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MLB The Show 09 Online Tournament for $10,000


If you play MLB The Show 09 online, you might have noticed the splash page tells you about an upcoming tournament that Gamebattles.com is hosting. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3, as follows:

1st Place: $10,000 cash
2nd Place: $2000 Sony® Style Gift Card and an Official MLB® jersey
3rd Place: $500 cash and an Official MLB® jersey

I plan on winning this thing (in my dreams), but just wanted to see if anyone else from GAF planned on playing. Figured we could share some online tips and tricks prepping for the tourney. Important, you MUST go to Gamebattles.com and register if you want to be involved. Anyhow, the top 128 players in the month of August will be dropped into a single-elimination tourney until only 1 remains.

Sooo.... anyone else planning to play? Think you got a shot at winning?


Gamebattles.com has a terrible website... I registered with them, then immediately tried to log in, but it wouldn't log in. I tried to go the "FORGOT PASSWORD?" route, but it said it didn't recognize my e-mail, though I had just registered!

A couple days later, I tried logging and it finally worked as it was supposed to.

Hang in there.

Good luck in the tourney too! Yesterday it looked like a total of 500 participants... Just gotta be in the top 128!!

I like my chances!


The Frankman said:
Finally joined... I need a team apparently. Does GAF have a team?

Nope, don't think so but I'll join up with you to form a team.

Edit: NM, it doesn't seem to havce my account anymore - weird.


I don't think you play as teams, per say. I think the team is YOU.

I'm not entirely sure how this thing's going to work to be honest though. My understanding was that if other people joined your team, they'd all be able to play under 1 name only, thus hurting your chances rather than helping...

BAH! Who knows...
I already registered for this a couple days ago. Note the 10,000 isnt winner take all, like the resistance 2 and killzone 2 tournaments held by gamebattles. But the winner does get the biggest share. Cant wait, this game is the best baseball game ive ever played!



This sucks, I'm currently out of town on a business trip and my hotel TV doesn't have RCA cables or HDMI. I brought along an LCD but I can't get my PS3 to show up on it.. I'm running HDMI to DVI to VGA converter, to no avail. Might not be able to play a ladder game until next Monday :(
Core407 said:
I won my first match too but how do I report the scores?
Click Hourglass icon. READ COMPLETE RULES.

Read this (Rules - http://gamebattles.com/ps3/mlb-09-the-show/ladder/all-star-championship/rules#General)

Lower-ranked team is home team. Rules are static and can't be changed:

* Game Mode: Ranked
* Difficulty: Veteran
* Innings: 9
* Pitcher Interface: On
* Baserunning Controls: New (aka Meter)
* Guess Pitch: Off
* Strike Zone: On
* Hot Zone: On
* Fast Play: On

When done you both report the game (W/L)
I'm currently disputing a "loss". First game ran long and idiot dude didn't wait even though we talked and I gave him details of extra inning game. Says I no-showed, which is bull. I should be 3-1.
Had to cancel a game due to moving furniture at 12:30 (helping folks get new furniture) and getting lectured by some idiot on accepting challenges, even though I said to just wait 15 minutes, which I can do and is perfectly legal. Dude flips and tells me to cancel, which I'm like "Ok fine". Meanwhile some dude by the name of MambaTwo4 is challenging me and I reject (obviously I can't play now). When I fill out the dispute and finish everything the dude whose challenge I rejected PMs me. What follows is frustration and my hatred of "lol u scared" PMs...

MambaTwo4: Its ok if ur scared
TheFrankman86: Im deathly afraid of u
TheFrankman86: Is it really ok?
MambaTwo4: Thats wat i thought
TheFrankman86: Because I don't think so
MambaTwo4: Shut up ur killin it
TheFrankman86: It all started one day in alaska
TheFrankman86: Parents were in a log cabin
TheFrankman86: Not really a log cabin ... I think it was brick
TheFrankman86: But I digress
TheFrankman86: I was in her for 8.5 months and couldnt wait
TheFrankman86: So I karate chopped my mom and induced labor

It was at this point I'm sure he was ignoring me so I cut the story short:

TheFrankman86: Hey why you quiet? No stupid comments?
TheFrankman86: Yeah ... Thats what I thought ... B*tch.

frustrating Day 1 comes to an end. 2 wins, 1 loss, 1 loss that'll get changed to a cancel.
Now with Sheff off the DL my offense is back. Just won 9-3, the key is with Veteran you have to imagine you're in Coors Field. I made so many good pitches yet they can be crushed since it's easier to hit... if you have an offensive opportunity (scoring position/less than 2 out) and you have a so-so ok starter batting in the 5th-6th inning, PH for him! Trust the pen and try and put runs on the board!!!


