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Misc Transformers Questions

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1 - Anyone have a direct link to the breakdancing soundwave video?

2 - What's the schedule look like for US-released Alternators? I imagine we'll be seeing Hound fairly soon?

3 - Are there any more planned alternators beyond the Impreza, Jeep, Corvette, Viper, and RX-8?

4 - Are they still releasing G1 models? If so, who's next?

5 - Any chance we'll see more "Anniversary Edition" models like Optimus?


3- rumors of a 2005 Mustang, a Neon, and a Ram have been around [via Wal-Mart's computer listings], no pics or anything yet, though.

5-Don't expect one for quite a while...and when/if one does come, it won't be G1 Megatron in gun form.
re: Megatron

Yeah, times have changed... though I can always hold out hope for a Shockwave re-issue or re-release.

re: Soundwave video

I'm trying to get at the actual .mov or .avi or .mpeg or whatever it is the .swf file is playing.... I can see that the .swf file is "Video_player_06.swf" but that's only 96 k or so.
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