Modern Vintage Gamer: What happened to Windows CE on the SEGA Dreamcast?


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Leading up to the launch of the Sega Dreamcast, in 1998 Microsoft and Sega announced that the up-and-coming Dreamcast would use Windows CE - an embedded version of the Windows Operating system for smaller portable devices. However, when the Dreamcast launched, all 18 titles did not use Windows CE at all. This was a very strange pivot, and many wondered what had occurred. In today's episode we take a closer look at Windows CE on the Dreamcast and what ultimately led to its decision to make it available only as a secondary option for developers to use.


00:00 - 03:37 - Introduction to Windows CE
03:37 - 08:46 - Misconceptions of Windows CE on the Dreamcast
08:47 - 10:09 - Conclusion/Outro


What's up with this guy?
I stopped watching the channel after the "I'm done..." video because I had the feeling that it was getting baity now, it just kept going after "I'm done..." anyway - like "oh just another youtuber who just needs his fix of attention" #drama
Now I look at the channel and after 53 videos after "I'm done..." I see a video titled "Bye for now...".
Since then, another 26 videos have been added.
Admittedly, I haven't watched the videos anymore, because either he makes content because it's his passion and also his job, or both, or he doesn't. But to publish videos at regular intervals whose titles indicate that something is changing or that he is stopping creating content or whatever he was getting at with "I'm done..." and "Bye for now...", but then carries on as usual, I don't understand and it's not worth the click and the watch time for me to watch and research this behaviour.
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Some of these youtubers do remind me of this:

jurassic park film GIF


What's up with this guy?
I stopped watching the channel after the "I'm done..." video because I had the feeling that it was getting baity now, it just kept going after "I'm done..." anyway - like "oh just another youtuber who just needs his fix of attention" #drama
Now I look at the channel and after 53 videos after "I'm done..." I see a video titled "Bye for now...".
Since then, another 26 videos have been added.
Admittedly, I haven't watched the videos anymore, because either he makes content because it's his passion and also his job, or both, or he doesn't. But to publish videos at regular intervals whose titles indicate that something is changing or that he is stopping creating content or whatever he was getting at with "I'm done..." and "Bye for now...", but then carries on as usual, I don't understand and it's not worth the click and the watch time for me to watch and research this behaviour.

I quickly clicked both videos last segments. The titles are weird, but in both he talks about end of the year and says he'll see everyone again in the next.


Clickbait titles are the most frustrating features of even good youtubers these days, but MVG is still making good content.

Having said that, I will say those videos where the crux was he was simply taking a couple months off, but then titled them like he was on deaths door were a step too far lol.


He is a little bit redundant. He should maybe expand a little bit his topics. Still this is interesting stuff, and not too long to watch.
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