This tourney is AWESOME!!

Just got back from business trip to my first game... I'm Texas he's LA Dodgers..

I give up solo HR to Manny...

Bottom 9th I'm down 1-0...

Draw leadoff walk.
Hit infield single.
Flyout to center.
Double down RF line.

Holy hell I love this game!
Hey people you should post your GameBattles team tag up here (see my earlier post). Right now I'm around the cutoff and are in good position.


I'm octoco

Not doing as well now, but feel free to add me and we can play. All I'm looking for is a spot in the Top 128.
Just had an unbelievable game. Opponent is Yanks and picks Day/Clear (a cheat in some circles because it's harder to see) and with A.J. Burnett I couldn't lay off the curve/change out of the zone... I was whiffing A LOT. Santana's pitching ok but Jeff Francouer guns down 2 guys at the plate to keep it 0-0. I blow a bases full 2 out shot, and it goes to the 10th. Guy knows I'm swinging wild and walks first guy (didn't swing). Try to bunt with my catcher, fail and of a swinging strike 3 I get a wild pitch and advance the runner to 2nd. Guy throws another WP and now he IBBs Castillo. 1st and 3rd, 1 out and I'm trying to hit it in the air. Murphy hits one opposite field and deep but in the park to Johnny "noodlearm" Damon. I get back and tag and PRAY the runner at 1st got back. Catch made, here come Cora to score in the top of the 10th, 1-0! Tatis rips one deep but it's caught on the track...

TIME FOR CSI: MIAMI... I bring in Francisco Rodriguez for Jeter/Posada/Teixiera... slider swinging for strike 1/Slurve swinging for strike two. Opponent starts being a douche and fake bunting to throw me off, so I throw a change right on the corner to send him back to the dugout. Posada 2 seamer, changeup, and slurve, good morning-afternoon-night. Tex gets a changeup and grounds a slurve to 1st... GAME OVAH!! PUT IT IN THE BOOKS!!!



...NO NO!!!
... Do you always quickpitch? Because that is really one of the most annoying things a player can do. I never do it and at least make sure I wait 2 seconds so batter can judge past pitches/make changes/etc. I had wanted to PH on 2 occasions and you threw strikes when I was trying to. I'm just saying.


I was trying to get that game over ASAP.. Dinner was waiting since the 5th inning.. Did you have to go to the bathroom a couple times??

Haha, great game though, would rematch anytime.

As for the quickpitch, I do normally do it, but not intentionally to block opponent from making moves, I just like to keep a fast pace. Tap up like a madman and you should be able to pinch..Not trying to be an ass, but a fast pace helps keeps batters off balance.
rareside said:
I was trying to get that game over ASAP.. Dinner was waiting since the 5th inning.. Did you have to go to the bathroom a couple times??
I had two phone calls. I'm getting car insurance and they kept calling me. Completely drove me bonkers since I had runners in scoring position the 1st time and the 2nd nearly gave up a bomb.
Haha, great game though, would rematch anytime.

As for the quickpitch, I do normally do it, but not intentionally to block opponent from making moves, I just like to keep a fast pace. Tap up like a madman and you should be able to pinch..Not trying to be an ass, but a fast pace helps keeps batters off balance.
Eh, I really don't care about the off-balance thing, I just use pitch selection and the like... non-repetitive pitches and changing speeds on everything, I'm surprised how many people in the tourney don't change speeds off any pitch... it's like everything is hard...


Yeah, well the tourney is full of noobs, myself included. I usually manage more than 3 hits a game, you worked your pitches extremely well, usually I can lay off the junk better than that.

How many freaking balls went under my infielders gloves that game though!??? GRrrrr.. so irritating. I could've turned more double plays... ahh well...

