTV referred to the physical Apple television sets)Joke post right?
100 dollar apple tv vs a potentially $400US Xbox, but the AppleTV is the luxury product?
more so, the guy buying an Apple TV can afford the internet, but the buying buying the Xbox can't? Come now.
It's the top story on front page Reddit right now, ahead of Roger Ebert's death, that's a feat itself
Shouldn't that be the kind of thing Polygon would report on?
This once again proves developers in the industry are complete dickwads.
this was mine, lol
The next Xbox won't be my choice for the Apocalypse.
The next Xbox won't be my choice for the Apocalypse.
So do you think iMac will be more successful than Durango as a gaming machine?
iPad I can easily see...
I pictured Iwata when I read this.
No, you can still play them offline.
But only for 3 minutes at a time.
Well played.
On a serious note, if something actually similar to OnLive was planned for Durango early in its life cycle I think we'd have heard about it. Friends of mine who tried that service were not impressed by the input latency -- maybe in a decade when gigabit internet is common and wireless standards have further matured.
No, you can still play them offline.
But only for 3 minutes at a time.
Microsoft is going to force you to be online for some arbitrary and bullshit reason. And they're going to charge you so you can play online, something completely free on every other gaming system. And after you've paid for your "deluxe" online service? They'll continue to cover your console's OS in ads. Microsoft is basically saying "Fuck you." to the consumer.
Welp, there you go, confirmed to hell and back lol.
Microsoft is going to force you to be online for some arbitrary and bullshit reason. And they're going to charge you so you can play online, something completely free on every other gaming system. And after you've paid for your "deluxe" online service? They'll continue to cover your console's OS in ads. Microsoft is basically saying "Fuck you." to the consumer.
I am so not buying the next xbox.
why do people think it is okay to discuss their job on twitter?
Now on CNET (Australia).
Seems little crass to make light of someone possibly losing their job, even if they said some stupid stuff on twitter.
Now on CNET (Australia).
Knowing Adam, he was probably fucking around with M. But I've not spoken with him- he MAY believe that, he may have just been kidding. I honestly have zero idea about that part. But I honestly hope he doesn't get fired for it. I know so many of you guys who are opposed to 'online only' don't care (and that is certainly your right) but this is a real human we are talking about with a family and trust me when I say that he's one of the good ones. You may disagree with him about this issue (assuming he really meant what he wrote- and yes, that was his responsibility to be aware of how stuff reads on Twitter and how hungry folks are for news about next-gen, especially from someone with his job title) but I assure you guys: if you knew the guy, you'd be feeling really bad for him right now and really all works out great for him.
Not asking you to change your mind or anything- just giving my perspective on it.
Thanks for reading-
Knowing Adam, he was probably fucking around with M. But I've not spoken with him- he MAY believe that, he may have just been kidding. I honestly have zero idea about that part. But I honestly hope he doesn't get fired for it. I know so many of you guys who are opposed to 'online only' don't care (and that is certainly your right) but this is a real human we are talking about with a family and trust me when I say that he's one of the good ones. You may disagree with him about this issue (assuming he really meant what he wrote- and yes, that was his responsibility to be aware of how stuff reads on Twitter and how hungry folks are for news about next-gen, especially from someone with his job title) but I assure you guys: if you knew the guy, you'd be feeling really bad for him right now and really all works out great for him.
Not asking you to change your mind or anything- just giving my perspective on it.
Thanks for reading-
well, it's a jokeSeems little crass to make light of someone possibly losing their job, even if they said some stupid stuff on twitter.
Now on CNET (Australia).
I genuinely feel bad for the guy now. This probably blew up way bigger than he could ever imagine.
Orth has also now switched his Twitter account settings to private.
Hope he learn a lessonNow on CNET (Australia).