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Molson announces $6B US merger deal with Coors

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Coors is the best beer around. Screw Bud and Miller shit.

And btw, last time we had a discussion about beer, someone told me Guiness was the best beer. So I bought a pack to take to a party and it SUCKED. So thx whoever that was. :p
Quite like Molson but nothing can touch Stella. The premium lagers from Europe like Stella, Grolsch and Kronenburg rock.

And Guinness is a stout which is different from what you guys call beer.


Online Ho Champ
I quite like Molson. Molson Golden is one of my fav beers of all time. Dont like coors much though. meh now we have a Queen of beers!


South bound and down, loaded up and mergin'
We're gonna brew what they say can't be done
We got a long way to go and a whole lot of twofers
I'm south bound, just watch ol' Molson run

Keep your foot hard on investors, son, never mind the stakes
We're family-owned, and we've got a deal to make
The boys are greedy in Canada and there's cash in Texarkana
And we're meeting down below them there Great Lakes

South bound and down, loaded up and mergin'
We're gonna brew what they say can't be done
We got a long way to go and a whole lot of twofers
I'm south bound, just watch ol' Molson run

Ol' Wall Street's got them ears on and it's hot on your butt
Ain't gonna rest 'til shareholders get their cut
So you and Coors can now say fuck 'em
You got to keep them loonies comin'
Just get that share-swap down you corporate slut

South bound and down, loaded up and mergin'
We're gonna brew what they say can't be done
We got a long way to go and a whole lot of twofers
I'm south bound, just watch ol' Molson run

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