Congrats to you though, and if I don't win the $10,000, I hope it goes to TEAM BELIEVE!
rareside said:
Yeah, well the tourney is full of noobs, myself included. I usually manage more than 3 hits a game, you worked your pitches extremely well, usually I can lay off the junk better than that.
I believe first-pitch strike is key. Most people expects Ball 1, so I was trying to throw strike 1 every time out but it's Oliver Perez...
How many freaking balls went under my infielders gloves that game though!??? GRrrrr.. so irritating. I could've turned more double plays... ahh well...
Unless you have a gold glove infielder the animation is intentionally done that way. The game makes you have to dive even though it doesn't appear you need to. It was mentioned once or twice in the PS3 MLB 09 Blog...
Congrats to you though, and if I don't win the $10,000, I hope it goes to TEAM BELIEVE!
As long as a GAFfer gets it dude. We're still in the top 128 so I may take a day off and clear my head. I don't do these 4-5 games a day like some people because of the potential mindfuck, at most I'll play twice right now a day.


Encountered my first player today who was utilizing the early steal glitch. Now THAT is the most annoying thing you can do in the game. I had to check every runner countless times and completely eliminate running game...It's great to steal sometimes, but Big Papi shouldn't be stealing on me with ease.

I think I'm done for the day, but finally made it around the Top50. Gonna be out of town next week again on business so was hoping to build enough XP to come back and not be in the 400's.
David Wright on DL, might miss season...

Considering I only use the Mets, I have to play like a madman this week. Mets lineup will be w/o Reyes, Beltran, Delgado, and now Wright... oh yeah Alex Cora is done for year also. Insane.


You might consider changing teams up, sacrilege..I know, but surely there's a team out there you don't mind playing as. This is assuming you're serious about winning.

I play as my Rangers everytime, but I'd consider a change if half my team was DL'ed.

I'm pissed I can't play this week (out of town again), but hopefully I don't get bumped too far down.
Congrats on the 1st round win, rareside. I've been following your games and I'm happry you made it!

I've been away for a bit, but I quit 3rd week of August. Not because I was losing (when I quit I was only 180th), it's a long story. :p


Thanks man,

I'm gonna give this tournament my all, I almost blew that first round match, won it 3-2 and all runs by both teams were scored in the 1st inning. My heart was racing like never before during the 9th inning when I closed it out (he had runners on 1st and 2nd with 1 out). I had to pause the game just to regain my composure. Probably sounds silly that my heart was racing so much in a freaking baseball game.

I feel a lot less confident in winning the $10,000 now, mostly because I had such a hard time figuring out my first round opponent who was ranked in the 100's... If I couldn't handily dispose of him, I'm not sure how I'll fare in my next match. The guy even robbed me of a 2RUN HR by jumping the fence!! I've never been able to do that!

Sorry to hear you stopped ladder play, as you would've easily made the tourney. If you're ever down for an exhibition match let me know!
Sure. Basically I was 17-10 and sitting pretty in 78th place. I decided to start doing a marathon of gaming to cement my position and I fell victim to it... some of the worst cheaters in the game.

Now I've learned to accept QPing as an annoyance, worse when they start QPing with a pitcher up late... in a span of 5-6 games I faced only 1 clean player, and we had an epic 13-inning game he won on a GWing HR off a hanging curve. No regrets... the rest of the dudes early stole, QP'd RENTLESSLY, double-tapped R2 when I was pitching and EVERY CHEAP TRICK than would've garnered an auto-ban at a MLG event. 2 of the losses I even had video/picture evidence of people cheating and even glitching the game. Not only were they not punished, the loss wasn't even removed. It's like cheaters know they can get away with anything and I got tired of it. The site has horrible error-checking considering it's a money tourney, and people flaunt cheating on the boards (Curse of A-Roid especially). It got to the point the stress/anger was affecting my game and I was expecting people to cheat, and I can't play effectively that way. So I just hung it up, not worth it. I'd post in the forums but for some reason I can't do so.

I've done online clan matches in other games (Warhawk/MMOs) and MLB 09 GAF League. No cheating, played clean all those guys (see old PS3 thread in here). I just wanted to test my mettle against other players in a tourney setting and I did that; when the games began to lose the fun factor it wasn't worth my time anymore. Maybe if I had confidence in GameBattles I would've stayed on, but the reputation I got from GAF of it isn't glowing. I learned that the hard way.
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