Holy shit Stephens is going to win by leg kick tko.
Damn Gil said he was done.. coaches talked him out of it.
Are you serious? WTF
is Pedro huge for a LHW or is Latifi just really short?
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amazing perf by cejudo
how did he improve so fast
whats on nunes nose
Feels like zero downtime in between fights. Straight to action without any filler. It's been a good night of fights aside from that Latifi Pedro fight.
What was wrong with that fight? I thought it was fine. Neither was super gassed or anything.
I'd like for Nunes to demolish Shevchenko just for the salt. The amount of hate Nunes gets is really disgusting.
MMA fans are the worst.What's with the boos for Nunes?
No hate for her. Just cheering on Valentina cause I loved her for destroying Pena.