I first heard Minor Threat in 1984 or so and thought they were crazy. "Hardcore" hadn't really been that big yet and they were one of the fastest bands around at the time (Bad Brains and MDC nonewithstanding). They lasted for a little over three years before breaking up and recorded some of the best hardcore music ever. Lyrically pretty much right on for what a lot of folks felt (You see me and you laugh out loud, You taunt me from safe inside your crowd, My looks, they must threaten you, To make you act the way you do). It's hard to imagine a band singing this way in the days of Hot Topic and MTV branding bands punk rock, but people literally had the shit beaten out of them for having "funny hair". I got attacked by a group of 3 skinheads once in Boston because I had a mohawk. Crazy fucking times. Anyways, if you like punk or hardcore and don't own the complete discography, you're missing out on some of the most classic music ever recorded.