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Moody's Analytics election model predicts big Clinton win

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Demigod Mac

Take a deep breath. This thing's almost over.


Low gas prices and President Barack Obama's high approval ratings are key factors that favor Democrat Hillary Clinton winning the White House in next week's election, according to a model from Moody's Analytics that has accurately predicted the last nine U.S. presidential contests.

Clinton is forecast to pick up 332 Electoral College votes against 206 for Republican Donald Trump, Moody's Analytics predicted on Tuesday in the final update of its model before Election Day on Nov. 8. That would match Obama's margin of victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in 2012.

Moody's warns, however, that its model does not take into account any individual characteristics of specific candidates.

Which isn't good news for Trump. His unfavorables (particularly his strong unfavorables) are much worse than Clinton's.
Moody's warns, however, that its model does not take into account any individual characteristics of specific candidates

Does this mean Moody's can't predict if Trump will try to pull shenanigans when he loses?
I think in the midst of the election season hoopla we frequently forget that Trump simply doesn't have the demographics required to win a presidency at this day and age. He can capture as many white males as he wants, there aren't enough in the country to elect him based on that alone.


Any state that goes red in this election deserves to be mocked and ridiculed without mercy.

Glad to see these results however.


That's not too surprising. She's on track to have a mixture of Obama's 08/12 map. Things aren't likely to get any easier for the GOP in 2020 and beyond.
Oh, really? A globalist corporate shillhouse tucked in bed with the fattest corporations in the world that uses its undeserved influence to sway the world in any direction it pleases has declared without evidence that Clinton is simply unbeatable to win, despite the polls coming within a statistical dead heat after her email scandal has reared its ugly head yet again for all to gaze upon? Yawwwwwwn. MAGA.

It's a joke, I voted for Hillary today, pls don't ban.


I'm still holding my breath until she officially gets 270 electoral votes. I've felt like I did in the last month of Persona 3 for quiet some time now. I'm just hoping everything turns out okay.

Yeah, but Trump was the most popular Halloween mask, sooooo... it's a tossup

lol jk

Is that true?


I'm still holding my breath until she officially gets 270 electoral votes. I've felt like I did in the last month of Persona 3 for quiet some time now. I'm just hoping everything turns out okay.

Is that true?
When going head-to-head w/ Hildawg, yeah (not quite sure overall, though...). But apparently there's this 40+ year statistic of whichever presidential candidate is the more popular costume choice, then that will correlate with their subsequent victory in the following election. Something tells me that's not gonna be the case this election cycle tho ;P
Kind of a poor model given the circus of an election we're dealing with. Think about it, if it doesn't take into account individual characteristics, then you could replace Clinton with Anthony Weiner right now and it would predict the same outcome. Does anyone believe that?

Though I am puzzled how it called the 2000 election when Bill Clinton, gas prices, and the economy were all positive factors.
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