Off the bat I thought it had a chance of hitting the 500 level, hit the scoreboard ribbon though.Fuck, I missed that?
I'll always appreciate the Royals for games like this
Edit: Just amazing.
Always is a looooong time
Hey Duane, my slo-pitch game was rained out if you want to finish our series tonight.
Sounds good. Send me a PM when you're ready.Maybe if you don't mind getting on late. I'm about to leave to go host the trivia night I do on Tuesdays, but I'll be back home around 10:30 or 11 CT if you're still up.
Tomorrow from 5pm Mountain Time on should be good.We also have a series. I'm playing Encal tonight, but could play another one with you tonight or all day tomorrow
Tigers bats are struggling as of late? Play the Royals!
fucking mets...
fuck this team.
Matusz hasn't looked like the worst pitcher ever in his last 2 starts. Orioles fans must be thrilled.
Fucking Tim Beckham man. Curious to what his drug was - doesn't sound like PEDs.
boone logan everyone!
boone logan everyone!
@MarcCarig RT @BloggingBombers: Despite the error on Nunez, he's actually proving to be a decent outfielder. Still, he should have caught that.