Kitschkraft said:He was too busy with calibrations.

Kitschkraft said:He was too busy with calibrations.
X-Frame said:If he's been indoctrinated then what happened in ME2?
X-Frame said:If he's been indoctrinated then what happened in ME2?
Lakitu said:I've read a few summaries of the Evolution comic series.... what? Is it as bad as it sounds?
It actually wouldn't surprise me. Somehow Shepard (through the power of his MIND!) is able to overcome indoctrination and he leads the next evolution of humanity. You know, because of our flexible genes.HadesGigas said:Shepard is actually made of reaper tech and he doesn't know it yet!!
Five-second-explanation: Mass effect shielding is used to create a low-pressure shell around each squad member. Masks are used to provide oxygen.ThoseDeafMutes said:Yes, exposure to vacuum even with an air mask will not only be unpleasant but quite deadly. Unconsciousness in under a minute, death in under five.
HadesGigas said:Shepard is actually made of reaper tech and he doesn't know it yet!!
+ they've used the:DirtRiver said:What? Are you telling me The Illusive Man has been indoctrinated and that's why he is a bad guy?
Fuck, why can't we have a bad guy that is a bad guy simply because he is a bad guy. Takes away the vibe I got from that character.
Wiggum2007 said:My bad, maybe I misread the details on the Bioware forums, they do seem to be saying now that he definitely got his glowy eyes from the artifact. And it seemed pretty easy to believe given all the other weird shit they've been doing with the fiction in Evlolution . We already know that Saren got enhanced by Sovereign, that he hates humans because his brother was killed in the First Contact War. Now a reaper artifact is suddenly involved in the First Contact War and the whole conflict is revolving around it. Humans and turians now understand each other even though this is the first time we've come in contact. Then, TIM gets knocked unconscious and wakes up and is told about the end of the conflict because of the Citadel intervention, and somehow immediately has knowledge of Illium, the Terminus Systems, etc. Oh and turians are now amoral space nazis willing to turn their own kind into husks to create an unstoppable army. And it's all written by ME3's lead writer, woohoo!
Fimbulvetr said:Shep: "But we destroyed the Human Reaper."
TIM: "No, Shepard. You ARE the Human Reaper!"
*and then Shepard turned into a cuttlefish*
Annnndddd CUT! It's a wrap people! Print it!ThoseDeafMutes said:Counciller Velarn waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were reapers on the Citadel. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Captern Baylee were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Velarn was a Turian Councillor for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the Destiny Ascencion and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY REAPORS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he dismissed them. But now in the space station base of the citadel he knew there were Reapers.
"This is Bayley" the radio crackered. "You must fight the Reapers!"
So Velarn gotted his assault rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the husks
"I will shoot at him" said the harbinger and he fired the rocket missiles. Velarn assolted at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, Counciler. You are the Reapers"
And then the councilor was a reaper.
Captain Tuttle said:Annnndddd CUT! It's a wrap people! Print it!
Not really, you can be outside in a vaccum with just a face mask as long as you have air (in the case of being in a vaccumm without air, you will however want to exhale or your lungs will burst) however those will not protect against extreme cold or heat, or weather that might be dangerous to humans or even aliens.ThoseDeafMutes said:Yes, exposure to vacuum even with an air mask will not only be unpleasant but quite deadly. Unconsciousness in under a minute, death in under five.
Gvaz said:Not really, you can be outside in a vaccum with just a face mask as long as you have air (in the case of being in a vaccumm without air, you will however want to exhale or your lungs will burst) however those will not protect against extreme cold or heat, or weather that might be dangerous to humans or even aliens.
Yes I know about that, I was going with the fact that you had to be "depressurized" in where it changes the pressure to whatever is outside the ship. As for the length of time, I don't know how long but I was figuring how long it'd take.ThoseDeafMutes said:When you go from a high pressure to a low pressure environment, even while connected to an oxygen supply, you will suffer from "the bends". This happens to divers coming up to the surface too rapidly. Going from room temperature to vacuum is 100x worse than this, because not only is the pressure rapidly changing, the pressure is far below the normal pressure the human body is built for.
This is why Astronauts need pressurized suits, not just air supplies.
Clott said:Garrus finally got his armor and face repaired, Sheppard finally told him about the billion dollar medic bay just down the hall.
Edit: any info on Kai Leng? I have never read the books.
ThoseDeafMutes said:When you go from a high pressure to a low pressure environment, even while connected to an oxygen supply, you will suffer from "the bends". This happens to divers coming up to the surface too rapidly. Going from room temperature to vacuum is 100x worse than this, because not only is the pressure rapidly changing, the pressure is far below the normal pressure the human body is built for.
