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Miroku is the greatest guy in anime ever.

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When you first see the guy, he's a monk/con artist that tries killing Inuyasha. Of course, that would relegate him to genericky villainery.

...but no! He comes out and starts making moves on every woman he sees, grabbing asses left and right, and becoming THE MAN.

Example--When he's possessed by an evil spirit and tries attacking one of the group, he's quickly beaten down. Afterwards, they wonder if he's still possessed. As an almost answer to their prayers, he starts rubbing some backside.

Even in other scenes, where it's completely inappropriate (the Priestesses), he can't stop from hitting on women.

...and because of that, he's the greatest.

Close second is Lupin the IIIrd, who's in the greatest anime ever, but that's a different post altogether.


Matlock said:
Close second is Lupin the IIIrd, who's in the greatest anime ever, but that's a different post altogether.

Lupin is second to no one, especially not Inuyasha characters.


Lupin, he's a nice man
but he's cool, you know
he uses Walther
Yeah, the machine cries "bang bang"
Yeah, he's the Lupin the 3rd
Nice man
Yeah, he smiles
And he gets angry sometimes
But, he's a groovy guy
Yeah, Lupin the 3rd
Go, man!
You've got to feel it!
Yeah, Lupin
Yeah, Lupin
You're great!

FnordChan the Third


Point well taken, Fnord. Of course, right now I'm waiting for someone to scream "SPIKE FROM BEBOP, KEKEKE," as that would make my day complete.

Friggin Lupin ripoff. :p


the only resembelance i see between spike and lupin are in looks, other then that they are two completly different characters.


Depending on who you ask, Sanji (One Piece) could give Miroku a run for his money.

Sanji can probably kick more ass, and they both chase after women, but Miroku's the only one who will actively, inappropriately touch them. But then again Sanji can cook and he's generally better at actually *courting* said women. Hmmm....I think I'm going to need further input on this one.


Miroku is da man. I love it the way rubs Sangos ass, its like he cannot stop himself from doing it. But anyways does anybody know if inuyasha episode 158 is out yet. I have only been able to get the raw version.


teepo said:
the only resembelance i see between spike and lupin are in looks, other then that they are two completly different characters.


They're all about the same, generally.


I'm not a big fan of Inuyasha. But that one commercial Adult Swim runs of Miroku feeling up tons of ladies is hilarious.
Lupin is the greatest, although he's only after one woman, where as Miroku is after everyone else. As for character design, besides clothing attire, there really isn't that much more to compare with Spike and Lupin. Spike's a tortured soul, whoi really doesn't come alive until the last few episodes. Lupin just lets loose, but he's so damn good at what he does.


I don't know what's so good about Sanji. He's not 'cool' in any way, he's just a simple dolt. I mean he's an ok character but people seem to think that he's the coolest of the cool. Hell even Zoro is cooler than him.


Both Sanji and Miroku are entertaining but you gotta give credit to their inspiration.

Ataru Moroboshi of Urusei Yatsura.


Hii! Im Ataru Moroboshii, Numba won Japanese boi! Pleaz date-o wit mee.
Matlock said:

They're all about the same, generally.
OK, so if everyone from Lupin started acting melodramatically, Goemon turns into a crazy hacker girl, and they all start working for The Man... I can see some resemblance.

I suspected this would be the case. There is in fact fanfiction concerning the Bebop crew tracking down Lupin and friends.
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