Bought it today, and apparently someone must have said something because while I was there and I was paying another 3 people also took one copy and formed a line to purchase it. The Gamestop employee said he really enjoyed it and I asked if they had the other figures and he told me they sold out on them, so I guess I'll have to pick those out later on.
The game is designed for 4 players but since the Collector's Edition has an extra figure we went ahead and played with 5. Out of the bat the game was far more fun than a traditional Monopoly since it solved a few of the problems with the original.
For starters, the board is smaller, so there is only 2 properties of each color. This makes getting a Monopoly easier, but its also not a game breaker because all you get is charge double rent, that's it. Also, if you ran out of money, you have to SELL the property back to the bank to be able to pay. If after that you still have no money left, nothing else happens, you can keep playing and the game is lenient enough for a comeback if you are lucky enough.
The games does feels a lot like a Mario Party game. The main mechanic of the game is earning coins and dropping coins. You play with two dices, one is a normal 1-6 dice while the other is an item dice, that will either earn you coins or attack your opponents to drop or steal their coins. If you walk through a space with coins, you earn those coins.
As for the Boss Battles, they are a fun addition. Everytime you pass Go you trigger a boss battle and a chance to fight it, if you pay a fee. If you fail, the next player can try. If everyone fails, the Boss escapes. Beating the boss gives you a cool ability like forcing a trade or getting a property for free, and points.
The winner at the end of the game is not the player who has more money, but the one who has more points. Properties and Bosses are specially important because they give the most coins.
Its a fast paced game and it barely resembles Monopoly, it feels like a modded videogame and I can honestly say its the best version of Monopoly so far. It's also extremely easy to pick up and play.