This is why Astronauts need pressurized suits, not just air supplies.
...HadesGigas said:Shepard is actually made of reaper tech and he doesn't know it yet!!
MikeTyson said:Awesome! So Jack is returning! Hope they make her skin tone/overall look to that of the CGI ME2 trailers which were sickkk.
TBH, she was much more interesting character than miss Miranda "I'm perfect yet I'm wrong on several occasions and my face is ugly" Lawson, especially if you tried the paragon route with her.Clott said:I can understand people batting an eye at Jack in a secondary play through, but do people really have her as their main love interest? Talking to her was like being back in high school, like "okay okay I get it linkin park is a cool new band, but let's grow up now."
Not really. The "I'm a bitch rawr rawr rawr" emo bullshit got old in seconds. I was half tempted to not do her loyalty quest just so she'd die.Mr_Zombie said:TBH, she was much more interesting character than miss Miranda "I'm perfect yet I'm wrong on several occasions and my face is ugly" Lawson, especially if you tried the paragon route with her.
Mass Effect fields solve everything.DirtRiver said:Maybe they use bionics?
I never liked Jack period. All rage, all the time.Clott said:I can understand people batting an eye at Jack in a secondary play through, but do people really have her as their main love interest? Talking to her was like being back in high school, like "okay okay I get it linkin park is a cool new band, but let's grow up now."
Wiggum2007 said:My bad, maybe I misread the details on the Bioware forums, they do seem to be saying now that he definitely got his glowy eyes from the artifact. And it seemed pretty easy to believe given all the other weird shit they've been doing with the fiction in Evlolution . We already know that Saren got enhanced by Sovereign, that he hates humans because his brother was killed in the First Contact War. Now a reaper artifact is suddenly involved in the First Contact War and the whole conflict is revolving around it. Humans and turians now understand each other even though this is the first time we've come in contact. Then, TIM gets knocked unconscious and wakes up and is told about the end of the conflict because of the Citadel intervention, and somehow immediately has knowledge of Illium, the Terminus Systems, etc. Oh and turians are now amoral space nazis willing to turn their own kind into husks to create an unstoppable army. And it's all written by ME3's lead writer, woohoo!
Sir Fragula said:Five-second-explanation: Mass effect shielding is used to create a low-pressure shell around each squad member. Masks are used to provide oxygen.
mhznet said:I really wantMorinth in this game and I want her to act as herself
Who else is with me?
HK-47 said:Anyone who kept Morinth alive should die. Just halfway through mass effect 3 you fucking die. Cause you keep a sociopathic super biotic who has been killing for 400 years alive.
He is a Reaper after all.mhznet said:I guess most of the people who kept her alive (me included) already died once after romancing her in ME2 :lol
Though I am sure Shep can keep her under control in ME3.
-A human mega city that formed when Vancouver and Seattle merged.
mhznet said:I guess most of the people who kept her alive (me included) already died once after romancing her in ME2 :lol
Though I am sure Shep can keep her under control in ME3.
HK-47 said:Maybe he could if he cryo froze her and kept her in a supermax wing in space...aww fuck.
Subitai said:Gah Morinth.
I was at least hoping if you were maxed renegade you could resist her, but no.
Maxrpg said:ahhh fuck I am totally switching from Vanguard to Heavy Melee class.
Melee is something i've been wanting in ME for a looooooong time. My brain is going to explode.
Nils said:They're okay at best. My biggest complaint is that as a whole they're pretty uneventful. The things Wiggum posted didn't bother me that much.
HK-47 said:Why would you? Being badass doesnt somehow give you resistance to having your nervous system fried.
Or are you talking about recruiting her?
Why wouldn't you trust pathological serial killer that manipulates and lies to her victims? Especially when she tells you that she would never lie to you and how awesome you are.Fimbulvetr said:But she said I could resist her because of how awesome I was!![]()
Lostconfused said:Why wouldn't you trust pathological serial killer that manipulates and lies to her victims? Especially when she tells you that she would never lie to you and how awesome you are.
chandoog said:Ugh, the Illusive Man being under reaper control is really bad, please don't let that factor into the game
that's like robbing the coolest character of ME2 of his awesomeness.
Fimbulvetr said:Shep: "But we destroyed the Human Reaper."
TIM: "No, Shepard. You ARE the Human Reaper!"
*and then Shepard turned into a cuttlefish*
He is at least partly effect by indoctrination during the first contact war. That's when he gets those robot eyes and what not.Relaxed Muscle said:He's totally indoctrinated or is suffering the first symptoms of indoctrination?....