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MMA-GAF | Interim Thread 7


Stephens with the post-fight burn on Melendez saying he hasn't evolved and has that wide open boxing stance that gets exposed from leg kicks.


How is Wilson Reis top 5 over a guy who beat him in Formiga? He hasn't really beaten anyone except Dustin Ortiz. Cejudo is gonna work this boy.
Cejudo looking damn good.
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Who yall got in the main event? It's a total question mark for me. I'm leaning towards Shev in a 5 round unanimous decision but not sure.


Feels like zero downtime in between fights. Straight to action without any filler. It's been a good night of fights aside from that Latifi Pedro fight.


I don't watch much UFC but havent seen anything on fighters feet in a while AFAIK, is that just for support for Nunes' ankles? She can still kick if she wants to?
I think that right Amanda landed like a 1 minute ago had an effect on Valentina who's finding it harder to get her range on an Amanda really making the most of her range and length.
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